3,835 research outputs found

    The study of PDF turbulence models in combustion

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    In combustion computations, it is known that the predictions of chemical reaction rates are poor if conventional turbulence models are used. The probability density function (pdf) method seems to be the only alternative that uses local instantaneous values of the temperature, density, etc., in predicting chemical reaction rates, and thus is the only viable approach for more accurate turbulent combustion calculations. The fact that the pdf equation has a very large dimensionality renders finite difference schemes extremely demanding on computer memories and thus impractical. A logical alternative is the Monte Carlo scheme. Since CFD has a certain maturity as well as acceptance, it seems that the use of a combined CFD and Monte Carlo scheme is more beneficial. Therefore, a scheme is chosen that uses a conventional CFD flow solver in calculating the flow field properties such as velocity, pressure, etc., while the chemical reaction part is solved using a Monte Carlo scheme. The discharge of a heated turbulent plane jet into quiescent air was studied. Experimental data for this problem shows that when the temperature difference between the jet and the surrounding air is small, buoyancy effect can be neglected and the temperature can be treated as a passive scalar. The fact that jet flows have a self-similar solution lends convenience in the modeling study. Futhermore, the existence of experimental data for turbulent shear stress and temperature variance make the case ideal for the testing of pdf models wherein these values can be directly evaluated

    The study of PDF turbulence models in combustion

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    The accurate prediction of turbulent combustion is still beyond reach for today's computation techniques. It is the consensus of the combustion profession that the predictions of chemically reacting flow were poor if conventional turbulence models were used. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the reaction rate is highly nonlinear, and the use of averaged temperature, pressure, and density produces excessively large errors. The probability density function (PDF) method is the only alternative at the present time that uses local instant values of the temperature, density, etc. in predicting chemical reaction rate, and thus it is the only viable approach for turbulent combustion calculations

    A study of hydrogen diffusion flames using PDF turbulence model

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    The application of probability density function (pdf) turbulence models is addressed. For the purpose of accurate prediction of turbulent combustion, an algorithm that combines a conventional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) flow solver with the Monte Carlo simulation of the pdf evolution equation was developed. The algorithm was validated using experimental data for a heated turbulent plane jet. The study of H2-F2 diffusion flames was carried out using this algorithm. Numerical results compared favorably with experimental data. The computations show that the flame center shifts as the equivalence ratio changes, and that for the same equivalence ratio, similarity solutions for flames exist

    Progress in the development of PDF turbulence models for combustion

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    A combined Monte Carlo-computational fluid dynamic (CFD) algorithm was developed recently at Lewis Research Center (LeRC) for turbulent reacting flows. In this algorithm, conventional CFD schemes are employed to obtain the velocity field and other velocity related turbulent quantities, and a Monte Carlo scheme is used to solve the evolution equation for the probability density function (pdf) of species mass fraction and temperature. In combustion computations, the predictions of chemical reaction rates (the source terms in the species conservation equation) are poor if conventional turbulence modles are used. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the reaction rate is highly nonlinear, and the use of averaged temperature produces excessively large errors. Moment closure models for the source terms have attained only limited success. The probability density function (pdf) method seems to be the only alternative at the present time that uses local instantaneous values of the temperature, density, etc., in predicting chemical reaction rates, and thus may be the only viable approach for more accurate turbulent combustion calculations. Assumed pdf's are useful in simple problems; however, for more general combustion problems, the solution of an evolution equation for the pdf is necessary

    An improved k-epsilon model for near wall turbulence

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    An improved k-epsilon model for low Reynolds number turbulence near a wall is presented. In the first part of this work, the near-wall asymptotic behavior of the eddy viscosity and the pressure transport term in the turbulent kinetic energy equation are analyzed. Based on these analyses, a modified eddy viscosity model with the correct near-wall behavior is suggested, and a model for the pressure transport term in the k-equation is proposed. In addition, a modeled dissipation rate equation is reformulated, and a boundary condition for the dissipation rate is suggested. In the second part of the work, one of the deficiencies of the existing k-epsilon models, namely, the wall distance dependency of the equations and the damping functions, is examined. An improved model that does not depend on any wall distance is introduced. Fully developed turbulent channel flows and turbulent boundary layers over a flat plate are studied as validations for the proposed new models. Numerical results obtained from the present and other previous k-epsilon models are compared with data from direct numerical simulation. The results show that the present k-epsilon model, with added robustness, performs as well as or better than other existing models in predicting the behavior of near-wall turbulence

