1,012 research outputs found

    Influence of constant, alternating and cyclotron low-intensity electromagnetic fields on fibroblast proliferative activity in vitro

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    Available data allow assuming the presence of stimulation of reparative processes under influence of low-intensity electromagnetic field, commensurable with a magnetic field of the Earth. Research of effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields on fibroblast proliferative activity in human lungs in cell culture was performed

    Influence of constant, alternating and cyclotron low-intensity electromagnetic fields on fibroblast proliferative activity in vitro

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    Available data allow assuming the presence of stimulation of reparative processes under influence of low-intensity electromagnetic field, commensurable with a magnetic field of the Earth. Research of effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields on fibroblast proliferative activity in human lungs in cell culture was performed

    Prediction of Protein-protein Interactions on the Basis of Evolutionary Conservation of Protein Functions

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    Motivation: Although a great deal of progress is being made in the development of fast and reliable experimental techniques to extract genome-wide networks of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions, the sequencing of new genomes proceeds at an even faster rate. That is why there is a considerable need for reliable methods of in-silico prediction of protein interaction based solely on sequence similarity information and known interactions from well-studied organisms. This problem can be solved if a dependency exists between sequence similarity and the conservation of the proteins’ functions.Results: In this paper, we introduce a novel probabilistic method for prediction of protein-protein interactions using a new empirical probabilistic formula describing the loss of interactions between homologous proteins during the course of evolution. This formula describes an evolutional process quite similar to the process of the Earth’s population growth. In addition, our method favors predictions confi rmed by several interacting pairs over predictions coming from a single interacting pair. Our approach is useful in working with “noisy” data such as those coming from high-throughput experiments. We have generated predictions for fi ve “model” organisms: H. sapiens, D. melanogaster, C. elegans, A. thaliana, and S. cerevisiae and evaluated the quality of these predictions

    Особенности периоперационного ведения пожилых больных при эндоскопическом транссфеноидальном удалении опухолей хиазмально-селлярной области

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    Nowadays, in the age of rapid introduction of digital and fiber-optic technologies in neurosurgery, a technique for removal of tumors in the chiasmatic-sellar area via an endoscopic transsphenoidal endonasal approach is actively developed; this technique is considered less invasive and is well tolerated by patients, thus permitting to operate patients with somatic complications, as well as the elderly. Taking into account these facts, as well as world statistic data indicating a continuous trend of population aging in developed countries, including Russia, optimization of the perioperative care of elderly patients with a tumor of the chiasmatic-sellar area becomes the problem of highest priority. In order to solve it, this review discusses the basic peculiarities of the perioperative management of elderly patients (characteristics of their somatic status and possible variants of the pre-operational state) with a pathology in the chiasmatic-sellar region; it also presents the modern and most acceptable alternative solutions of this difficult problem (introduction of modern methods of anesthesia, management of the postoperative cognitive dysfunction, postoperative pain syndrome, and postoperative nausea and vomiting). В наши дни, в век бурного внедрения в нейрохирургию цифровых и оптико-волоконных технологий, активно развивается метод удаления опухолей хиазмально-селлярной области эндоскопическим эндоназальным транссфеноидальным доступом, который считается малотравматичным и хорошо переносится больными, в результате чего расширияется возможность оперировать соматически отягощенных больных, а также людей старшей возрастной группы. Учитывая эти факты, а также данные мировой статистики, указывающие на неуклонную тенденцию старения населения в развитых странах, в том числе и в России, оптимизация периоперационного ведения пожилых больных, имеющих опухоль хиазмально-селлярной области, становится наиболее приоритетной задачей. Для ее решения в данной статье рассмотрены основные нюансы периоперационного ведения пожилых больных, имеющих патологию хиазмально-селлярной области: особенности их соматического статуса и возможные варианты их предоперационного состояния. Также представлены современные и наиболее приемлемые альтернативные варианты решения этой непростой проблемы: внедрение современных методик анестезии, борьба с послеоперационной когнитивной дисфункцией, послеоперационным болевым синдромом и послеоперационной тошнотой и рвотой.

