1,755 research outputs found

    Bcl-2 proteins and mitochondria—Specificity in membrane targeting for death

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    AbstractThe localization and control of Bcl-2 proteins on mitochondria is essential for the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins reside on the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and prevent apoptosis by inhibiting the activation of the pro-apoptotic family members Bax and Bak. The Bcl-2 subfamily of BH3-only proteins can either inhibit the anti-apoptotic proteins or directly activate Bax or Bak. How these proteins interact with each other, the mitochondrial surface and within the OMM are complex processes we are only beginning to understand. However, these interactions are fundamental for the transduction of apoptotic signals to mitochondria and the subsequent release of caspase activating factors into the cytosol. In this review we will discuss our knowledge of how Bcl-2 proteins are directed to mitochondria in the first place, a crucial but poorly understood aspect of their regulation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Mitochondria: the deadly organelle

    Inhibition of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signaling in focal adhesions decreases cell motility and proliferation.

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    It has been proposed that the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) mediates focal adhesion formation through tyrosine phosphorylation during cell adhesion. We investigated the role of FAK in focal adhesion structure and function. Loading cells with a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein (GST-Cterm) containing the FAK focal adhesion targeting sequence, but not the kinase domain, decreased the association of endogenous FAK with focal adhesions. This displacement of endogenous FAK in both BALB/c 3T3 cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells loaded with GST-Cterm decreased focal adhesion phosphotyrosine content. Neither cell type, however, exhibited a reduction in focal adhesions after GST-Cterm loading. These results indicate that FAK mediates adhesion-associated tyrosine phosphorylation, but not the formation of focal adhesions. We then examined the effect of inhibiting FAK function on other adhesion-dependent cell behavior. Cells microinjected with GST-Cterm exhibited decreased migration. In addition, cells injected with GST-Cterm had decreased DNA synthesis compared with control-injected or noninjected cells. These findings suggest that FAK functions in the regulation of cell migration and cell proliferation

    Spatial and temporal changes in Bax subcellular localization during anoikis

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    Bax, a member of the Bcl-2 family, translocates to mitochondria during apoptosis, where it forms oligomers which are thought to release apoptogenic factors such as cytochrome c. Using anoikis as a model system, we have examined spatial and temporal changes in Bax distribution. Bax translocates to mitochondria within 15 min of detaching cells from extracellular matrix, but mitochondrial permeabilization does not occur for a number of hours. The formation of Bax oligomers and perimitochondrial clusters occurs concomitant with caspase activation and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, before nuclear condensation. Cells can be rescued from apoptosis if they are replated onto extracellular matrix within an hour, whereas cells detached for longer could not. The loss of ability to rescue cells from anoikis occurs after Bax translocation, but before the formation of clusters and cytochrome c release. Our data suggest that Bax regulation occurs at several levels, with formation of clusters a late event, and with critical changes determining cell fate occurring earlier

    Elevated EDAR signalling promotes mammary gland tumourigenesis with squamous metaplasia

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    Ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR) is a death receptor in the Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor (TNFR) superfamily with roles in the development of hair follicles, teeth and cutaneous glands. Here we report that human Oestrogen Receptor (ER) negative breast carcinomas which display squamous differentiation express EDAR strongly. Using a mouse model with a high Edar copy number, we show that elevated EDAR signalling results in a high incidence of mammary tumours in breeding female mice. These tumours resemble the EDAR-high human tumours in that they are characterised by a lack of oestrogen receptor expression, contain extensive squamous metaplasia, and display strong β-catenin transcriptional activity. In the mouse model, all of the tumours carry somatic deletions of the third exon of the CTNNB1 gene that encodes β-catenin. Deletion of this exon yields unconstrained β-catenin signalling activity. We also demonstrate that β-catenin activity is required for transformed cell growth, showing that increased EDAR signalling creates an environment in which β-catenin activity can readily promote tumourigenesis. Together, this work identifies a novel death receptor oncogene in breast cancer, whose mechanism of transformation is based on the interaction between the WNT and Ectodysplasin A (EDA) pathways

    Exploring the Local Milky Way: M Dwarfs as Tracers of Galactic Populations

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    We have assembled a spectroscopic sample of low-mass dwarfs observed as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey along one Galactic sightline, designed to investigate the observable properties of the thin and thick disks. This sample of ~7400 K and M stars also has measured ugriz photometry, proper motions, and radial velocities. We have computed UVW space motion distributions, and investigate their structure with respect to vertical distance from the Galactic Plane. We place constraints on the velocity dispersions of the thin and thick disks, using two-component Gaussian fits. We also compare these kinematic distributions to a leading Galactic model. Finally, we investigate other possible observable differences between the thin and thick disks, such as color, active fraction and metallicity.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, Accepted by A

