4,299 research outputs found

    Incorporating concern for relative wealth into economic models

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    This article develops a simple model that captures a concern for relative standing, or status. This concern is instrumental, in the sense that individuals do not get utility directly from their relative standing, but, rather, the concern is induced because their relative standing affects their consumption of standard commodities. The article investigates the consequences of a concern for relative wealth in models in which individuals are making labor/leisure decisions. The analysis shows how individuals' decisions are affected by the aggregate income distribution and how the concern for relative wealth can generate behavior that can be interpreted as conspicuous consumption when wealth is not directly observable.Consumption (Economics) ; Wealth

    Ca II triplet spectroscopy of RGB stars in NGC 6822: kinematics and metallicities

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    We present a detailed analysis of the chemistry and kinematics of red giants in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. Spectroscopy at 8500 Angstroms was acquired for 72 red giant stars across two fields using FORS2 at the VLT. Line of sight extinction was individually estimated for each target star to accommodate the variable reddening across NGC 6822. The mean radial velocity was found to be v_helio = (52.8 +/- 2.2) km/s with dispersion rms = 24.1 km/s, in agreement with other studies. Ca II triplet equivalent widths were converted into [Fe/H] metallicities using a V magnitude proxy for surface gravity. The average metallicity was [Fe/H] = (-0.84 +/- 0.04) with dispersion rms = 0.31 dex and interquartile range 0.48. Our assignment of individual reddening values makes our analysis more sensitive to spatial variations in metallicity than previous studies. We divide our sample into metal-rich and metal-poor stars; the former are found to cluster towards small radii with the metal-poor stars more evenly distributed across the galaxy. The velocity dispersion of the metal-poor stars is higher than that of the metal-rich stars; combined with the age-metallicity relation this indicates that older populations have either been dynamically heated or were born in a less disclike distribution. The low ratio (v_rot/v_rms) suggests that within the inner 10', NGC 6822's stars are dynamically decoupled from the HI gas, possibly in a thick disc or spheroid.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, includes tabular dat

    Using the Ca II Triplet to Trace Abundance Variations in Individual Red Giant Branch stars in Three Nearby Galaxies

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    Spectroscopic abundance determinations for stars spanning a Hubble time in age are necessary in order to unambiguously determine the evolutionary histories of galaxies. Using FORS1 in Multi-Object Spectroscopy mode on ANTU (UT1) at the ESO-VLT on Paranal we obtained near infrared spectra from which we measured the equivalent widths of the two strongest Ca II triplet lines to determine metal abundances for a sample of Red Giant Branch stars, selected from ESO-NTT optical (I, V-I) photometry of three nearby, Local Group, galaxies: the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal, the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal and the Dwarf Irregular NGC 6822. The summed equivalent width of the two strongest lines in the Ca II triplet absorption line feature, centered at 8500A, can be readily converted into an [Fe/H] abundance using the previously established calibrations by Armandroff & Da Costa (1991) and Rutledge, Hesser & Stetson (1997). We measured metallicities for 37 stars in Sculptor, 32 stars in Fornax, and 23 stars in NGC 6822, yielding more precise estimates of the metallicity distribution functions for these galaxies than it is possible to obtain photometrically. In the case of NGC 6822, this is the first direct measurement of the abundances of the intermediate-age and old stellar populations. We find metallicity spreads in each galaxy which are broadly consistent with the photometric width of the Red Giant Branch, although the abundances of individual stars do not always appear to correspond to their colour. This is almost certainly predominantly due to a highly variable star formation rate with time in these galaxies, which results in a non-uniform, non-globular-cluster-like, evolution of the Ca/Fe ratio.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sarcoidosis presenting as granulomatous myositis in a 16-year-old adolescent

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    BACKGROUND: Sarcoidosis is a multi-system disease characterized by the presence of non-caseating epithelioid granulomas in affected tissues, including skeletal muscle. These organized collections of immune cells have important pathophysiologic action including cytokine production leading to inflammation as well as enzymatic conversion of cholecalciferol to calcitriol via 1-α hydroxylase. There are limited reports of isolated granulomatous myositis causing hypercalcemia in pediatric patients. Our patient uniquely presented with symptoms from hypercalcemia and renal insufficiency caused by an overwhelming burden of granulomatous myositis in her lower extremities, but was otherwise asymptomatic. CASE PRESENTATION: A 16 year old Caucasian female presented with protracted symptoms of fatigue, nausea and prominent weight loss with laboratory evidence of hypercalcemia and renal insufficiency. She lacked clinical and physical findings of arthritis, weakness, rash, uveitis, fever, lymphadenopathy or respiratory symptoms. After extensive negative investigations, re-examination yielded subtle soft tissue changes in her lower extremities, with striking MRI findings of extensive myositis without correlative weakness or serum enzyme elevation. Biopsy showed the presence of non-caseating epithelioid granulomas and calcium oxalate crystals. The patient responded well to prednisone and methotrexate but relapsed with weaning of steroids. She reachieved remission with addition of adalimumab. CONCLUSIONS: Sarcoidosis should be considered in patients presenting with symptomatic hypercalcemia with no apparent causes and negative routine workup. The absences of decreased muscle strength or elevated muscle enzymes do not preclude the diagnosis of granulomatous myositis

