4 research outputs found

    Sejarah Islam dan Politik di Afghanistan

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    Afghanistan is a country in Asia that has a long history. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Afghanistan experienced dark times. Their government was intervened by a foreign country. Moreover, Afghanistan was once controlled by the extremist group, namely the Taliban. The Taliban control Afghanistan and control most of Afghanistan, making Afghanistan a conflict-prone country. Even Afghanistan is ranked in the bottom two as a country that is prone to conflict. It was caused by various things. However, efforts to modernize Afghanistan have not stopped. The modernization process goes hand in hand with democratization. Even though there are still shortcomings in various sectors such as Human Rights, gender equality, press freedom, etc., Afghanistan is on the right path. This article discusses the history of Islam and politics in Afghanistan, including the journey in establishing a state, modernization efforts, and hopes for democratization in Afghanistan. This article uses a historical method and a political approach, so that it will be able to see historical and political events in Afghanistan from a political point of view. Keywords: Afghanistan, history, democratization. politic, Islam.Afghanistan merupakan negara di Asia yang memiliki sejarah panjang. Pada akhir abad ke-20 dan awal abad ke-21, Afghanistan mengalami masa kelam. Pemerintahan mereka diintervensi oleh negara asing. Lebih dari itu, Afghanistan sempat dikuasai oleh kelompok ekstrimis yaitu Taliban. Taliban menguasai Afghanistan dan menguasai sebagian besar wilayah Afghanistan, sehingga membuat Afghanistan menjadi negara yang rawan konflik. Bahkan Afghanistan menduduki peringkat dua terbawah sebagai negara yang rentan akan konflik. Hal itu disebabkan oleh berbagai macam hal. Namun, usaha untuk modernisasi Afghanistan tidaklah berhenti. Proses modernisasi berjalan bersama dengan demokratisasi. Meskipun masih terdapat kekurangan di berbabagi sektor seperti Hak Asasi Manusia, kesetaraan gender, kebebasan pers, dan lain sebagainya, Afghanistan telah menuju jalan yang benar. Artikel ini membahas mengenai sejarah Islam dan politik di Afghanistan, meliputi perjalanan dalam mendirikan negara, usaha modernisasi, dan harapan demokratisasi di Afghanistan. Artikel ini menggunakan metode sejarah dan pendekatan politik, sehingga akan mampu melihat peristiwa sejarah dan politik di Afghanistan dari sudut pandang politik. Kata Kunci: Afghanistan, sejarah, demokratisasi, politik, Islam

    Pondok Pesantren Mahfilud Duror II Jember pada Era Kepemimpinan KH. Ali Wafa, 1992-2019

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    This study aims to describe the leadership of KH. Ali Wafa at the Mahfilud Duror II Islamic Boarding School since 1992-2019. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a historical historical approach in a diachronic perspective. The results of this study illustrate that the leadership of KH. Ali Wafa at the Mahfilud Duror II Islamic Boarding School since 1992-2019 is a charismatic-transformative leadership. The progress that has occurred and the authority possessed by the kiai in the field of religion and management of Islamic boarding schools are evidence of KH's success. Ali Wafa became the leader of the Mahfilud Duror II Islamic Boarding School

    The Arab Spring in Libya: Dynamics of Political Islam During the Muammar Khadafi Regime

