5 research outputs found
Reistance and larval performance data for bioassay experiment with plant pellet
Plant performance and tolerance data for outdoor experimen
Resistance to Herbivory Data
Includes data related to resistance against herbivory of native and introduced populations of Verbascum thapsus. Columns include: 'Garden' (Garden Location; either U.S. or Czech Republic), 'Block' (1 or 2; a spatial block that also coincides with maternal line), 'Population' (unique ID associated with each population; numbers are also not consecutive due to attrition before planting and plants that were excluded due to faulty irrigation), 'Origin' (continental range of seed collection; North American or European), 'Latitude' (of seed source), 'Longitude' (of seed source), 'PC1' (Principle Component associated mainly with temperature), 'PC2' (Principle Component associated mainly with precipitation during warm or wet periods), 'PC3' (Principle Component associated mainly with precipitation during warm and dry periods), 'Average.Rosette.Area.under.Reduced.Herbivory' (cm^2; rosette area for plants sprayed with systemic insecticide), 'Average.Ambient.Old.Leaf.Damage' (estimate of average percent leaf tissue removed on old leaves by insect herbivores when plants were sprayed with a water control)
Tolerance to Herbivory Data
Includes data related to tolerance to herbivory of native and introduced populations of Verbascum thapsus. Columns include: 'Garden' (Garden Location; either U.S. or Czech Republic), 'Block' (1 or 2; a spatial block that also coincides with maternal line), 'Population' (unique ID associated with each population; numbers are also not consecutive due to attrition before planting and plants that were excluded due to faulty irrigation), 'Origin' (continental range of seed collection; North American or European), 'Latitude' (of seed source), 'Longitude' (of seed source), 'PC1' (Principle Component associated mainly with temperature), 'PC2' (Principle Component associated mainly with precipitation during warm or wet periods), 'PC3' (Principle Component associated mainly with precipitation during warm and dry periods), 'Coefficient.of.Tolerance.Slope' (the slope of the line of log-transformed rosette area plotted against percent herbivore damage experienced by each plant), 'Variance.of.Tolerance.Slope'
Common Garden Performance Data
Includes data related to the performance of Verbascum thapsus rosettes grown in a common garden. Columns include: 'Plant' (unique ID associated with each rosette; numbers are not consecutive due to attrition before planting and plants that were excluded due to faulty irrigation), 'Population' (unique ID associated with each population; numbers are also not consecutive due to attrition before planting and plants that were excluded due to faulty irrigation), 'Origin' (continental range of seed collection; North American or European), 'Block' (1 or 2; a spatial block that coincides with maternal line), 'Treatment' (Ambient or Reduced Herbivory), 'PC1' (Principle Component associated mainly with temperature), 'PC2' (Principle Component associated mainly with precipitation during warm or wet periods), 'PC3' (Principle Component associated mainly with precipitation during warm and dry periods), 'Rosette.Area' (cm^2), 'Alive' (indicates where the rosette survived [1] or died [0] before September of the first growing season), 'Survival.to.Beginning.of.the.Second.Growing.Season' (0=no, 1=yes), 'Young.Leaf.Chewing.Damage' (estimate of average percent leaf tissue removed on young leaves by insect herbivores), 'Binomial.Young.Leaf.Chewing.Damage' (0=no visible damage, 1=visible damage on young leaves), 'Old.Leaf.Average.Chewing.Damage' (estimate of average percent leaf tissue removed on old leaves by insect herbivores), Binomial.Old.Leaf.Chewing.Damage (0=no visible damage, 1=visible damage on young leaves), 'Garden' (Garden Location; either U.S. or Czech Republic)