    Red Pigments in the Bronze Age Burials in the North Caucasus: Complex Analysis for Identification of Pyroprocessing of Iron Minerals

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    Ochre is a natural pigment of yellow or red color, mainly consisting of iron minerals. Along with determining the origin of mineral dyes, one of the main problems of studying natural pigments in archaeology is identifying the origin of the so-called “red” ochre, made on the basis of hematite. Hematite is a widespread mineral found everywhere. However, it can be obtained by pyroprocessing goethite, which is the main component of the “yellow” ochre. To test the hypothesis of the red ochre production through the pyroprocessing of iron oxides, 3 samples of ochre from the burials of the Bronze Age in the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar area have been studied. To identify the traces of thermal treatment of the raw ochre, we’ve carried out complex analysis, including the X-ray diffractometry, element analysis, infrared spectroscopy and microstructure analysis. The traces of the pyroprocessing have been revealed in the ochre sample from the burial of the Early Bronze Age near the Kazanskaya settlement. The form and size of the hematite crystals in the burial of the Ladozhskaya settlement indicate the unperformed heat treatment and the endogenous origin. The sample from the Novosvobodnaya village shows the traces of pyroprocessing, but the pigment’s microstructure indicates the sedimentary origin of the iron minerals from which it is composed. It’s been found that the color of pigments does not depend on the percentage of iron in the raw material sample. The presence and the ratio of hematite and goethite in the pigment, as well as the composition of other minerals in the final product are the most significant discoveries. P.I. Kalinin has carried out the complex analysis of pigment properties, data interpretation, literature review and paper writing; V.A. Trifonov has determined the archaeological context, interpreted the data, edited paper and approved the final version; N.I. Shishlina has provided samples for analysis, interpreted the data, made fundamental editiond to the paper; A.O. Alekseev has interpreted the mineralogical analysis and made certain amendments

    Atlas of Signaling for Interpretation of Microarray Experiments

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    Microarray-based expression profiling of living systems is a quick and inexpensive method to obtain insights into the nature of various diseases and phenotypes. A typical microarray profile can yield hundreds or even thousands of differentially expressed genes and finding biologically plausible themes or regulatory mechanisms underlying these changes is a non-trivial and daunting task. We describe a novel approach for systems-level interpretation of microarray expression data using a manually constructed “overview” pathway depicting the main cellular signaling channels (Atlas of Signaling). Currently, the developed pathway focuses on signal transduction from surface receptors to transcription factors and further transcriptional regulation of cellular “workhorse” proteins. We show how the constructed Atlas of Signaling in combination with an enrichment analysis algorithm allows quick identification and visualization of the main signaling cascades and cellular processes affected in a gene expression profiling experiment. We validate our approach using several publicly available gene expression datasets

    Возможности лучевой диагностики в органосохраняющем лечении больного раком единственной почки с рецидивом (клиническое наблюдение)

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    Kidney cancer - one of the most often found urological tumors making 2% of all malignant new growths. The main method of a cancer therapy of a kidney is surgical. Removal of primary center increases survival at all stages of a dis ease. The best results at the first stage are yielded by a nephrectomy (full removal of the affected kidney); however if the sizes of a tumor are small (or a kidney only one, or the bilateral cancer of kidneys is diagnosed), apply organ-preserving treatment - a kidney resection. The resection of a kidney provides survival indicators, comparable with a nephrectomy, without recurrence for tumorsРак почки - одна из наиболее часто встречающихся урологических опухолей, составляющая 2% от всех злокачественных новообразований. Основным методом лечения рака почки является хирургический. Удаление первичного очага увеличивает выживаемость на всех стадиях заболевания. Наилучшие результаты на первой стадии даёт нефрэктомия (полное удаление пораженной почки); однако если размеры опухоли невелики (либо почка всего одна, или же диагностирован двусторонний рак почек), применяют органосохраняющее лечение - резекцию почки. Резекция почки обеспечивает сравнимые с нефрэктомией показатели выживаемости без рецидива для опухоле