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    Arab spring memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap keadaan sosial dan politik di Libya era Muammar Khadafi. Jumlah pengangguran meningkat dan kegiatan bisnis wiraswasta mengalami kesulitan sehingga berdampak terhadap gejolak politik di wilayah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan masa kedatangan Islam hingga Kemerdekaan di negara Libya, menganalisis gejolak politik era Muammar Khadafi hingga era Arab Spring. Prosedur metode penelitian sejarah memiliki empat tahapan, yaitu heuristik; kritik sumber atau verifikasi; interpretasi atau eksplanasi dan terakhir penulisan sejarah atau historiografi. Hasil penelitian dalam artikel ini, yaitu: Pertama, Negara Libya adalah negara bagian Afrika Utara dengan sistem berbasis Islam, wilayah ini sebelum kedatangan Islam pernah dikuasai oleh Kerajaan Byzantium (Kristen). Secara historis, penduduk Libya menganut mayoritas Islam. Selanjutnya, pada dinamika Politik Libya Pra Arab Spring telah mengantarkan sejarah baru dalam perpolitikan Libya. Sejeak Muammar Khadafi membentuk sistem politiknya sendiri dengan Dewan Komando Revolusi (militer) berperan penting dalam penyusunan kebijakan dan konstitusi negara. Setelah rezim Khadafi berakhir, dinamika politik di Libya membawa perubahan yang signifikan. Terakhir, krisis Politik di Libya memang terjadi secara penuh ketika Arab Spring terjadi Jazirah Arab dan masuk ke wilayah Libya sehingga menjadi negara mengalami kekacauan secara politik sehingga mempengaruhi distablisasi negara dan berakibat kepada kemerosotan sosial di negara tersebut. Muammar Khadafi dianggap dikator dan otoriter dalam kebijakan negaranya yang berdampak negatif terhadap sosial masyarakat Libya. Akibatnya masyarakat melakukan gejolak terhadap negara tersebut dengan menuntut agar Muammar Khadafi turun dari jabatannya. The Arab Spring had a significant impact on the social and political situation in Muammar Khadafi's Libya. The number of unemployed people increased and self-employed business activities experienced difficulties, which had an impact on political turmoil in the region. The research objectives in this article are to describe the arrival of Islam to Independence in the country of Libya, analyzing the political turmoil of the Muammar Khadafi era to the Arab Spring era. The historical research method procedure has four stages, namely heuristics; source criticism or verification; interpretation or explanation and finally historical writing or historiography. The results of the research in this article, namely: First, the State of Libya is a North African state with an Islamic-based system, this region before the arrival of Islam was once controlled by the Byzantine (Christian) Empire. Historically, the Libyan population adheres to the majority of Islam. Furthermore, the political dynamics of Libya before the Arab Spring has ushered in a new history in Libyan politics. Historically, Muammar Khadafi formed his own political system with the Revolutionary Command Council (military) playing an important role in drafting state policies and constitutions. After Khadafi's regime ended, the political dynamics in Libya brought significant changes. Finally, the political crisis in Libya did occur in full when the Arab Spring occurred in the Arabian Peninsula and entered the Libyan region so that the country experienced political chaos that affected the destabilization of the country and resulted in social decline in the country. Muammar Khadafi was considered a dictator and authoritarian in his state policies that negatively affected the social of Libyan society. As a result, the people made turmoil against the country by demanding that Muammar Khadafi step down from his position


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    One of the ethnic groups that manifests inter-ethnic social integration is the Indian ethnicity of Islamic descent, commonly known as the Muhammadan community. They named this community group the Muhammadan community in order to differentiate it from other Indian descendants. Basically, the ethnic Indians that we know have the belief to embrace Hinduism or Buddhism, in contrast to the Muhammadan community whose entire descendants have embraced Islam. The formulation of the problem discussed is as follows: a) How is the history of the Serak gulo tradition in the city of Padang? b) Why is the Serak Gulo Tradition in Padang City still being maintained today? This research includes field research using cultural methods, which includes several steps, Research Locations, Research Informants, Data Collection, Observations, Interviews, Documentation, Data Analysis, Data Validity. The approach used in this research is the Cultural Approach. This study uses the theory of symbolic interactionism, namely the theory of George Herbert Mead. Substantively, Mead's theory agrees with the primacy and priority of the social world. Namely from the social world includes awareness, self-thought and so on. The results show that: 1) The history of the Serak Gulo tradition was originally held in Nagore Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu area, South India, 450 years ago. Along with the spread of Indian Muslims in Southeast Asia, this tradition was brought from their native region to Indonesia, especially in the city of Padang. In Padang, the Serak Gulo tradition has been started since 200 years ago which was held by Muslims of Indian descent. The Serak Gulo tradition is a hereditary tradition carried out by Muslims of Indian descent in the city of Padang. The tradition which is held annually every 1 Jumadil Akhir of the hijriyah calendar is believed to be a symbol of gratitude for Muslims of Indian descent for the sustenance received throughout the year. Not only that, this procession is also used to commemorate the death of a cleric in Nagore, India, namely Sheikh Shahul Hamid. 2) The Serak Gulo tradition procession is carried out with India, namely Sheikh Shahul Hamid. 2) The procession of the Serak Gulo tradition is carried out in several stages, namely: notification, sugar collection, praying together, putting up flags, raising sugar and throwing sugar. 3) The values and meanings contained in this rasp gulo tradition. The Serak Gulo tradition is a place for gathering and gathering people to take part in the event. This Serak Gulo tradition has several values contained in it. The values are educational values, divine values, social values, and moral values