5 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Patterns of health behaviour associated with active travel: a compositional data analysis

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    Consider the example of an individual who takes up active travel by walking part of the journey to work. Firstly, we can consider the direct trade-off of time between transport modes, whereby the individual increases time spent walking (MVPA) and reduces time spent in the car (sedentary behaviour). Replacing sedentary behaviour with MVPA is likely to augment health benefits. However, the indirect or ripple effects on time use are also likely to be important. If the individual who takes up active travel needs to wake up earlier (reduce sleep) to accommodate the new behaviour, then depending on the baseline level of sleep, this may attenuate health benefits. Similarly, if the individual starts walking to work (MVPA) but forgoes a leisurely walk (also MVPA), the displacement of physical activity with physical activity might result in no net health benefit. (DOCX 11 kb

    Transcription of genetic information

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    We investigate a one-dimensional diffusive motion of a system of interacting Brownian particles driven by an external time-dependent force. We assume the hard-core interaction between the particles. We construct the exact general solution of the N -particle problem. Specifically, we assume the spatially restricted two-particles dynamics, and the harmonically oscillating driving force. The inter-particle interaction induces effective entropic forces and hence also new effects comparing to the corresponding model without the inter-particle interaction. Especially, we have found an increase (decrease) of the work done on the right (left) particle. Similar effects are exhibited by the one-particle mean position, the one-particle entropy production, and heat released to the bath. These characteristics have been discussed depending on the model parameters. Resonance-like maxima have been detected if we plot the work accepted by the individual particles as the function of the driving frequency. Similarly, the entropy production exhibits a maximum as the function of the bath temperature