226 research outputs found

    The Best Mixing Time for Random Walks on Trees

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    We characterize the extremal structures for mixing walks on trees that start from the most advantageous vertex. Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a tree with stationary distribution π\pi. For a vertex vVv \in V, let H(v,π)H(v,\pi) denote the expected length of an optimal stopping rule from vv to π\pi. The \emph{best mixing time} for GG is minvVH(v,π)\min_{v \in V} H(v,\pi). We show that among all trees with V=n|V|=n, the best mixing time is minimized uniquely by the star. For even nn, the best mixing time is maximized by the uniquely path. Surprising, for odd nn, the best mixing time is maximized uniquely by a path of length n1n-1 with a single leaf adjacent to one central vertex.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Two-Dimensional Pursuit-Evasion in a Compact Domain with Piecewise Analytic Boundary

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    In a pursuit-evasion game, a team of pursuers attempt to capture an evader. The players alternate turns, move with equal speed, and have full information about the state of the game. We consider the most restictive capture condition: a pursuer must become colocated with the evader to win the game. We prove two general results about pursuit-evasion games in topological spaces. First, we show that one pursuer has a winning strategy in any CAT(0) space under this restrictive capture criterion. This complements a result of Alexander, Bishop and Ghrist, who provide a winning strategy for a game with positive capture radius. Second, we consider the game played in a compact domain in Euclidean two-space with piecewise analytic boundary and arbitrary Euler characteristic. We show that three pursuers always have a winning strategy by extending recent work of Bhadauria, Klein, Isler and Suri from polygonal environments to our more general setting.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    As newly returned New York Police Commissioner, Bill Bratton’s first task will be to regain the trust of the city’s most heavily policed groups

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    Last week, Bill Bratton was sworn in as New York City’s police commissioner, as part of the administration of new mayor, Bill de Blasio. David Halle, Andrew A. Beveridge, and Sydney Beveridge, take a closer look at Bill Bratton’s policy success in reducing crime, in both New York and Los Angeles, through the use of the COMPSTAT program and its successors. They write that, now that he has returned to New York, Bratton’s challenge will be to keep crime rates low while reducing the widespread hatred of the police among black residents that has been created by ‘Stop & Frisk’ policies

    Running records and the automated reconstruction of historical narrative

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    Die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung befaßt sich mit dem Studium der Veränderung, obwohl die meisten Wissenschaftler, die quantitative Methoden benutzen - Historiker, Soziologen und auch Wirtschaftswissenschaftler -, bis jetzt nicht in der Lage sind, die Datenquellen voll auszuschöpfen, die erläutern, wie soziale Veränderungen tatsächlich eintreten. Es wird eine Methodologie entwickelt - bekannt als 'laufende Aufzeichungen', die es Forschern erlaubt, nicht nur Datenquellen wie Steuer- und Zensuslisten auszunutzen, die im wesentlichen statisch sind, sondern auch durch Gebrauch des Computers die ungeheure Menge von Material zu nutzen, das die Geschehnisse und Transaktionen des Alltagslebens von weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung festhält - Quellen, die den Prozeß der Veränderung selbst dokumentieren, sowie er sich auf bestehende Strukturen und Institutionen bezieht. (KWübers.)'All social science research is concerned with the study of change, yet most scholars who use quantitative methods - historians, sociologists, and economists alike - have been unable to exploit fully data sources which illuminate how social change actually occurs. We have developed a methodology, known as 'running records' (1), which allows researchers not only to use data sources, such as census schedules and tax lists which are essentially static, but also by exploiting the power of the computer, to utilize the vast of materials which record the events and transactions of everyday life for large populations - sources which document the process of change itself, as it relates to existing structures and institutions.' (author's abstract