    Resting state network topology of the ferret brain

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    Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) has emerged as a versatile tool for non-invasive measurement of functional connectivity patterns in the brain. RsfMRI brain dynamics in rodents, non-human primates, and humans share similar properties; however, little is known about the resting state functional connectivity patterns in the ferret, an animal model with high potential for developmental and cognitive translational study. To address this knowledge-gap, we performed rsfMRI on anesthetized ferrets using a 9.4 tesla MRI scanner, and subsequently performed group-level independent component analysis (gICA) to identify functionally connected brain networks. Group-level ICA analysis revealed distributed sensory, motor, and higher-order networks in the ferret brain. Subsequent connectivity analysis showed interconnected higher-order networks that constituted a putative default mode network (DMN), a network that exhibits altered connectivity in neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, we assessed ferret brain topological efficiency using graph theory analysis and found that the ferret brain exhibits small-world properties. Overall, these results provide additional evidence for pan-species resting-state networks, further supporting ferret-based studies of sensory and cognitive function

    Integrin-mediated survival signals regulate the apoptotic function of Bax through its conformation and subcellular localization

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    Most normal cells require adhesion to extracellular matrix for survival, but the molecular mechanisms that link cell surface adhesion events to the intracellular apoptotic machinery are not understood. Bcl-2 family proteins regulate apoptosis induced by a variety of cellular insults through acting on internal membranes. A pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, Bax, is largely present in the cytosol of many cells, but redistributes to mitochondria after treatment with apoptosis-inducing drugs. Using mammary epithelial cells as a model for adhesion-regulated survival, we show that detachment from extracellular matrix induced a rapid translocation of Bax to mitochondria concurrent with a conformational change resulting in the exposure of its BH3 domain. Bax translocation and BH3 epitope exposure were reversible and occurred before caspase activation and apoptosis. Pp125FAK regulated the conformation of the Bax BH3 epitope, and PI 3-kinase and pp60src prevented apoptosis induced by defective pp125FAK signaling. Our results provide a mechanistic connection between integrin-mediated adhesion and apoptosis, through the kinase-regulated subcellular distribution of Bax

    The Hubble Deep Field South Flanking Fields

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    As part of the Hubble Deep Field South program, a set of shorter 2-orbit observations were obtained of the area adjacent to the deep fields. The WFPC2 flanking fields cover a contiguous solid angle of 48 square arcminutes. Parallel observations with the STIS and NICMOS instruments produce a patchwork of additional fields with optical and near-infrared (1.6 micron) response. Deeper parallel exposures with WFPC2 and NICMOS were obtained when STIS observed the NICMOS deep field. These deeper fields are offset from the rest, and an extended low surface brightness object is visible in the deeper WFPC2 flanking field. In this data paper, which serves as an archival record of the project, we discuss the observations and data reduction, and present SExtractor source catalogs and number counts derived from the data. Number counts are broadly consistent with previous surveys from both ground and space. Among other things, these flanking field observations are useful for defining slit masks for spectroscopic follow-up over a wider area around the deep fields, for studying large-scale structure that extends beyond the deep fields, for future supernova searches, and for number counts and morphological studies, but their ultimate utility will be defined by the astronomical community.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures. Images and full catalogs available via the HDF-S at http://www.stsci.edu/ftp/science/hdfsouth/hdfs.html at present. The paper is accepted for the February 2003 Astronomical Journal. Full versions of the catalogs will also be available on-line from AJ after publicatio

    Proof of principle for a high sensitivity search for the electric dipole moment of the electron using the metastable a(1)[^3\Sigma^+] state of PbO

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    The metastable a(1)[^3\Sigma^+] state of PbO has been suggested as a suitable system in which to search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron. We report here the development of experimental techniques allowing high-sensitivity measurements of Zeeman and Stark effects in this system, similar to those required for an EDM search. We observe Zeeman quantum beats in fluorescence from a vapor cell, with shot-noise limited extraction of the quantum beat frequencies, high counting rates, and long coherence times. We argue that improvement in sensitvity to the electron EDM by at least two orders of magnitude appears possible using these techniques.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    BioID-based proteomic analysis of the Bid interactome identifies novel proteins involved in cell-cycle-dependent apoptotic priming

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-05-13, rev-recd 2020-09-24, accepted 2020-09-28, collection 2020-10, registration 2020-10-07, online 2020-10-16, pub-electronic 2020-10-16Publication status: PublishedFunder: John and Janet HartleyAbstract: Apoptotic priming controls the commitment of cells to apoptosis by determining how close they lie to mitochondrial permeabilisation. Variations in priming are important for how both healthy and cancer cells respond to chemotherapeutic agents, but how it is dynamically coordinated by Bcl-2 proteins remains unclear. The Bcl-2 family protein Bid is phosphorylated when cells enter mitosis, increasing apoptotic priming and sensitivity to antimitotic drugs. Here, we report an unbiased proximity biotinylation (BioID) screen to identify regulators of apoptotic priming in mitosis, using Bid as bait. The screen primarily identified proteins outside of the canonical Bid interactome. Specifically, we found that voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 2 (VDAC2) was required for Bid phosphorylation-dependent changes in apoptotic priming during mitosis. These results highlight the importance of the wider Bcl-2 family interactome in regulating the temporal control of apoptotic priming
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