31 research outputs found

    Aufnahme-Prävalenz von MRSA und MRGN in einer universitären Abteilung für Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie unter Berücksichtigung der anhand der Screening-Bögen abgefragten Risikofaktoren

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    Hintergrund An allen Kliniken der Universitätsmedizin Mainz wurde ein Aufnahme-Screening auf MRSA und MRGN eingeführt. In der Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Frauengesundheit entstand der Eindruck, dass positive MRSA- und MRGN-Befunde selten sind und dass die prophylaktische Isolierung aller Patientinnen mit Risikofaktoren und ausstehendem Abstrich-Ergebnis die Bettenkapazität der Klinik belastet. Patientenkollektiv und Methoden Es wurden alle stationären Aufnahmen in einem Zeitraum von 6 Monaten im Jahr 2017 eingeschlossen. Insgesamt waren es 2419 Patientenfälle, von denen 2006 bei der Aufnahme auf MRSA- und MRGN-Risikofaktoren gescreent wurden. Bei jedem Fall wurde in der Akte nach den MRSA- und MRGN-Screening-Bögen gesucht und es wurde jeweils erfasst, ob und welche Risikofaktoren vorliegen und ob der MRSA- oder MRGN-Abstrich-Befund positiv oder negativ war. Ergebnisse Es zeigte sich in der Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Frauengesundheit eine MRSA-Aufnahme-Prävalenz von 0,3% (6 positive MRSA-Fälle von 2006 auf Risikofaktoren gescreenten Fällen), eine 3MRGN-Aufnahme-Prävalenz von 0,15% (3 positive 3MRGN E. coli-Fälle von 2006 auf Risikofaktoren gescreenten Fällen) und eine 4MRGN-Aufnahme-Prävalenz von 0%. Signifikante Risikofaktoren für MRSA bei dieser Patientengruppe sind in erster Linie MRSA-Nachweis in der Vorgeschichte und in zweiter Linie Aufenthalte von mehr als 4 Wochen in Krisenregionen sowie Regionen oder Einrichtungen mit hoher MRSA-Prävalenz. Wegen des Risikofaktors ‚Stationärer Voraufenthalt von mehr als 3 Tagen in den letzten 12 Monaten‘ wurden 347 Fälle (54,64% aller auf MRSA abgestrichenen Fälle) auf MRSA untersucht und prophylaktisch isoliert. Bei all diesen Fällen war der MRSA-Befund negativ. Dieser Risikofaktor erscheint bei der gynäkologischen und geburtshilflichen Patientengruppe nicht signifikant. Der MRGN-Risikofaktor Aufenthalt von mindestens 4 Wochen oder Kontakt zum Gesundheitssystem in Endemie- und Krisenregionen sehen wir mit 3 positiven MRGN-Fällen von insgesamt 48 wegen dieses Risikofaktors abgestrichenen Fällen als signifikant an. Die Relevanz aller anderen MRGN-Risikofaktoren können wir aufgrund der niedrigen Zahlen nicht beurteilen


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    A ideia de que os Ensaios Morais e Políticos, obra que começa a ser publicada um ano após o Tratado, devem conter um estímulo à virtude é controversa na literatura sobre Hume. Alguns ignoram ou negam que os Ensaios, ou qualquer outra obra de Hume, sirvam a esse propósito porque alegam que para Hume a motivação à virtude se dá por meio da simpatia entre os indivíduos e não por mecanismos de autocultivo, como na filosofia de Hutcheson. Há também comentadores que consideram que a moral prática de Addison oferece a Hume uma possibilidade de modelo alternativo de escrita, uma cujo estilo é comovente e que valoriza a participação social. No entanto, defendo, através da análise do ensaio humeano Da escrita de ensaios, que Hume pretende instruir moralmente a partir de uma nova maneira, através do comércio entre livros e conversas.Palavras-chave: David Hume. Filosofia moral. Educação moral.DAVID HUME'S OF ESSAY-WRITING AND MORAL EDUCATIONAbstractThe idea of the Essays, Moral and Political, a work which starts being published one year after the Treatise, must contain a stimulation to virtue is controversial among Hume literature. Some ignore or deny that the Essays, or any other Hume's work, aim that purpose because they claim that for Hume, the motivation for virtue happens through sympathy between individuals and not through self-cultivation mechanisms, as in Hutcheson's philosophy. There are also commentators who consider that Addison's practical morality offers Hume a possibility of an alternative writing model, one whose style is moving and which values social participation. However, I argue, through an analysis of the humean essay Of essay-writing, that Hume intends to instruct morally in a new manner, through the commerce between books and conversations.Keywords: David Hume. Moral philosophy. Moral education

