10 research outputs found


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    This paper describes a hybrid navigation system consisting of an integrated GPS/INS system. The integration of the navigation systems has been performed to improve the accuracy of the navigation parameters and it is a current trend in the world. The need for continuous navigation, during the change of position of the GPS receiver, during the closing time of the GPS receiving antenna, and during the appearance of interference, has imposed a solution that is achieved by the integration of GPS / INS. The role of SINS, which is part of the integrated GPS / INS navigation system, is to determine the navigation parameters at intervals between two adjacent measurements of GPS receivers, i.e., at times when there is no GPS navigation information for any reason. In this way, GPS and INS, when used together, complement and correct each other, significantly increasing the reliability and accuracy of the hybrid navigation system

    Research on infrared emission spectra of pulverized coal ash deposits

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    U ovom radu se opisuje istraživanje spektralnih i totalnih emisivnosti toplotnog zračenja naslaga pepela ugljenog praha u ložištima termoelektrana. Spektri normalne emisivnosti u intervalu talasne dužine 2.5-25 μm, te totalna normalna emisivnost, su izmereni na dva uzorka sprašenog pepela u sloju debljine reda veličine mm, na 560→1460→560 K u toku zagrevanja i - hlađenja. Spektralna emisivnost raste sa porastom temperature kao i talasne dužine zračenja pepela. Sprašeni pepeo se sinteruje i topi na temperaturi nad 1200K. Emisivnost sinterovanog pepela je veća od emisivnosti nesinterovanog praha. Autori predlažu, navodeći jedan konkretan primer, korelisanje eksperimentalno dobijenih spektralnih emisivnosti naslaga pepela, kontinualnim krivama čije formule definišu zavisnosti emisivnosti od talasne dužine i temperature t.j. ε = ε (λ,T). Može se očekivati da će korišćenje predložene formule, uz vrednosti parametara određene pomoću predloženog postupka, u velikoj meri pojednostaviti praktičnu primenu eksperimentalno određenih emisivnosti u okviru toplotnog proračuna postojećih kao i novih ložišta parnih kotlova na ugljeni prah.This paper deals with thermal radiation properties of ash deposits on a pulverized coal boiler of an electric power plant. Normal emittance spectra in the 2.5-25 μm interval, and total normal emittance, were measured on 2 kinds of ash layers of a mm magnitude order thickness, at 560→1460→560 K in heating and cooling. The emittance increases with ash radiation wavelength and temperature. Ash powder is sintered and fused above 1200 K. The emittance of the sintered layer is above that of the unsintered layer. The authors propose, and explain by example, correlating the experimentally obtained emittance spectra of ash deposits with a continuous curve, the formula of which defines the dependence of the emittance on wavelength and temperature, i.e. ε = ε (λ,T). Use of this formula, with parameter values determined by the proposed methodology, may greatly simplify the practical application of the experimentally determined emittances in the thermal design of existing and new steam boiler furnaces

    The Reductive Conversion of Some Cyclic and Acyclic vic-Epoxides to Alcohols by Means of Lithium Aluminium Hydride/Aluminium Trichloride

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    Unsubstituted medium‐ring 1,2‐epoxycycloalkanes and certain vic‐epoxyalkanes are reduced to the corresponding alcohols very slowly when LiAlH4 alone is used as reducing agent. However, the combination of LiAlH4 and AlCl3, in a 2:1 molar ratio (with respect to 1 mol‐equiv. of epoxide) used in refluxing Et2O, greatly enhances these reductions, rendering them of interest for practical purposes

    Moral judgements of fairness-related actions are flexibly updated to account for contextual information

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    Abstract In everyday life we are constantly updating our moral judgements as we learn new information. However, this judgement updating process has not been systematically studied. We investigated how people update their moral judgements of fairness-related actions of others after receiving contextual information regarding the deservingness of the action recipient. Participants (N = 313) observed a virtual ‘Decision-maker’ share a portion of $10 with a virtual ‘Receiver’. Participants were aware that the Decision-maker made these choices knowing the Receiver’s previous offer to another person. Participants first made a context-absent judgement of the Decision-maker’s offer to the Receiver, and then a subsequent context-present judgement of the same offer after learning the Receiver’s previous offer. This sequence was repeated for varying dollar values of Decision-makers’ and Receivers’ offers. Patterns of judgements varied across individuals and were interpretable in relation to moral norms. Most participants flexibly switched from relying on context-independent norms (generosity, equality) to related, context-dependent norms (relative generosity, indirect reciprocity) as they integrated contextual information. Judgement of low offers varied across individuals, with a substantial minority of participants withholding their context-absent judgements of selfishness, and another minority that was lenient towards selfishness across both judgements. Our paradigm provides a novel framework for investigating how moral judgements evolve in real time as people learn more information about a given situation

