133 research outputs found

    Local identification in nonseparable models

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    Conditions are derived under which there is local nonparametric identification of values of structural functions and of their derivatives in potentially nonlinear nonseparable models. The attack on this problem is via conditional quantile functions and exploits local quantile independence conditions. The identification conditions include local analogues of the order and rank conditions familiar in the analysis of linear simultaeous equations models. The derivatives whose identification is sought are derivatives of structural equations at a point defined by values of covariates and quantiles of the distributions of the stochastic drivers of the system. These objects convey information about the distribution of the exogenous impact of changes in variables potentially endogenous in the data generating process. The identification conditions point directly to analogue estimators of derivatives of structural functions which are functionals of quantile regression function estimators.

    Parameter approximations for quantile regressions with measurement error

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    The impact of covariate measurement error on quantile regression functions is investigated using a small variance approximation. The approximation shows how the error contaminated and error free quantile regression functions are related, a key factor being the distribution of the error free covariate. Exact calculations probe the accuracy of the approximation. The order of the approxiamtion error is unchanged if the error free covariate density is replaced by the error contaminated density. It is then possible to use the approximation to investigate the sensitivity of estimates to varying amounts of measurement error.

    Quantile driven identification of structural derivatives

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    Conditions are derived under which there is local nonparametric identification of derivatives of structural equations in nonlinear triangular simultaneous equations systems. The attack on this problem is via conditional quantile functions and exploits local quantile independence conditions. The identification conditions include local analogues of the order and rank conditions familiar in the analysis of linear simultaneous equations models. The objects whose identification is sought are derivatives of structural equations at a point defined by values of covariates and quantiles of the distributions of the stochastic drivers of the system. These objects convey information about the distribution of the exogenous impact of variables potentially endogenous in the data generating process. The identification conditions point directly to analogue estimators of derivatives of structural functions which are functionals of quantile regression function estimators.

    Exogenous impact and conditional quantile functions

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    An exogenous impact function is defined as the derivative of a structural function with respect to an endogenous variable, other variables, including unobservable variables held fixed. Unobservable variables are fixed at specific quantiles of their marginal distributions. Exogenous impact functions reveal the impact of an exogenous shift in a variable perhaps determined endogenously in the data generating process. They provide information about the variation in exogenous impacts across quantiles of the distributions of the unobservable variables that appear in the structural model. This paper considers nonparametric identification of exogenous impact functions under quantile independence conditions. It is shown that, when valid instrumental variables are present, exogenous impact functions can be identified as functionals of conditional quantile functions that involve only observable random variables. This suggests parametric, semiparametric and nonparametric strategies for estimating exogenous impact functions.

    Instrumental variable models for discrete outcomes

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    Single equation instrumental variable models for discrete outcomes are shown to be set not point identifying for the structural functions that deliver the values of the discrete outcome. Identified sets are derived for a general nonparametric model and sharp set identification is demonstrated. Point identification is typically not achieved by imposing parametric restrictions. The extent of an identified set varies with the strength and support of instruments and typically shrinks as the support of a discrete outcome grows. The paper extends the analysis of structural quantile functions with endogenous arguments to cases in which there are discrete outcomes. This paper is a revised version of the original issued in December 2008.

    Semiparametric identification in duration models

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    This paper explores the identifiability of ratios of derivatives of the index function in a model of a duration process in which the impact of covariates on the hazard function passes through a single index. The model allows duration and the index to appear in a nonseparable form in the hazard function and includes a latent heterogeneity term which acts multiplicatively on the hazard function. The model allows covariates to be endogenous, that is to be correlated with the heterogeneity term. Quantile invariance, local order and local rank conditions are shown to be sufficient to permit identification of ratios of derivatives of the index function. The framework constructed in this paper is suitable for the analysis of identification in panel duration models with heterogeneity.

    Identification with excess heterogeneity

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    An outcome is determined by a structural function in which the effect of variables of interest is transmitted through a scalar function of those variables - an index. Multiple sources of stochastic variation are permitted to appear as arguments of the structural function, but not as arguments of the index. Conditions are provided under which there is local identification of ratios of partial derivatives of the index.

    Instrumental Values

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    This paper studies the identification of partial differences of nonseparable structural functions. The paper considers triangular structures with no more stochastic unobservables than observable outcomes, that exhibit a degree of monotonicity with respect to variation in certain stochastic unobservables. It is shown that, the existence of a set of instrumental values of covariates, over which the stochastic unobservables exhibit local quantile invariance and over which a local order condition holds, defines a model which identifies certain partial differences of structural functions. This result is useful when covariates exhibit discrete variation. The paper also considers the identification of partial derivatives in smooth structures when covariates exhibit continuous variation.

    Single equation endogenous binary reponse models

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    This paper studies single equation models for binary outcomes incorporating instrumental variable restrictions. The models are incomplete in the sense that they place no restriction on the way in which values of endogenous variables are generated. The models are set, not point, identifying. The paper explores the nature of set identification in single equation IV models in which the binary outcome is determined by a threshold crossing condition. There is special attention to models which require the threshold crossing function to be a monotone function of a linear index involving observable endogenous and exogenous explanatory variables. Identified sets can be large unless instrumental variables have substantial predictive power. A generic feature of the identified sets is that they are not connected when instruments are weak. The results suggest that the strong point identifying power of triangular "control function" models - restricted versions of the IV models considered here - is fragile, the wide expanses of the IV model's identified set awaiting in the event of failure of the triangular model's restrictions.

    Identification of sensitivity to variation in endogenous variables

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    This lecture explores conditions under which there is identification of the impact on an outcome of exogenous variation in a variable which is endogenous when data are gathered. The starting point is the Cowles Commission linear simultaneous equations model. The parametric and additive error restrictions of that model are successively relaxed and modifications to covariation,order and rank conditions that maintain identifiability are presented. Eventually a just-identifying, non-falsifiable model permitting nonseparablity of latent vari-ates and devoid of parametric restrictions is obtained. The model requires the endogenous variable to be continuously distributed. It is shown that relaxing this restriction results in loss of point identification but set identification is possible if an additional covariation restriction is introduced. Relaxing other restrictions presents significant challenges.