    Performance of vertical jumps in defensive and offensive female footballplayers

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    O futebol feminino está crescendo no Brasil e estudos que avaliem o desempenho físico das atletas permitem criar parâmetros para a modalidade. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever as variáveis dos saltos verticais em atletas de futebol feminino e realizar a comparação entre atletas defensivas e ofensivas. A amostra foi constituída de 16 atletas de futebol do sexo feminino. Foram avaliados os dados antropométricos, a posição tática e os saltos verticais. Foram coletados saltos squat jump (SJ) e counter movement jump (CMJ) com o aplicativo MyJump. As atletas de futebol avaliadas apresentaram em média 24,33±3,71 cm de altura e 19,69±3,25 W/kg de potência para o salto SJ. Além disso, apresentaram 24,25±4,09 cm de altura e 19,67±3,59 W/kg de potência para o salto CMJ. Em relação à razão CMJ/SJ, o valor apresentado foi de 1,00±0,08. As variáveis avaliadas nos saltos verticais não apresentaram diferenças entre as atletas de futebol defensivase ofensivas (p>0,05). Assim, as atletas apresentaram aproximadamente 24 cm de altura e 19 W/kg de potência para os saltos, com baixa contribuição do ciclo alongamento-encurtamento para essas ações. Por fim, as atletas de futebol feminino das posições defensivas apresentaram desempenho semelhante às ofensivas nos saltos verticais.Women's footballis growing in Brazil and studies that assess the physical performance of the players allow to create parameters for the sport. The aim of the present study was to describe the variables of vertical jumps in female footballplayers and to compare defensive and offensive players. The sample was consisted of 18 female footballplayers. Anthropometric data, tactical position and vertical jumps were evaluated. Squat jump (SJ) and counter movement jump (CMJ) jumps were collected with the MyJump application. The footballplayers evaluated showed an average of 24.33±3.71 cm in height and 19.69±3.25 W/kg of power for the SJ. In addition, they performed 24.25±4.09 cm in height and 19.67±3.59 W/kg of power for the CMJ. Regarding to CMJ/SJ ratio, the value was 1.00±0.08. There were no differences between backwards and forwards footballplayers in all variables evaluated in the vertical jumps (p>0.05). Thus, the players presented approximately 24 cm in height and 19 W/kg of power for the jumps, with a low contribution of the stretching-shortening cycle for these actions. Finally, female footballplayers in backwards positions performed similarly to forwards players in vertical jumps

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    sumario v2n4.pmd

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    ABSTRACT The genotypic variability of the resistance to Cercospora sojina can be used in breeding programs to develop soybean resistant cultivars. The characterization of progenitors and the genetic system involved allow the breeder to select the best progenitors, breeding method and selection procedure to be used. In this study a diallel of four soybean cultivars including the parents and all possible hybrids but the reciprocals were tested. Three resistant cultivars (Cristalina, Paraná and Uberaba) and a susceptible one (Bossier) and their F 1 populations were inoculated with the monosporic isolate identified as race 4. Results demonstrate that the resistance to C. sojina is controlled by a dominant gene or a gene-block; additive genetic effect and dominance are involved; the contribution of the environmental variation is minimum; and the interaction among the genes ranges from the partial to the complete dominance type, depending on the characteristic used in the evaluation of the resistance

    sumario v3n3.pmd

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    sumario v2n4.pmd

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to study the effect of data transformation on the estimates of genetic parameters of soybean resistance to Cercospora sojina Hara inheritance. The means and variances of populations (P 1 and P 2 , and the F 1 , F 2 , RC 1 and RC 2 generations) derived from a cross between a resistant ('Paraná') and a susceptible ('Bossier') cultivar were evaluated for five characteristics associated with the disease: infection degree (ID) -visually evaluated; number of lesions per leaflet (NLF); lesion mean diameter (LMD); percentage of lesioned foliar area (PLFA) and disease index (DI). The studied transformations were: square root of (x), (x + 1), (x + 0,5) and (x + 3/8) and logarithm (x+1). Results showed that the transformations did not alter the significance of the estimated genetic parameters. The additive genetic effect was the most important, for all the evaluated traits. The additive-dominant model was sufficient to explain the variations only for PLFA; for the other traits, the non-allelic interactions were significant. The influence of the effects of the epistatic interactions varied from 5.89% for PLFA up to 35.93% for NLF. For transformed or non-transformed data, the additive-dominant genetic model was satisfactory to explain the behavior of the generation means for the PLFA character. However, for ID, NLF, LMD and DI, the additive-dominant-epistatic model was more appropriate. The ID, NLF and DI traits, which presented higher additive genetic variability than dominance variability, can be utilized by breeders without transformation as selection criteria, to obtain superior homozygous genotypes with selection beginning at the F 2 generation

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