249 research outputs found

    Variegated silencing through epigenetic modifications of a large Xq region in a case of balanced X;2 translocation with Incontinentia Pigmenti-like phenotype

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    Molecular mechanisms underlying aberrant phenotypes in balanced X;autosome translocations are scarcely understood. We report the case of a de novo reciprocal balanced translocation X;2(q23;q33) presenting phenotypic alterations highly suggestive of Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP) syndrome, a genodermatosis with abnormal skin pigmentation and neurological failure, segregating as X-linked dominant disorder. Through molecular studies, we demonstrated that the altered phenotype could not be ascribed to chromosome microdeletions or to XIST-mediated inactivation of Xq24-qter. Interestingly, we found that the Xq24-qter region, which translocated downstream of the heterochromatic band 2q34, undergoes epigenetic silencing mediated by DNA methylation and histone alterations. Among the downregulated genes, we found the inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells, kinase gamma (IKBKG/NEMO), the causative gene of IP. We hypothesize that a mosaic functional nullisomy of the translocated genes, through a Position Effect Variegation-like heterochromatization, might be responsible for the proband's phenotypic anomalies. Partial silencing of IKBKG may be responsible for the skin anomalies observed, thereby mimicking the IP pathological condition. In addition to its clinical relevance, this paper addresses fundamental issues related to the chromatin status and nuclear localization of a human euchromatic region translocated proximally to heterochromatin. In conclusion, the study provides new insight into long-range gene silencing mechanisms and their direct impact in human disease

    372. Prevalence of Anti-AAV8 Neutralizing Antibodies and ARSB Cross-Reactive Immunologic Material in MPS VI Patients Candidates for a Gene Therapy Trial

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    Recombinant vectors based on adeno-associated virus serotype 8 (AAV8) have been successfully used in the clinic and hold great promise for liver-directed gene therapy. Pre-existing immunity against AAV8 or the development of antibodies against the therapeutic transgene product might negatively affect the outcomes of gene therapy. In the prospect of an AAV8-mediated, liver-directed gene therapy clinical trial for Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI), a lysosomal storage disorder due to arylsulfatase B (ARSB) deficiency, we investigated in a multiethnic cohort of MPS VI patients the prevalence of neutralizing antibodies (Nab) to AAV8 and the presence of ARSB cross-reactive immunologic material (CRIM), which will either affect the efficacy of gene transfer or the duration of phenotypic correction. Thirty-six MPS VI subjects included in the study harbored 45 (62.5%) missense, 13 (18%) nonsense, 9 (12.5%) frameshift (2 insertions and 7 deletions), and 5 (7%) splicing ARSB mutations. To the best of our knowledge, four mutations had not been previously described. These include: one missense (c.1178 A>G p.H393R) and three frameshift mutations [883-884duplTT (p.F295FfsX42), c.1036delG (p.E346SfsX11), c.1475delC (pP492LfsX80)] predicted to result in truncated proteins. The detection of ARSB protein in twenty-four patients out of 34 (71%) was predicted by the type of mutations. Pre-existing Nab to AAV8 were undetectable in 19/33 (58%) analyzed patients. Twelve out of 31 patients (39%) tested were both negative for Nab to AAV8 and CRIM-positive. In conclusion, this study allows estimating the number of MPS VI patients eligible for a gene therapy trial by intravenous injections of AAV8

    The Pharmacological Chaperone N-butyldeoxynojirimycin Enhances Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Pompe Disease Fibroblasts

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    In spite of the progress in the treatment of lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs), in some of these disorders the available therapies show limited efficacy and a need exists to identify novel therapeutic strategies. We studied the combination of enzyme replacement and enzyme enhancement by pharmacological chaperones in Pompe disease (PD), a metabolic myopathy caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal acid α-glucosidase. We showed that coincubation of Pompe fibroblasts with recombinant human α-glucosidase and the chaperone N-butyldeoxynojirimycin (NB-DNJ) resulted in more efficient correction of enzyme activity. The chaperone improved α-glucosidase delivery to lysosomes, enhanced enzyme maturation, and increased enzyme stability. Improved enzyme correction was also found in vivo in a mouse model of PD treated with coadministration of single infusions of recombinant human α-glucosidase and oral NB-DNJ. The enhancing effect of chaperones on recombinant enzymes was also observed in fibroblasts from another lysosomal disease, Fabry disease, treated with recombinant α-galactosidase A and the specific chaperone 1-deoxygalactonojirimycin (DGJ). These results have important clinical implications, as they demonstrate synergy between pharmacological chaperones and enzyme replacement. A synergistic effect of these treatments may result particularly useful in patients responding poorly to therapy and in tissues in which sufficient enzyme levels are difficult to obtain

    A European Consortium for Lysosomal Storage Diseases

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    Lysosomes are membrane-enclosed compartments, filled with hydrolytic enzymes that are used for the degradation of macromolecules. Proteins and other substrates are delivered to the lysosomes by various pathways including endocytosis, and autophagy, a pathway utilized by the cell for the disposal of obsolete parts. Many steps are necessary for the correct synthesis and processing of lysosomal enzymes. Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDs) are caused by genetic defects that affect the synthesis or processing of lysosomal hydrolases. Therefore, a lysosomal disorder can be due to a defect in a specific hydrolase, by deficiencies in activator proteins, in the receptors or in the trafficking of enzymes. The EUCLYD consortium will be focusing on four specific LSDs, namely Gaucher disease, Pompe disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI) and Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency (MSD), as prototypes of disorders with different stored materials in various organs and tissues outside the CNS. The issues to be investigated in the proposed project are: i. pathophysiology and mechanisms underlying the symptoms and leading to devastating clinical consequences; ii. natural history, and iii. testing of novel therapeutic approaches. These issues will be addressed by patients studies and with animal models recapitulating the phenotype of LSDs. Recent advances in the pathophysiology of LSDs point to the role of secondary processes triggered by substrate storage. A better understanding of these processes is crucial to identify new targets of therapy. Enzyme replacement and substrate reduction therapies were successfully introduced in the treatment of specific LSDs. However, pilot clinical trials should be supported by post-marketing studies to further assess the efficacy of these therapies and to develop standardized treatment protocols. To this purpose, a precise knowledge of the natural history of LSDs is essential. Novel therapeutic strategies, such as enzyme enhancement and gene therapy, are still under investigation in cell systems and in animal models. EUCLYD will provide further testing of these approaches in order to translate state-of-the-art knowledge into clinical applications and reach patient’s bedside
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