19 research outputs found

    Digitalna procjena lisne površine krošnje stijenke vinove loze (Vitis vinifera cv. Sauvignon) korištenjem LIDAR mjerne tehnologije

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    A dosage rate reduction of plant protection products mixed with water, i.e. spray mixture, in a prescribed concentration in the vineyard will only be possible in the future, if the natural characteristics of vine canopy structures (leaf wall area) and canopy management are taken into account. In a practical experiment in the vineyard we evaluated the leaf wall area of the vine cv. Sauvignon on different segments on the left and right side of the vine canopy. We compared the results of manual measurements and laser measuring technology (LIDAR) with the corresponding algorithm, with which we enabled the digital reconstruction of the leaf wall area of the vine. The manual measurement of the leaf wall area was carried out using an automated image analyser. The digital system for measuring the leaf wall area on different segments consisted of a LIDAR sensor and a Differential Global Positioning System (hereinafter DGPS). To determine the exact DGPS position of the LIDAR sensor during the measurement, we set up a DGPS base station. Using the Excel software (CORREL function), we estimated the relationship between the dependent variable (digital number of points in the cloud) and an independent variable (leaf wall area, manually measured). An analysis of six randomly selected vines in the vineyard revealed the maximum value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.80 for the left side and r = 0.90 for the right side of the leaf wall area of the vine, respectively. In the near future the virtual three-dimensional space will provide more even control of spray mixture over the entire structure of the leaf wall area in the vineyard based on autonomous decision-making models.Smanjenje količine utroška sredstava za zaštitu bilja i same smjese za prskanje u budućnosti će biti moguće samo ako se uzmu u obzir prirodne karakteristike krošnje vinove loze tj. lisne površine krošnje trsa. U praktičnom pokusu u vinogradu procijenjena je lisna površinu krošnje vinove loze cv. Sauvignon na različitim segmentima s lijeve i desne strane krošnje uz pomoć ručnih mjerenja i laserske mjerne tehnologije (LIDAR). Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s pripadajućim algoritmom čime je dobivena digitalna rekonstrukcija lisne površine vinove loze. Ručno mjerenje površine listova provedeno je u laboratoriju pomoću digitalnog lisnog skenera nakon što je lišće ručno pobrano s trsova i dopremljeno u sam laboratorij. Digitalni sustav za mjerenje lisne površine na različitim segmentima krošnje sastojao se od LIDAR senzora i DGPS navigacijskog sustava. Da bi se odredio točan DGPS položaj LIDAR senzora tijekom mjerenja, postavljena je DGPS bazna stanica. Pomoću regresijske metode utvrđen je odnos između zavisne varijable (digitalni broj točaka u oblaku) i nezavisne varijable (površina listova izmjerena skenerom). Rezultati analize imeđu dvije uspoređivane metode na šest slučajno odabranih trsova vinove loze otkrivaju vrijednost koeficijenta korelacije r = 0,80 za lijevu i r = 0,90 za desnu stranu krošnje. U bliskoj budućnosti virtualni trodimenzionalni prostor pružit će ravnomjerniju kontrolu smjese raspršivača preko cijele strukture područja stijenke lišča u vinogradu na temelju autonomnih modela odlučivanja

    Morphometric and biochemical screening of old mulberry trees (Morus alba L.) in the former sericulture region of Slovenia

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    Over centuries, in many European countries, the white mulberry trees (Morus alba L.) became an integral part of the cultural landscape, bearing witness to past sericulture activities. The distribution records of white mulberry trees in the cultural landscape are incomplete and in general poorly documented. The aim of the presented research was to collect data regarding geographical locations of mulberry trees and to define their morphological and biochemical variability in Goriška region, one of the historical sericulture regions in Slovenia. Principal component analysis of all morphometrical leaf traits allowed us to characterize two separate groups of morphotypes. Recordings of the tree pruning management revealed that annual base cutting is traditionally used in Goriška region. Significant correlations between pruning management and leaf morphology traits showed that frequently pruned trees form larger leaves. Biochemically, mulberry leaves are shown to be rich in proteins containing threonine, arginine, asparagine, serine, and glutamine as the most prominent free amino acids. The main phenolic compounds were identified as caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, quercetin malonyl-hexoside, rutin, kaempferol acetyl-hexoside, quercetin-3-glucoside, and p-coumaric acid derivatives. The difference in concentrations of the investigated metabolites is correlated either with the pruning management or the morphotype. Pruning significantly affected the levels of asparagine, alanine, and serine, which were higher in the annually pruned trees regardless of the morphotype. Furthermore, we were able to confirm a significant effect of pruning on total phenolics as well as on the levels of rutin, quercetin malonyl-hexoside, and quercetin-3-glucoside contents. Multivariate analysis allowed us to determine seven chemotypes with distinctive biochemical traits. Our results are the basis for defining superior high-yielding genotypes with optimum metabolic composition for both silkworm feeding as well as for innovative usage in food processing and pharmaceutical industries

