105 research outputs found


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    The composition of semantic web services is a very important and actual problem in the semantic web services research area. There are several semi-automatic approaches for this problem, but most of the results are related to automatic approaches. In this paper we present an automatic approach for the composition of semantic web services based on pattern matching. We consider a special type of semantic description, represented as a list of semantic descriptions corresponding to several semantic web services. The semantic description related to the semantic web service that we want to obtain is decomposed until all the parts of the semantic description correspond to semantic web services from a library. In the end, all the necessary semantic web services found in the library are composed in order to obtain the semantic web service that we wanted to construct.semantic web service composition, semantic description decomposition, pattern matching

    Comparing Two Multivariable Complexity Functions Using One-variable Complexity Classes

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    The comparison of algorithms complexities is very important both in theory and in practice. When we compare algorithms complexities we need to compare complexity functions. Usually we use one-variable complexity functions. Sometimes, we need multivariable complexity func-tions. In a previous paper we defined several one-variable complexity classes for multivariable complexity functions. Each complexity class of this type is a set of multivariable complexity functions, represented by a one-variable complexity function. In this paper we continue the work from that paper: we define new one-variable complexity classes and we prove several properties. The most important results are several criteria for two multivariable complexity functions to be comparable.Algorithm, One-Variable Complexity Class, One-Variable Complexity Function, Multivariable Complexity Function, Functions Comparison


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    The comparison of algorithms complexities can be reduced to the comparison of complexity functions. In two previous papers, we obtained some results related to the comparison of one-variable complexity functions using complexity classes. In this paper, we extend some of these results to multivariable complexity functions.multivariable complexity function, complexity class, functions comparison

    A New Asymptotic Notation: Weak Theta

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    Algorithms represent one of the fundamental issues in computer science, while asymptotic notations are widely accepted as the main tool for estimating the complexity of algorithms. Over the years a certain number of asymptotic notations have been proposed. Each of these notations is based on the comparison of various complexity functions with a given complexity function. In this paper, we define a new asymptotic notation, called “Weak Theta,” that uses the comparison of various complexity functions with two given complexity functions. Weak Theta notation is especially useful in characterizing complexity functions whose behaviour is hard to be approximated using a single complexity function. In addition, in order to highlight the main particularities of Weak Theta, we propose and prove several theoretical results: properties of Weak Theta, criteria for comparing two complexity functions, and properties of a new set of complexity functions (also defined in the paper) based on Weak Theta. Furthermore, to illustrate the usefulness of our notation, we discuss an application of Weak Theta in artificial intelligence

    Using In-Browser Augmented Reality to Promote Knowledge-Based Engineering throughout the Product Life Cycle

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    While industry vastly undergoes digitalization, knowledge-based engineering becomes a powerful tool, helping enterprises to operate in context of shorter product life cycles and complex value chains. However, there are several challenges to be addressed in order to make knowledge-based engineering a common industry practice. There is a need for affordable tools, trained professionals, and extended use of outcomes of knowledge-based engineering processes beyond design phase of product life cycle. This article describes how web-based system delivering mobile augmented reality experience in browser may leverage results of product design process implemented with knowledge-based engineering tools in order to integrate information, and support its integrity and consistency for different stakeholders along the product life cycle. The approach relies on use of open standards and libraries in order to insure affordability and ease of integration, which is necessary for wider adoption of knowledge-based engineering among small and medium enterprises.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    The influence of agrometeorological characteristics of the agricultural year 2019-2020 on wheat crop in the North-East part of Moldova

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    The study based on the aforementioned theme puts to distinguish specifics agrometeorological characteristics of the agricultural year 2019-2020 in the North-East part of Moldova, and its influence on growth and yield in winter wheat crop. It’s presented the average values of precipitations and air temperature for the last decade and the values of precipitations and air temperature recorded between September 2019 and July 2020 and its influence in winter wheat crop. The climatic conditions encountered during the agricultural year 2019-2020 and, especially in the first half of 2020 made this year a very special one, being characterized by the presence of a severe drought, with strong negative influences on growth of cultivated plants and especially of winter wheat

    Contribution to the knowledge of the micromycetes from the spontaneous flora identified in Iasi county region, Romania

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    Permanent knowledge of distribution, diversity and interactions between organisms, plants and the environment in which they live is extremely important for the conservation of biodiversity. Interest for biodiversity conservation is intensified by concern bout the conservation of genetic resources, destruction of forest, extinction of species and the effects of global warming. This paper presents some parasitic micromycetes identified on plant species from different areas of Iasi County. In our fieldwork made in the spring of 2021 year were indentified some parasitic micromycetes to spontaneous flora species as: fumewort (Corydalis solida L. Clairv.), alpine squill (Scilla bifolia L.), buttercup anemone (Anemone ranunculoides), lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria L.) și snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagrioides Patrin ex Schult. & Schult. f.) Identified micromycetes cause some plant diseases as downy mildew or rust and this fungi species belong to some different taxonomy: Those who cause downy mildew are from Oomycetes class, and rust are from Teliomycetes class as Tranzschelia, Puccinia.și Uromyces genera

    Adding a Social Dimension to the Web of Things

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    International audienceThe Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly gained ground in recent years. Furthermore, researchers are looking at extending the current Web standards for refining the IoT into what is called the Web of Things. Most of the research work conducted so far in this direction resulted in one-off prototypes, yet more interesting problems arise when these Web-enabled devices come to interact with one another. In this paper we describe our vision for a Social Web of Things, as a means for interconnecting every "thing" in a scalable and effective way. We motivate this vision and we position our work with respect to current approache

    Occurrence and frequency of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.Sp. tritici) of winter wheat in Nord-East of Romania, between 2015-2018

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    Wheat crop are damaged by numerous pathogens, which can produce important yields losses. Blumeria graminis (DC.) E.O. Speer f.sp. tritici Em. Marchal, anamorph Oidium monilioides Link. is an important pathogen present annually in wheat fields, and yield losses attributed to this disease range from 13% to 34%, when the degree of infestation is low, but in the cases when the pressure of infection is high the losses can be over 50%, reaching even the total production compromise. The paper presented the behavior of 35 winter wheat cultivars, represented by Romanian varieties: 11368G1, 11424G1, 11838G8, Boema, Glosa, Izvor, Litera, Miranda FDL, Otilia, Pajura, Pitar, Semnal, Unitar, Ursita, Vestitor, Voevod, Voinic, Zamolxe, Zina, Zamfira, respectively from A.R.D.S. Turda: Andrada, Codru, Dumbrava, T.19-10, T.42-05, T.55-01, T.62-01, T.95-12, T.109-12, T.118-11, T.123-11, T.124-11, T.143-11, T.150-11 and Bezostaia 1 (control variant) based on the dates obtained in three years of field trials (2015-2018), performing at Didactic Station Iasi - Ezăreni Farm. The winter wheat varieties exhibited a wide variability over the studied pathogen, during the study period, variability determined by the characteristics of the agricultural year and by each winter wheat variety

    Crop species and year seasons as determinants of microbiota structure in chernozem soil in the southeast region of Moldavia, Romania

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    In this study, we examined the diversity and abundance of microbial communities isolated from chernozem soil type in response to crop species and season from southeast region of Moldavia, Romania. Soil types, plant species, season, human activities and various land management regimes all have great impact on soil biology, but our knowledge of biodiversity of soil microorganisms is still very limited. Therefore, during 2018 we assessed the variation of microbial community in chernozem soil and its response to plant species (rapeseed, sunflower, sugar beet, wheat and maize) and season (spring, autumn). At each site, five replicate bulk samples were taken, consisting of 10 randomly collected subsamples from the surface soil (10-15 cm horizon). The samples were transported to the laboratory, stored overnight at 4°C, air-dried at room temperature and sieved (2-mm mesh) prior to further use in the experiment. The influence of crop species and season on the total number of microorganisms (CFU g -1 ), relationships between the main groups (bacteria and fungi) and the spectrum of filamentous fungi from our experiment were established. The abundance of the microbial community from all crop species were ranked as follows: wheat (19.2 x 106 CFU g–1 ) > sunflower (1.3 x 106 CFU g–1 ) > maize (1.1 x 106 CFU g–1 ) > sugar beet (0.6 x 106 CFU g–1 ) > rapeseed (0.4 x 106 CFU g–1 ). In case of yearly seasons, the microbial abundance decreased from spring to autumn. Occurrence and distribution of filamentous fungi isolated from soil samples provide new insights into ecology and niche specialization of several soil-borne species. Overall, genera composition of filamentous fungi from chernozem soil cultivated with different crop species was not very heterogeneous and most fungal genera were common to all location. Our results suggest that crop species and yearly seasons have a significant impact on microbial richness and diversity. Extensive use of xenobiotic compounds in agriculture will degrade soil microbial communities, because they affect directly microbial abundance and composition, and indirectly soil texture and fertility
