12 research outputs found

    Natural products chemistry

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    This publication identifies the main types of natural products, their classifications, structural features, physical and chemical properties, schemes of characteristic chemical reactions, research methods, significant biological functions, practical application, and natural sources. The textbook contains eight chapters: Amino acids, peptides, proteins; Enzymes; Lipids; Carbohydrates; Vitamins; Hormones; Nucleic acids; Other natural products. It is intended for students of institutions of higher education studying in biotechnological, chemical and other related specialties, and can be useful to everyone who is interested in natural organic substances with biological activity, their role in the life of living organisms, and application in practical human activities

    Дослідження нових колагенвмісних препаратів

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    Leather industry is one of the main sources of collagen-containing raw materials. Therefore, effective recycling of these raw materials into marketable products is a pressing problem not only for leather industry but also for other branches of national economy. In the present work, we have studied into new collagen-containing preparations, derived from untanned by-products of leather industry. The size of particles in collagen preparations was assessed using microscopy. Chemical analysis was carried out under chemical research technique. IR spectroscopy has revealed the presence of various functional groups in the structure of developed preparations. Based on the results of experimental data, we concluded that new collagen-containing preparations can be used in many sectors of national economy


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    In the present time, despite all the advantages, the use of chrome-based tanning components are reduced or excluded in leather production, primarily, because of its toxicity and ineffective use of the agents. The new chrome-free tanning method has been offered to replace ship skin pickling with polymeric treatment of rawhide and subsequent titanium tanning. Ammonium titanyl sulfate is used as a tanning agent while polymaleate -as a polymeric material. It has been established that the replacement of pickling with polymeric treatment improves diffusion and exhaustion of titanium tannins from the solution, which, in turn, ensures the formation of the Wet-White leather structure and its thermostability. Polymer-titanium tanning system not only increases the consumption of tanning agents, reduces treatment duration, but also improves physical and mechanical properties of finished leather: strength, elongation, volume yield, thickness yield, porosity, etc. This was confirmed by the results of scanning electronic microscopy, which prove that a tanning method affects morphological changes in leather structure and uniform distribution of tannin into the derma

    Cross-cultural Communication as a Way of Achievement of Cross-cultural Communicative Competence

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    In this article authors made an attempt to consider a question of cross-cultural communication as a way of achievement of cross-cultural communicative competence. In the process of Kazakhstan entry into the world community in several plans at once – economic, social and cultural – the need for the highly qualified specialists who know foreign language at the productive level, i.e. capable to conduct communication in foreign language and who have linguocultural knowledge increases. For achievement of this purpose it is necessary to consider features of students’ training which are determined by the needs of society for the improvement of their education quality, and dynamism of social phenomena demands from the future specialists constant increment of knowledge

    The Release 6 reference sequence of the Drosophila melanogaster genome.

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    Drosophila melanogaster plays an important role in molecular, genetic, and genomic studies of heredity, development, metabolism, behavior, and human disease. The initial reference genome sequence reported more than a decade ago had a profound impact on progress in Drosophila research, and improving the accuracy and completeness of this sequence continues to be important to further progress. We previously described improvement of the 117-Mb sequence in the euchromatic portion of the genome and 21 Mb in the heterochromatic portion, using a whole-genome shotgun assembly, BAC physical mapping, and clone-based finishing. Here, we report an improved reference sequence of the single-copy and middle-repetitive regions of the genome, produced using cytogenetic mapping to mitotic and polytene chromosomes, clone-based finishing and BAC fingerprint verification, ordering of scaffolds by alignment to cDNA sequences, incorporation of other map and sequence data, and validation by whole-genome optical restriction mapping. These data substantially improve the accuracy and completeness of the reference sequence and the order and orientation of sequence scaffolds into chromosome arm assemblies. Representation of the Y chromosome and other heterochromatic regions is particularly improved. The new 143.9-Mb reference sequence, designated Release 6, effectively exhausts clone-based technologies for mapping and sequencing. Highly repeat-rich regions, including large satellite blocks and functional elements such as the ribosomal RNA genes and the centromeres, are largely inaccessible to current sequencing and assembly methods and remain poorly represented. Further significant improvements will require sequencing technologies that do not depend on molecular cloning and that produce very long reads