4 research outputs found

    Fueling the gender gap? Oil and women's labor and marriage market outcomes

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    This paper analyzes the effect of resource-based economic specialization on women's labor market outcomes. Using information on the location and discovery of major oil fields in the Southern United States coupled with a county-level panel derived from US Census data for 1900-1940, we specifically test the hypothesis that the presence of mineral resources can induce changes in the sectoral composition of the local economy that are detrimental to women's labor market outcomes. We find evidence that the discovery of oil at the county level may constitute a substantial male biased demand shock to local labor markets, as it is associated with a higher gender pay gap. However, we find no evidence that oil wealth lowers female labor force participation or has any impact on local marriage and fertility patterns. While our results are consistent with oil shocks limiting female labor market opportunities in some sectors (mainly manufacturing), this effect tends to be compensated by the higher availability of service sector jobs for women who are therefore not driven out of the labor market

    Essays on international trade and economic geography

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    This thesis provides an investigation of the effects of trade, technology and natural resource shocks on local economies and local labor markets. In the first chapter, I explore theoretically the impact of recent improvements in communication technology on the configuration of economic geography at multiple levels of spatial disaggregation. I show that a simple model of the organization of global supply chains can rationalize several salient stylized facts concerning the recent evolution of the spatial economy. In the second chapter, I empirically investigate the impact of changes in US trade policy triggered by China鈥檚 WTO accession on Chinese local economies. I find that improvements in US market access had an important impact on local economic outcomes and on the spatial configuration of economic activity within China. In the third chapter I investigate the impact of large oilfield discoveries on local labor markets, with a particular focus on the effects on the economic prospects of women. I find that while large mineral endowments do not slow the process of women joining the labor force, they do lead to a higher gender wage gap.En esta tesis se lleva a cabo la investigaci贸n de los efectos de comercio internacional, tecnolog铆a y recursos naturales sobre las econom铆as y los mercados laborales locales. En el primer cap铆tulo, examino te贸ricamente el impacto de las recientes mejoras en las tecnolog铆as de la telecomunicaci贸n sobre la configuraci贸n econ贸mico-geogr谩fica en varios niveles de desagregaci贸n. Muestro que un modelo sencillo de la organizaci贸n global de las cadenas de suministros puede racionalizar varios hechos estilizados relacionados con la evoluci贸n reciente de la econom铆a espacial. En el segundo cap铆tulo, investigo emp铆ricamente el impacto de los cambios en la pol铆tica de comercio exterior de los EEUU, desencadenados por la adhesi贸n de China a la OMC, sobre las econom铆as locales en China. Encuentro que el mejor acceso al mercado estadounidense tuvo un impacto importante sobre las econom铆as locales y sobre la configuraci贸n geogr谩fica de la actividad econ贸mica en China. En el tercer cap铆tulo, examino el impacto de descubrimientos de grandes yacimientos petrol铆feros sobre las econom铆as locales, centr谩ndome particularmente en las perspectivas econ贸micas de las mujeres. Encuentro que aunque grandes yacimiento minerales no retrasan el proceso de adhesi贸n femenina al mercado de trabajo, s铆 llevan a mayores diferenciales salariales entre los hombres y mujeres

    Essays on international trade and economic geography

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    This thesis provides an investigation of the effects of trade, technology and natural resource shocks on local economies and local labor markets. In the first chapter, I explore theoretically the impact of recent improvements in communication technology on the configuration of economic geography at multiple levels of spatial disaggregation. I show that a simple model of the organization of global supply chains can rationalize several salient stylized facts concerning the recent evolution of the spatial economy. In the second chapter, I empirically investigate the impact of changes in US trade policy triggered by China鈥檚 WTO accession on Chinese local economies. I find that improvements in US market access had an important impact on local economic outcomes and on the spatial configuration of economic activity within China. In the third chapter I investigate the impact of large oilfield discoveries on local labor markets, with a particular focus on the effects on the economic prospects of women. I find that while large mineral endowments do not slow the process of women joining the labor force, they do lead to a higher gender wage gap.En esta tesis se lleva a cabo la investigaci贸n de los efectos de comercio internacional, tecnolog铆a y recursos naturales sobre las econom铆as y los mercados laborales locales. En el primer cap铆tulo, examino te贸ricamente el impacto de las recientes mejoras en las tecnolog铆as de la telecomunicaci贸n sobre la configuraci贸n econ贸mico-geogr谩fica en varios niveles de desagregaci贸n. Muestro que un modelo sencillo de la organizaci贸n global de las cadenas de suministros puede racionalizar varios hechos estilizados relacionados con la evoluci贸n reciente de la econom铆a espacial. En el segundo cap铆tulo, investigo emp铆ricamente el impacto de los cambios en la pol铆tica de comercio exterior de los EEUU, desencadenados por la adhesi贸n de China a la OMC, sobre las econom铆as locales en China. Encuentro que el mejor acceso al mercado estadounidense tuvo un impacto importante sobre las econom铆as locales y sobre la configuraci贸n geogr谩fica de la actividad econ贸mica en China. En el tercer cap铆tulo, examino el impacto de descubrimientos de grandes yacimientos petrol铆feros sobre las econom铆as locales, centr谩ndome particularmente en las perspectivas econ贸micas de las mujeres. Encuentro que aunque grandes yacimiento minerales no retrasan el proceso de adhesi贸n femenina al mercado de trabajo, s铆 llevan a mayores diferenciales salariales entre los hombres y mujeres