    Comparing the Ancient Star Formation Histories of the Magellanic Clouds

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    We present preliminary results from a new HST archival program aimed at tightly constraining the ancient (>4 Gyr ago) star formation histories (SFHs) of the field populations of the SMC and LMC. We demonstrate the quality of the archival data by constructing HST/WFPC2-based color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs; M_{F555W} ~ +8) for 7 spatially diverse fields in the SMC and 8 fields in the LMC. The HST-based CMDs are >2 magnitudes deeper than any from ground based observations, and are particularly superior in high surface brightness regions, e.g., the LMC bar, which contain a significant fraction of star formation and are crowding limited from ground based observations. To minimize systematic uncertainties, we derive the SFH of each field using an identical maximum likelihood CMD fitting technique. We then compute an approximate mass weighted average SFH for each galaxy. We find that both galaxies lack a dominant burst of early star formation, which suggests either a suppression or an under-fueling of early star formation. From 10-12 Gyr ago, the LMC experienced a period of enhanced stellar mass growth relative to the SMC. Similar to some previous studies, we find two notable peaks in the SFH of the SMC at ~4.5 and 9 Gyr ago, which could be due to repeated close passages with the LMC, implying an interaction history that has persisted for at least 9 Gyr. We find little evidence for strong periodic behavior in the lifetime SFHs of both MCs, suggesting that repeated encounters with the Milky Way are unlikely. Beginning ~3.5 Gyr ago, both galaxies show increases in their SFHs, in agreement with previous studies, and thereafter, track each other remarkably well. (abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 5 Figures, Accepted for Publication in MNRA

    Short-term heat acclimation protocols for an aging population: Systematic review

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    IntroductionElderly and sedentary individuals are particularly vulnerable to heat related illness. Short-term heat acclimation (STHA) can decrease both the physical and mental stress imposed on individuals performing tasks in the heat. However, the feasibility and efficacy of STHA protocols in an older population remains unclear despite this population being particularly vulnerable to heat illness. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of STHA protocols (≤twelve days, ≥four days) undertaken by participants over fifty years of age.MethodsAcademic Search Premier, CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE, APA PsycInfo, and SPORTDiscus were searched for peer reviewed articles. The search terms were; (heat* or therm*) N3 (adapt* or acclimati*) AND old* or elder* or senior* or geriatric* or aging or ageing. Only studies using primary empirical data and which included participants ≥50 years of age were eligible. Extracted data includes participant demographics (sample size, gender, age, height, weight, BMI and VO2max), acclimation protocol details (acclimation activity, frequency, duration and outcome measures taken) and feasibility and efficacy outcomes.ResultsTwelve eligible studies were included in the systematic review. A total of 179 participants took part in experimentation, 96 of which were over 50 years old. Age ranged from 50 to 76. All twelve of the studies involved exercise on a cycle ergometer. Ten out of twelve protocols used a percentage of VO2max or VO2peak to determine the target workload, which ranged from 30% to 70%. One study-controlled workload at 6METs and one implemented an incremental cycling protocol until Tre was reached +0.9°C. Ten studies used an environmental chamber. One study compared hot water immersion (HWI) to an environmental chamber while the remaining study used a hot water perfused suit. Eight studies reported a decrease in core temperature following STHA. Five studies demonstrated post-exercise changes in sweat rates and four studies showed decreases in mean skin temperature. The differences reported in physiological markers suggest that STHA is viable in an older population.ConclusionThere remains limited data on STHA in the elderly. However, the twelve studies examined suggest that STHA is feasible and efficacious in elderly individuals and may provide preventative protection to heat exposures. Current STHA protocols require specialised equipment and do not cater for individuals unable to exercise. Passive HWI may provide a pragmatic and affordable solution, however further information in this area is required

    A stochastic intra-ring synchronous optimal network design problem

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    We develop a stochastic programming approach to solving an intra-ring Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) design problem. This research differs from pioneering SONET design studies in two fundamental ways. First, while traditional approaches to solving this problem assume that all data are deterministic, we observe that for practical planning situations, network demand levels are stochastic. Second, while most models disallow demand shortages and focus only on the minimization of capital Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM) equipment expenditure, our model minimizes a mix of ADM installations and expected penalties arising from the failure to satisfy some or all of the actual telecommunication demand. We propose an L-shaped algorithm to solve this design problem, and demonstrate how a nonlinear reformulation of the problem may improve the strength of the generated optimality cuts. We next enhance the ba-sic algorithm by implementing powerful lower and upper bounding techniques via an assortment of modeling, valid inequality, and heuristic strategies. Our computational results conclusively demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed algorithm as opposed to standard L-shaped and extensive form approaches to solving the problem
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