10 research outputs found

    Problems of computerized working place organization for higher shool teacher

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    The article presents investigation of computers and special software necessity by questionnaires. The opinion of employee about use software for dairy work, knowledge and wish to improve his information knowledge, etc. is analysed and so on. The investigation carried out in the Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 2002. Results of questionaries’ are interpreted using sheets, chats and numbers. Computer aided systems should contain integrated data basis driver, specific software function for department need, daily note and personal sketchbook. The questionnaire docs not highlight the specific needs for different departments. Investigation of specific needs of different departments requires to continue investigation. The questionnaire data analysis shows that some respondents work with PC to long, which can affect health; some respondents neither want nor know how to work with PC system exploring software; interest respondents to improve PC knowledge level, is not high

    Peculiarities of database structure of computerized knowledge control

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    The article includes analysis of questions related to the creation of computerized knowledge control database for graduate exams in the faculty of Agricultural Engineering at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture. The paper describes databases creation methods, criteria of choosing hardware and software. Scenario of computerized knowledge control system is created and described. There is three main functions in examined information system: student identification and registration in database, presentation of random questions and possible answers, and formation of estimation. To realize those functions the relative structure of database has been designed and presented. The relations among the tables are described

    The model for evaluation of sustainable agricultural sector development policy

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    Developers of sustainable agricultural policy have to appraise the outcomes of the alternative policy solutions thus it is relevant to choose and create the means to solve the economical and environmental problems of sustainable agricultural sector development. This paper suggests the model for sustainable agricultural sector development estimating the aimed balance between supply and demand of agricultural produce. Proposals were made after the previous discussion of agricultural sector models of different countries. The model consists of equation sets for the judging of supply, demand, price transfer and welfare rate. The levers of general agricultural policy such as disbursements and production limitations are included into the equations of policy analysis. Equilibrium conditions are checked during the model identification. Model simulation enables us to find the optimal supply and demand equation coefficients defining the limitations. Statistical data are used for the calculation of the technical-economical model parameters. Preliminary results show the model utilization possibilities and its significance. The comprised model is beneficial for the investigation of the sustainable development solutions for agriculture and environment. Investigation of the influence of the economic scenarios of Lithuanian agricultural sector development and economical control methods can be fulfilled by changing the model parametersVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Kompiuterizuotos žinių kontrolės duomenų bazės struktūros ypatumai

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    Santr. anglBibliogr.: p. 82 (16 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Formalization of regional agricultural development

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    This research work presents the formal model of agricultural information systems, which should realize regional agriculture development data and indexes. Information system is based on agricultural balance model, which should to make a decision about changes in regional development indexes and what are the perspectives of regional agricultural development. The system object model is described by using Unified Modelling Language (UML). The Created class diagrams corresponds to subsystems of formalized by Z specification language agricultural information Systems, reflects regional hierarchy production and agricultural activity typesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Žemės ūkio informacinės sistemos ypatumai

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    Santr. anglBibliogr.: p. 255 (9 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij