32 research outputs found

    Ranking Mechanisms in Public Investment

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    Properly spending the budget on public investments is the main issue of public authorities. The investment projects sustained by the state are very important for the entire socio-economic life. This is the reason that put the selection process of the solution under question marks and suspicions. A stable and honest rankings mechanism that is taking into account multiple socio-economic indicators and their social importance could be a solution. The transparency of the process and the implication of the contributors/citizens should be taken into consideration. The paper presents the main characteristics of the public investments regulation and procedure in Romania and it focuses on three mechanisms of ranking the solutions for an investment project. The validation of the mechanism could be made using existing data by a panel of experts as further development of the research.public investments, ranking, decision making, effectiveness, project management.

    A 3D cone beam computed tomography study of the styloid process of the temporal bone

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    Background: To investigate the length and three-dimensional orientation and to detail the morphological variations of the styloid process.Materials and methods: Forty-four patients undergoing temporal bone evaluation for different reasons were randomly selected and included in the present study. The length, angulation in the coronal and sagittal planes, as well as morphological variations of the styloid processes were assessed using conebeam computer tomography. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to test possible associations between the length of styloid process and angulations, as well as between angulations. Student’s t-test was used to compare the differencesbetween the sample mean length and angulations in normal and elongated styloid process groups.Results: The sagittal angle showed weak positive correlations with the styloid process length and the transverse angle (r = 0.24, p = 0.02, n = 88). A medium positive correlation was found between the sagittal and transverse angulations in the elongated styloid process group (r = 0.49, p = 0.0015, n = 38).There was a statistical significant difference between the mean sagittal angulation in elongated styloid and normal styloid process groups (p = 0.015). The styloid process morphology also varied in terms of shape, number, and degree of ossification.Conclusions: The morphometric and morphologic variations of the styloid process may be important factors to be taken into account not only from the viewpoint of styloid syndromes, but also in preoperatory planning and during surgery

    Family business branding in Romania: A matter of identity, image, and reputation

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    Background: Family businesses are shaping the world’s economy through contributions to establishing jobs, creating wealth, and competitiveness, correspondingly being influenced by the quality of the business environment. Family business branding is useful to understand how to leverage their unique resources and create a competitive advantage, these being shaped by the context. The historical events and economic factors of Romania are influencing the decision of family firms to portray their family in their branding endeavours in order to become more competitive. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand the reasoning behind the Romanian family companies’ decision to promote their family aspect in their brand and how do family business identity, image, and reputation relate to the brand in the context of Romania. For guidance, two research questions were developed in order to gain valuable and significant insights for this thesis. Method: Ontology – Relativism; Epistemology – Social constructionism; Approach – Inductive; Design – Exploratory; Methodological choice – Qualitative; Time Horizon – Cross-sectional; Strategy – Case-study; Data collection – In-depth Interviews; Sampling – Non-probability Purposive Samples based on criteria (eleven respondents); Data Analysis – Content Analysis. Conclusion: From findings, it can be concluded that the context of Romania has a direct impact on family businesses and on how they are conducting their family brand promotion. Even though it is considered to have a positive impact, few Romanian family businesses actively market themselves as a family business. The predominant factors affecting the decisional processes, which are shaped by the contextual effects according to the three brand dimensions, have been comprised in a model of influential factors

    The Relationship between Dietary Habits and Periodontal Pathogens in a Sample of Romanian Children and Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The role of diet in shaping oral microbiota and its potential contribution to the development of periodontal pathogens cannot be understated. This study aimed to explore the correlation between dietary habits and the prevalence of 11 periodontal pathogens among children and adolescents in Oradea, Romania. The identification of these pathogens was performed using the micro-IDent test kit, capable of detecting 11 specific periodontal pathogens. Bacterial sampling was conducted from the crevicular fluid in the morning, prior to brushing, followed by the completion of a brief questionnaire by parents. The questionnaire captured various aspects of the children’s eating habits, including meal frequency, consumption of sweets, and hydration levels. The collected samples were dispatched to the laboratory for analysis, which provided insights into the abundance of microorganisms. The study encompassed 60 participants aged between 2 and 18 years, with the majority reported by their parents to have regulated meal timings, frequent sugar intake, and adequate hydration. The findings revealed significant associations between certain dietary factors and the presence of specific periodontal pathogens. Notably, the absence of breastfeeding was linked with the detection of Tannerella forsythia and Campylobacter rectus. Furthermore, frequent consumption of sweets corresponded with the presence of Capnocytophaga spp., which was particularly observed in individuals consuming sweets 2–3 times a day. Insufficient age-appropriate hydration showed an association with the prevalence of T. forsythia, Peptostreptococcus micros, and Capnocytophaga spp. In this sample, it became evident that eating habits and diet influenced the presence of several periodontal pathogens. The lack of breastfeeding was predominantly associated with positive results for T. forsythia and C. rectus, while inadequate hydration correlated more frequently with the presence of T. forsythia and P. micros. Moreover, frequent consumption of sweets was linked to the presence of Capnocytophaga spp

    A Case Report of Left Atrial Isomerism in a Syndromic Context

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    The objective of our paper is to underline the importance of assessing microarray genetic analysis for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities in rare cases such as left atrial isomerism, mostly in the context of antenatally detected syndromes. We present the case of a 26-year-old primipara, at 26 weeks of gestation, with prior first trimester normal anomaly scan, who presented in our department accusing lower abdominal pain. An anomaly ultrasound examination of the fetus revealed cardiomegaly with increased size of the right atrium, non-visualization of the atrial septum or the foramen ovale, malalignment of the three-vessel view, location of the superior vena cava above the two-vessel view, slight pericardial effusion, and no interruption of the inferior vena cava nor presence of azygos vein being noted. Associated extracardiac abnormalities, such as small kidneys at the level of the iliac fossa, micrognathia, dolichocephaly with hypoplasia of the cerebellum, increased nuchal fold, and reduced fetal movements were also reported. A diagnostic amniocentesis was performed, and, while the conventional rapid prenatal diagnostic test of the multiplex quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) came as normal, the microarray analysis (ChAS, NCBI Built 37 hg 19, detection of microdeletions or microduplications larger than 100 kb) revealed two chromosomal abnormalities: a 22.84 Mb loss of genetic material in the 18q21.31–18q23 chromosomal region and a gain of 22.31 Mb of genetic material in the 20p13–20p11.21 chromosomal region. After the termination of pregnancy, a necropsy of the fetus was performed, confirming heterotaxy syndrome with a common atrium, no atrial septum, superior vena cava draining medianly, and pulmonary veins that drained into the lower segment of the left atrium due to an anatomically enlarged single common atrium. The extracardiac findings consisted of two bilobar lungs, dysmorphic facies, low-set ears, nuchal fold edema, and small kidneys located in the iliac fossa. These findings are conclusive evidence that left atrial isomerism is a more complex syndrome. The genetic tests of the parents did not reveal any translocations of chromosomes 18 and 20 when the Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) analysis was assessed. The antenatal detection of corroboration between different structural abnormalities using serial ultrasound examinations and cardiac abnormalities, together with the detection of the affected chromosomes, improves the genetic counseling regarding the prognosis of the fetus and the recurrence rate of the condition for siblings

    Correlation of Lung Damage on CT Scan with Laboratory Inflammatory Markers in COVID-19 Patients: A Single-Center Study from Romania

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    (1) Background: This study aims to evaluate the association of CRP, NLR, IL-6, and Procalcitonin with lung damage observed on CT scans; (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 106 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Timisoara Municipal Emergency Hospital. Chest CT and laboratory analysis were performed in all patients. The rank Spearmen correlation was used to assess the association between inflammatory markers and lung involvement. In addition, ROC curve analysis was used to determine the accuracy of inflammatory markers in the diagnosis of severe lung damage; (3) Results: CRP, NLR, and IL-6 were significantly positively correlated with lung damage. All inflammatory markers had good accuracy for diagnosis of severe lung involvement. Moreover, IL-6 has the highest AUC- ROC curve; (4) Conclusions: The inflammatory markers are associated with lung damage and can be used to evaluate COVID-19 severity

    Predictive Value of SOFA and qSOFA for In-Hospital Mortality in COVID-19 Patients: A Single-Center Study in Romania

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    Two years after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease continues to claim victims worldwide. Assessing the disease’s severity on admission may be useful in reducing mortality among patients with COVID-19. The present study was designed to assess the prognostic value of SOFA and qSOFA scoring systems for in-hospital mortality among patients with COVID-19. The study included 133 patients with COVID-19 proven by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) admitted to the Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital of Timisoara, Romania between 1 October 2020 and 15 March 2021. Data on clinical features and laboratory findings on admission were collected from electronic medical records and used to compute SOFA and qSOFA. Mean SOFA and qSOFA values were higher in the non-survivor group compared to survivors (3.5 vs. 1 for SOFA and 2 vs. 1 for qSOFA, respectively). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) analyses were performed to determine the discrimination accuracy, both risk scores being excellent predictors of in-hospital mortality, with ROC–AUC values of 0.800 for SOFA and 0.794 for qSOFA. The regression analysis showed that for every one-point increase in SOFA score, mortality risk increased by 1.82 and for every one-point increase in qSOFA score, mortality risk increased by 5.23. In addition, patients with SOFA and qSOFA above the cut-off values have an increased risk of mortality with ORs of 7.46 and 11.3, respectively. In conclusion, SOFA and qSOFA are excellent predictors of in-hospital mortality among COVID-19 patients. These scores determined at admission could help physicians identify those patients at high risk of severe COVID-19

    Aphasic Syndromes in Cerebral Venous and Dural Sinuses Thrombosis—A Review of the Literature

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    Aphasia is an acquired central disorder of language that affects a person’s ability to understand and/or produce spoken and written language, caused by lesions situated usually in the dominant (left) cerebral hemisphere. On one hand aphasia has a prevalence of 25–30% in acute ischemic stroke, especially in arterial infarcts. On the other hand, cerebral venous and dural sinuses thrombosis (CVT) remains a less common and underdiagnosed cause of ischemic stroke (0.5–1% of all strokes). Aphasia has been observed in almost 20% of patients who suffered CVT. The presence of aphasia is considered a negative predictive factor in patients with stroke, severe language disorders corresponding to arduous recovery. Taking into consideration data from the literature, aphasia is also considered a predictive factor for patients with CVT; its absences, together with the absence of worsening after admission, are determinants of complete recovery after CVT. This review has as the principal role of gathering current information from the literature (PubMed database 2012–2022) regarding the clinical features of aphasic syndromes and its incidence in patients with CVT. The main conclusion of this review was that aphasic syndromes are not usually the consequence of isolated thrombosis of dural sinuses or cerebral veins thrombosis. The most frequent form of CVT that determines aphasia is represented by the left transverse sinus thrombosis associated with a posterior left temporal lesion (due to left temporal cortical veins thrombosis), followed by the superior sagittal sinus thrombosis associated with a left frontal lesion (due to left frontal cortical veins thrombosis). Only a few cases are presenting isolated cortical veins thrombosis and left thalamus lesions due to deep cerebral vein thrombosis. We also concluded that the most important demographic factor was the gender of the patients, women being more affected than men, due to their postpartum condition

    Tolosa–Hunt Syndrome and Hemorrhagic Encephalitis Presenting in a Patient after COVID-19 Vaccination Followed by COVID-19 Infection

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    The presence of neurological symptoms within the clinical range of COVID-19 disease infection has increased. This paper presents the situation of a 45-year-old man having the medical antecedent diabetes mellitus, who presented to the emergency department with fever, headache, and respiratory symptoms, nine days following vaccination with the Ad26.COV2-S COVID-19 vaccine. The patient tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 based on nasal polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Two weeks after the presentation, he developed Tolosa–Hunt Syndrome, an autoimmune phenomenon, with painful left ophthalmoplegia. Significant improvement was seen in terms of his discomfort; however, ptosis and ocular mobility improved only moderately after treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone, and the patient was discharged on a new insulin regimen. The patient returned after four weeks and the neurological exam results showed significant signs of right hemiparesis, mixed aphasia, incomplete left ophthalmoplegia, severe headache, and agitation; after a few days, the patient experienced a depressed level of consciousness and coma. The patient’s clinical condition worsened and, unfortunately, he died. MRI brain images revealed multiple ischemic strokes, meningitis, infectious vasculitis, and hemorrhagic encephalitis, which are all serious complications of COVID-19