    Antioksidativni obrambni odziv lubja navadne smreke ob napadu podlubnikov in z njimi povezanimi glivami modrivkami

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    Bark beetles and their fungal associates are integral parts of forest ecosystems, the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus Linnaeus, 1758) and the associated pathogenic blue stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica (SIEM.) C. MOREAU, are the most devastating pests regarding Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) H. KARST.]. Bark beetles commonly inhabit weakened and felled trees as well as vital trees. They cause physiological disorders in trees by destroying a phloem and cambium or interrupt the transpiration -ow in the xylem. Conifers have a wide range of effective defence mechanisms that are based on the inner bark anatomy and physiological state of the tree. The basic function of bark defences is to protect the nutrient-and energy-rich phloem, the vital meristematic region of the vascular cambium, and the transpiration -ow in the sapwood. The main area of defence mechanisms is secondary phloem, which is physically and chemically protected by polyphenolic parenchyma (PP) cells, sclerenchyma, calcium oxalate crystals and resin ducts. Conifer trunk pest resistance includes constitutive, inducible defences and acquired resistance. Both constitutive and inducible defences may deter beetle invasion, impede fungal growth and close entrance wounds. During a successful attack, systemic acquired resistance (SAR) becomes effective and represents a third defence strategy. It gradually develops throughout the plant and provides a systemic change within the whole tree’s metabolism, which is maintained over a longer period of time. The broad range of defence mechanisms that contribute to the activation and utilisation of SAR, includes antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes, which are generally linked to the actions of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The presented review discusses the current knowledge on the antioxidant defence strategies of spruce inner bark against the bark beetle (Ips typographus) and associated blue stain fungus (Ceratocystis polonica).Čeprav so podlubniki in z njimi povezane glive sestavni del gozdnih ekosistemov, sta osmerozobi smrekov lubadar (Ips typographus Linnaeus) in z njim povezana patogena gliva modrivka [Ceratocystis polonica (Siem.) C. Moreau], ena najbolj uničujočih škodljivcev navadne smreke [Picea abies (L.) H. Karsten]. Lubadarji navadno naseljujejo oslabela in podrta drevesa, v specifičnih pogojih pa lahko napadejo tudi vitalna. S poškodbami floema in kambija ter motnjo transpiracijskega toka v ksilemu, drevesu povzročijo številne fiziološke motnje. Iglavci imajo široko paleto obrambnih mehanizmov, ki temeljijo na anatomiji lubja in fiziološkem stanju drevesa. Njihova osnovna funkcija je zaščita hranilno in energetsko bogatega floemskega tkiva, meristematske aktivnosti vaskularnega kambija in transpiracijskega toka v sekundarnem ksilemu debla. Glavno področje obrambnih mehanizmov je namreč sekundarni floem, ki predstavlja fizično in kemično zaščito lubja pred škodljivci, saj vsebuje polifenolne parenhimatske celice, sklerenhim, kristale kalcijevega oksalata in shizogene smolne kanale. Obrambni sistem lubja iglavcev zajema tri vrste obrambnih strategij – konstitutivno in inducirano obrambo ter sistemsko pridobljeno odpornost. Konstitutivna in inducirana obramba zavirata kolonizacijo podlubnikov, rast gliv in zapirata ranitvena mesta. Med uspešnim napadom pa je za drevo ključnega pomena še vzpostavitev sistemsko pridobljene odpornosti (SAR). Le ta se postopoma širi po rastlini ter izzove sistemske spremembe v metabolizmu drevesa, ki se ohranjajo skozi daljše časovno obdobje. Med številnimi obrambnimi odzivi, povezanimi z aktivacijo SAR, sta pomembni sinteza antioksidantov in aktivacija antioksidativnih encimov, ki varujejo rastlino pred reaktivnimi kisikovimi spojinami (ROS). Prispevek zajema pregled dosedanjega znanja o strategijah antioksidativnega odziva lubja smreke pri napadu smrekovega lubadarja (Ips typographus) in z njim povezane patogene glive modrivke (Ceratocystis polonica)