    Photochemically induced mercuric oxide - iodine oxidation of some unsaturated steroid compounds

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    Photochemically induced HgO/I2 oxidation of cholest-5-en-3α-ol (6) and cholest-5-en-3β-ol (7) afforded (Scheme 3) products arising from the corresponding alkoxy radicals (12, 13 and 14a,b) and from attack of the I2O intermediate at the olefinic double bond (epoxides 15a and 16a,b respectively). With cholest-5-ene-1α,3β-diol 3-acetate (8) and cholest-7-ene-3β,5α-diol 3-acetate (9) the HgO/I2 oxidation led to unresolvable complex mixtures (Scheme 5). With the same reagent cholest-5-en-3α-ol acetate (10) and cholest-5-en-3β-ol acetate (11) underwent exclusively attack by I2O, to give epoxides 20a,b, iodohydrin 21, and rearranged products 19 and 22 (Scheme 7), in the case of 10, and predominantly epoxides 23a,b (Scheme 8), in the case of 11. © 1994

    Response time modelling reveals evidence for multiple, distinct sources of moral decision caution

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    People are often cautious in delivering moral judgments of others’ behaviours, as falsely accusing others of wrongdoing can be costly for social relationships. Caution might further be present when making judgements in information-dynamic environments, as contextual updates can change our minds. This study investigated the processes with which moral valence and context expectancy drive caution in moral judgements. Across two experiments, participants (N = 122) made moral judgements of others’ sharing actions. Prior to judging, participants were informed whether contextual information regarding the deservingness of the recipient would follow. We found that participants slowed their moral judgements when judging negatively valenced actions and when expecting contextual updates. Using a diffusion decision model framework, these changes were explained by shifts in drift rate and decision bias (valence) and boundary setting (context), respectively. These findings demonstrate how moral decision caution can be decomposed into distinct aspects of the unfolding decision process

    Tracking dynamic adjustments to decision making and performance monitoring processes in conflict tasks

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    This repository hosts data and code for an EEG experiment investigating effects of exposure to response conflict on subsequently-made perceptual decisions. This was labelled the 'theta waffles' experiment in our lab, and so code + data files are tagged with this label. The 'waffles' part refers to the appearance of the plaid stimuli, as well as being a nod to DF's love of Liege waffles. This dataset includes measures of task performance (RT and accuracy), ERPs, SSVEPs, and time-frequency measures (Frontal Theta and Mu/Beta activity). EEG analyses were performed using current source density (CSD) transformed data. Information about the structure of this repository is in the README file. The citation for the corresponding (open access) publication is: Feuerriegel, D., Jiwa, M., Turner, W.F., Andrejevic, M., Hester, R., & Bode, S. (2021). Tracking dynamic adjustments to decision making and performance monitoring processes in conflict tasks. Neuroimage, 238, 118265. You can find the publication at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118265 Please cite the corresponding paper if you use the data or code in this repository for your own work. This repository was prepared by Daniel Feuerriege

    Tracking dynamic adjustments to decision making and performance monitoring processes in conflict tasks

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    How we exert control over our decision-making has been investigated using conflict tasks, which involve stimuli containing elements that are either congruent or incongruent. In these tasks, participants adapt their decision-making strategies following exposure to incongruent stimuli. According to conflict monitoring accounts, conflicting stimulus features are detected in medial frontal cortex, and the extent of experienced conflict scales with response time (RT) and frontal theta-band activity in the Electroencephalogram (EEG). However, the consequent adjustments to decision processes following response conflict are not well-specified. To characterise these adjustments and their neural implementation we recorded EEG during a modified Flanker task. We traced the time-courses of performance monitoring processes (frontal theta) and multiple processes related to perceptual decision-making. In each trial participants judged which of two overlaid gratings forming a plaid stimulus (termed the S1 target) was of higher contrast. The stimulus was divided into two sections, which each contained higher contrast gratings in either congruent or incongruent directions. Shortly after responding to the S1 target, an additional S2 target was presented, which was always congruent. Our EEG results suggest enhanced sensory evidence representations in visual cortex and reduced evidence accumulation rates for S2 targets following incongruent S1 stimuli. Results of a follow-up behavioural experiment indicated that the accumulation of sensory evidence from the incongruent (i.e. distracting) stimulus element was adjusted following response conflict. Frontal theta amplitudes positively correlated with RT following S1 targets (in line with conflict monitoring accounts). Following S2 targets there was no such correlation, and theta amplitude profiles instead resembled decision evidence accumulation trajectories. Our findings provide novel insights into how cognitive control is implemented following exposure to conflicting information, which is critical for extending conflict monitoring accounts