540 research outputs found


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    This paper addresses the challenge of developing a ‘bottom-up’ marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) for greenhouse gas emissions from UK agriculture. A MACC illustrates the costs of specific crop, soil, and livestock abatement measures against a ‘‘business as usual’’ scenario. The results indicate that in 2022 under a specific policy scenario, around 5.38 MtCO2 equivalent (e) could be abated at negative or zero cost. A further 17% of agricultural GHG emissions (7.85 MtCO2e) could be abated at a lower unit cost than the UK Government’s 2022 shadow price of carbon (£34 (tCO2e)-1). The paper discusses a range of methodological hurdles that complicate cost-effectiveness appraisal of abatement in agriculture relative to other sectors.Climate change, Marginal abatement costs, Agriculture, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q52, Q 54, Q58,

    Marginal abatement cost curves for UK agriculture, forestry, land-use and land-use change sector out to 2022

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    Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, land use, land use change and forestry (ALULUCF) are a significant percentage of UK industrial emissions. The UK Government is committed to ambitious targets for reducing emissions and all significant industrial sources are coming under increasing scrutiny. The task of allocating shares of future reductions falls to the newly appointed Committee on Climate Change (CCC), which needs to consider efficient mitigation potential across a range of sectors. Marginal abatement cost curves are derived for a range of mitigation measures in the agriculture and forestry sectors over a range of adoption scenarios and for the years 2012, 2017 and 2022. The results indicate that in 2022 around 6.36 MtCO2e could be abated at negative or zero cost. Further, in same year over 17% of agricultural GHG emissions (7.85MtCO2e) could be abated at a cost of less than the 2022 Shadow Price of Carbon (£34tCO2e).Environmental Economics and Policy,

    High Resolution Crystal Structures of the Wild Type and Cys-55 right-arrow Ser and Cys-59 right-arrow Ser Variants of the Thioredoxin-like [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxin from Aquifex aeolicus

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    The [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin (Fd4) from Aquifex aeolicus adopts a thioredoxin-like polypeptide fold that is distinct from other [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins. Crystal structures of the Cys-55 right-arrow Ser (C55S) and Cys-59 right-arrow Ser (C59S) variants of this protein have been determined to 1.25 Å and 1.05 Å resolution, respectively, whereas the resolution of the wild type (WT) has been extended to 1.5 Å. The improved WT structure provides a detailed description of the [2Fe-2S] cluster, including two features that have not been noted previously in any [2Fe-2S] cluster-containing protein, namely, pronounced distortions in the cysteine coordination to the cluster and a Calpha -H-Sgamma hydrogen bond between cluster ligands Cys-55 and Cys-9. These features may contribute to the unusual electronic and magnetic properties of the [2Fe-2S] clusters in WT and variants of this ferredoxin. The structures of the two variants of Fd4, in which single cysteine ligands to the [2Fe-2S] cluster are replaced by serine, establish the metric details of serine-ligated Fe-S active sites with unprecedented accuracy. Both the cluster and its surrounding protein matrix change in subtle ways to accommodate this ligand substitution, particularly in terms of distortions of the Fe2S2 inorganic core from planarity and displacements of the polypeptide chain. These high resolution structures illustrate how the interactions between polypeptide chains and Fe-S active sites reflect combinations of flexibility and rigidity on the part of both partners; these themes are also evident in more complex systems, as exemplified by changes associated with serine ligation of the nitrogenase P cluster

    Weakly nonlinear convection in a porous layer with multiple horizontal partitions

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    We consider convection in a horizontally uniform fluid-saturated porous layer which is heated from below and which is split into a number of identical sublayers by impermeable and infinitesimally thin horizontal partitions. Rees and Genc (Int J Heat Mass Transfer 54:3081-3089, 2010) determined the onset criterion by means of a detailed analytical and numerical study of the corresponding dispersion relation and showed that this layered system behaves like the single-sublayer constant-heat-flux Darcy-Benard problem when the number of sublayers becomes large. The aim of the present work is to use a weakly nonlinear analysis to determine whether the layered system also shares the property of the single-sublayer constant-heat-flux Darcy-Benard problem by having square cells, as opposed to rolls, as the preferred planform for convection.We consider convection in a horizontally uniform fluid-saturated porous layerwhich is heated from below and which is split into a number of identical sublayers byimpermeable and infinitesimally thin horizontal partitions. Rees and Gen&ccedil; (Int J Heat MassTransfer 54:3081&ndash;3089,&nbsp;&nbsp;2010) determined the onset criterion by means of a detailed analyticaland numerical study of the corresponding dispersion relation and showed that this layeredsystem behaves like the single-sublayer constant-heat-flux Darcy&ndash;B&eacute;nard problem when thenumber of sublayers becomes large. The aim of the present work is to use a weakly nonlinearanalysis to determine whether the layered system also shares the property of the singlesublayerconstant-heat-flux Darcy&ndash;B&eacute;nard problem by having square cells, as opposed torolls, as the preferred planform for convection.</p

    Increased fibrinogen responses to psychophysiological stress predict future endothelial dysfunction implications for cardiovascular disease?