    Strawberries from integrated and organic production

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    As the nutritional quality of food is becoming increasingly more important forconsumers, significant attention needs to be devoted to agricultural practices and their influences on the nutrient contents in food. The presentedinvestigation studied the mineral contents and antioxidant activitiesin the fruits of four organically-grown strawberry cultivars \u27St. Pierre\u27, \u27Elsanta\u27, \u27Sugar Lia\u27 and \u27Thuchampion\u27 when compared to those of integrated-grown plants. The strawberries were digested and analyzed for K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn using an atomic absorption spectrometer, whilst P was analyzed using a vanadate-molybdate method. In addition, antioxidant activity was estimated by using the ABTS assay. The results showed that the mineral contents and antioxidant activities in strawberries depends on the cultivar, and its production system. Organically-grown fruits showed higher antioxidant activities and Cu content than the integrated fruits, whilst the integrated fruits were superior in their contents of P, K, Mg, Fe and Mn. All the cultivars showed similar Zn content, probably reflecting the fact that the Zn content in strawberries does not depend on the cultivar.Hranilna vrednost živil postaja za potrošnike vedno bolj pomembna, zato je potrebno nameniti pozornost načinom pridelave in njihovim vplivom na vsebnost različnih hranil v živilih. Raziskovali smo vsebnost mineralov in antioksidativni potencial štirih ekološko pridelanih kultivarjev jagod »St. Pierre«, »Elsanta«, »Sugar Lia« in primerjali vrednosti z jagodami iz integrirane pridelave. Naredili smo kislinski razklop jagod in v raztopinah določili vsebnost K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu in Mn z atomsko absorpcijsko spektrometrijo. Vsebnost P smo določali po vanadat-molibdat metodi. Antioksidativni potencial ekstraktov jagod smo ocenili z ABTS metodo. Rezultati so pokazali, da je na vsebnost mineralov in na antioksidativni potencial vplival kultivar in način pridelave. Ekološko pridelane jagode so imele višji antioksidativni potencial in višjo vsebnost Cu, medtem ko so jagode iz integrirane pridelave vsebovale več P, K, Mg, Fe in Mn. Vsi kultivarji so imeli podobno vsebnost Zn, kar nakazuje, da njegova vsebnost v jagodah verjetno ni odvisna od kultivarja

    Spremenljivost vsebnosti skupnih proteinov, fenolov in tiolov, v listih starih genotipov murv v Goriški regiji

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    Preserving the plant genetic resources of genus Morus is insuff­cient but undoubtedly vital for conservation of the world’s germplasm for our successors. This research was focused on old mulberry varieties from the Gorizia region in Slovenia which were assessed for their contents on crucial metabolites (proteins, phenolics and thiols) in leaves regarding their antioxidant and nutraceutical potentials. Total proteins were measured spectrophotometrically by following the procedure of Bradford, the total phenolic contents were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and thiols were established with monobromobimane fluorescent dye. The presented metabolite screening showed that some of the evaluated genotypes had higher concentrations of glutathione and were superior in contents of proteins and phenolics when compared to the results of other authors and could be propagated as highly recommendable feed for silkworms, and other animals.Ohranjanje genskih virov rodu Morus je nezadostno, čeprav je nedvomno bistvenega pomena za ohranjanje svetovne zapuščine za naše naslednike. Ta raziskava temelji na določitvi ključnih metabolitov (proteinov, fenolov in tiolov) v listih starih genotipovmurv iz Goriške regije v Sloveniji z namenom proučitve antioksidativne aktivnosti in hranilne vrednosti. Skupni proteini in fenoli so bili določeni spektrofotometrično s pomočjo Bradfordove in Folin-Ciocalteu metode, tioli so bili določeni s pomočjo HPLC po predhodnem markiranju s fluorescenčnim barvilom monobromobimane. Rezultati določitve metabolitov kažejo, da imajo nekateri genotipi visoko vsebnost glutationa,v primerjavi z rezultati drugih avtorjev so superiorni v vsebnosti proteinov in fenolov in bodov nadaljnjih raziskavah razmnoženi z namenom uporabe listov za krmo sviloprejk in ostalih živali