    A computational analysis of under-expanded jets in the hypersonic regime

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    Underexpanded axisymmetric jets are studied numerically using a full Navier-Stokes solver. Emphasis has been given to supersonic and hypersonic jets in supersonic and hypersonic ambient flows, a phenomenon previously overlooked. It is demonstrated that the shear layers and shock patterns in a jet plume can be captured without complicated viscous/inviscid and subsonic/supersonic coupling schemes. In addition, a supersonic pressure relief effect has been identified for underexpanded jets in supersonic ambient flows. While it is well known that an underexpanded jet in a quiescent ambience (or subsonic ambience) contains multiple shock cells, the present study shows that because of the supersonic pressure relief effect, an underexpanded jet in a supersonic or hypersonic ambience contains only one major shock cell

    A Simple Algebraic Grid Adaptation Scheme with Applications to Two- and Three-dimensional Flow Problems

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    An algebraic adaptive grid scheme based on the concept of arc equidistribution is presented. The scheme locally adjusts the grid density based on gradients of selected flow variables from either finite difference or finite volume calculations. A user-prescribed grid stretching can be specified such that control of the grid spacing can be maintained in areas of known flowfield behavior. For example, the grid can be clustered near a wall for boundary layer resolution and made coarse near the outer boundary of an external flow. A grid smoothing technique is incorporated into the adaptive grid routine, which is found to be more robust and efficient than the weight function filtering technique employed by other researchers. Since the present algebraic scheme requires no iteration or solution of differential equations, the computer time needed for grid adaptation is trivial, making the scheme useful for three-dimensional flow problems. Applications to two- and three-dimensional flow problems show that a considerable improvement in flowfield resolution can be achieved by using the proposed adaptive grid scheme. Although the scheme was developed with steady flow in mind, it is a good candidate for unsteady flow computations because of its efficiency

    Daily Timed Sexual Interaction Induces Moderate Anticipatory Activity in Mice

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    Anticipation of resource availability is a vital skill yet it is poorly understood in terms of neuronal circuitry. Rodents display robust anticipatory activity in the several hours preceding timed daily access to food when access is limited to a short temporal duration. We tested whether this anticipatory behavior could be generalized to timed daily social interaction by examining if singly housed male mice could anticipate either a daily novel female or a familiar female. We observed that anticipatory activity was moderate under both conditions, although both a novel female partner and sexual experience are moderate contributing factors to increasing anticipatory activity. In contrast, restricted access to running wheels did not produce any anticipatory activity, suggesting that an increase in activity during the scheduled access time was not sufficient to induce anticipation. To tease apart social versus sexual interaction, we tested the effect of exposing singly housed female mice to a familiar companion female mouse daily. The female mice did not show anticipatory activity for restricted female access, despite a large amount of social interaction, suggesting that daily timed social interaction between mice of the same gender is insufficient to induce anticipatory activity. Our study demonstrates that male mice will show anticipatory activity, albeit inconsistently, for a daily timed sexual encounter

    Examining Stakeholder Perspectives: Process, Performance and Progress of the Age-Friendly Taiwan Program.

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    Since Taiwans age-friendly city (AFC) program was launched in 2012, the central government has provided various resources to the countrys 22 local authorities, including budgetary support, policy advocacy, and consultation from a team of experts. This study examines stakeholder perspectives on the process, performance, and outcome of the AFC program. A 53-item questionnaire was developed based on the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline, including mechanisms and processes (20 items), outcome evaluations (23 items), and resource integration (10 items). There was a great difference found among scores between facilitators and experts for inter-exchange experience with local and international cities (40%) and monitor and revise indicators (37%) in mechanisms and processes, evaluate performance of indicators and action plans (37%) in outcome evaluations, and interaction between government and community (46%) and interaction between civil organization and senior society (39%) in resource integration. Clearly, facilitators showed overly optimistic assessments in AFC mechanisms and processes, outcome evaluation, and resource integration. The results showed disconnect between experts expectations versus actual practice conducted by facilitators. Implications of these findings are to integrate top down expectations with the realities of bottom up practice to design more realistic evaluations; continue to educate stakeholders about design, implementation and evaluation; and further integrate resources from government, civil organizations, and community

    Primary Cardiac Lymphoma: Importance of Tissue Diagnosis

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    Primary cardiac lymphoma (PCL) is a rare disease entity that can present with severe cardiac and cardioembolic symptoms. We present a 79-year-old male with history of polymalgia rheumatica on chronic prednisone who presented with a two-week history of progressively worsening dyspnea, cough, and a 10 pound weight loss. Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) and computed tomography (CT) of the chest showed a large mediastinal mass with invasion of the pericardium. A biopsy of an abdominal soft-tissue mass confirmed the diagnosis of PCL. The patient was treated with two cycles of rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP) which was complicated by progressive heart failure requiring substitution of liposomal doxorubicin. The epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis, and treatment options of PCL are discussed
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