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    Stress influences the risk of cardiovascular disease. Acute mental stress can induce both low-grade inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. The relationship between inflammatory responses to stress and future endothelial function is unexplored. Knowledge on the impact of other cardiovascular risk factors, such as dyslipidaemia, on such relationships is also limited We investigated the relationship between inflammatory responses to an acute mental stress challenge and endothelial function plus the influence of dyslipidaemia on the associations. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and fibrinogen were assessed at baseline, immediately following standardized behavioural tasks and 45 minutes post-task in 158 participants. Blood pressure and heart rate responses were measured. Flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) was measured 3 years later. Fibrinogen and IL-6 increased post-stress (p=<0.001 &0.003) but TNFα was unchanged (p=0.09). An independent negative association between FMD and change in fibrinogen at 45 minutes (β=-0.047 p=0.016) remained after multiple adjustment (baseline fibrinogen, baseline diameter, reactive hyperaemia, age, gender and other cardiovascular risk factors). There was no association between FMD and change in IL-6 or TNFα. There were no differences in the responses to stress between those with and without dyslipidaemia. However, there was an interaction between the presence of dyslipidaemia and immediate change in fibrinogen with stress which was associated with FMD. Those participants with dyslipidaemia who had a greater change in fibrinogen had lower FMD. We conclude that elevated fibrinogen responses to stress are associated with future endothelial dysfunction which may reflect increased cardiovascular risk

    The Effect of Internal and External Heating on the Free Convective Flow of a Bingham Fluid in a Vertical Porous Channel

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    We study the steady free convective flow of a Bingham fluid in a porous channel where heat is supplied by both differential heating of the sidewalls and by means of a uniform internal heat generation. The detailed temperature profile is governing by an external and an internal Darcy-Rayleigh number. The presence of the Bingham fluid is characterised by means of a body force threshold as given by the Rees-Bingham number. The resulting flow field may then exhibit between two and four yield surfaces depending on the balance of magnitudes of the three nondimensional parameters. Some indication is given of how the locations of the yield surfaces evolve with the relative strength of the Darcy-Rayleigh numbers and the Rees-Bingham number. Finally, parameter space is delimited into those regions within which the different types of flow and stagnation patterns arise

    Simultaneous high-precision, high-frequency measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in surface seawater by cavity ring-down spectroscopy

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    An automated system was developed using commercially available Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technology (Picarro LTD., G2508) which was interfaced to a custom-made system which automated the equilibration and analysis of seawater dissolved nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). The combined system was deployed during two research cruises in the Atlantic Ocean, which combined covered 16,500 kms, one on a west to east transect between the United States and Europe at approximately 24°N, the second was a north to south transect which covered approximately 70° of latitude between the Tropic of Cancer and the Southern Ocean. Semi-continuous measurements using the CRDS (Approx. 73,000) were compared to discretely collected samples (n=156) which were analysed using gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionisation detection for CH4 and electron capture detection for N2O. Excellent agreement between the two approaches, though with an increase in analytical precision offered by CRDS compared to GC gives great confidence in the applicability of the CRDS system, whilst the significant (2 to 3 orders of magnitude) increase in measurement frequency offer an opportunity to greatly increase the number of dissolved N2O and CH4 data that are currently available. Whilst identifying a number of small-scale features, deployment during this study showed that whilst the surface of large areas of the Atlantic Ocean were in-balance with the overlying atmosphere with respect to N2O, the most of this region was offering a source of atmospheric CH4

    Changes in fish assemblages following the establishment of a network of no-take marine reserves and partially-protected areas

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    Networks of no-take marine reserves and partially-protected areas (with limited fishing) are being increasingly promoted as a means of conserving biodiversity. We examined changes in fish assemblages across a network of marine reserves and two different types of partially-protected areas within a marine park over the first 5 years of its establishment. We used Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) to quantify fish communities on rocky reefs at 20-40 m depth between 2008-2011. Each year, we sampled 12 sites in 6 no-take marine reserves and 12 sites in two types of partially-protected areas with contrasting levels of protection (n = 4 BRUV stations per site). Fish abundances were 38% greater across the network of marine reserves compared to the partially-protected areas, although not all individual reserves performed equally. Compliance actions were positively associated with marine reserve responses, while reserve size had no apparent relationship with reserve performance after 5 years. The richness and abundance of fishes did not consistently differ between the two types of partially-protected areas. There was, therefore, no evidence that the more regulated partially-protected areas had additional conservation benefits for reef fish assemblages. Overall, our results demonstrate conservation benefits to fish assemblages from a newly established network of temperate marine reserves. They also show that ecological monitoring can contribute to adaptive management of newly established marine reserve networks, but the extent of this contribution is limited by the rate of change in marine communities in response to protection