27 research outputs found

    International Specialization of Major Trading Countries in Global Trade of Sports Goods

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    The analysis of international trade in sports goods is still in its infancy. Only four articles dealing with the topic have appeared in economic literature so far. In order to alleviate the sports economists ignorance about international specialisation in sports goods trade, we started to build up an entirely new dataset based on extracting data available in Comtrade (the UN word trade data basis) at the most disaggregated level (6 digits). After resolving a number of classification and statistical tricks, we have built up a country and sports goods dataset (41 countries, 36 goods), which gathers 94-96% of sports goods global trade every sampled year (1994, 1997, 1999, 2002 and 2004). Our country sample is divided into five regional areas of the world economy: NAFTA, EU + Switzerland, Eastern Europe, Asia, other emerging countries. As a first step, our dataset enables us to precisely describe the major flows of sports goods global trade. Major trading areas are Asia, Europe and NAFTA while major exporters are China, Hong Kong, the US and France, and major importers are the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK and Italy. A major market share in sports goods global trade is for sportswear, anoraks, and gymnastic equipment. Asia, Eastern Europe and emerging countries have an excess balance in sports goods trade whereas NAFTA and Europe are in deficit. Different assessments, including one of revealed comparative advantages and disadvantages and a competitiveness index, depict the following international specialisation: NAFTA and Europe are specialised in ‘equipment intensive’ sports goods whereas Asia, Eastern Europe and emerging countries are specialised in ‘trite’ sports goods and some less equipment intensive sports goods. NAFTA is competitive in not any sport good, Europe is competitive in skis, emerging countries and Eastern Europe in sportswear and anoraks, and Asia in sportswear, anoraks, rackets, balls, skates, and gymnastic equipment. A principal component analysis often groups ‘trite’ sports goods together as opposed to intensive-equipment sports goods in global trade. A hierarchical ascendant classification methodology shows that China is a quite specific (dominant) trade partner in the global market for sports goods trade, Indonesia and Pakistan are platform for (Nike’s) outward-processing trade, international specialisation differentiates countries where sports goods production was relocated from trade partners with big domestic markets for sports goods. \sports economics, sports goods, international trade, international specialisation, globalisation, comparative advantage, competitiveness

    Economic Prediction of Sport Performances: From Beijing Olympics to 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa

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    This paper uses forecasting techniques to predict outcomes in the Beijing Olympics and 2010 World Cup using economic variables.sport, Olympics, World Cup

    Economic prediction of sport performances from the Beijing Olympics to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa: the notion of surprising sporting outcomes

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    International audienceAn econometric model with very significant explanatory variables of Olympic Games medal wins is emended in such a way as to explain the qualification of national football teams to the semi-finals of the FIFA World Cup. It is shown that this model is not able to predict 100% of semi-finalists of the next Cup

    Forecasting National Medal Totals at the Summer Olympic Games Reconsidered

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    Objective. This paper aims at explaining national medal totals at the 1992-2016 Summer Olympic Games (n = 1289 observations) and forecasting them in 2016 (based on 1992-2012 data) and 2020 with a set of variables similar to previous studies, as well as a regional (sub-continents) variable not tested previously in the literature in English. Method. Econometric testing not only resorts to a Tobit model as usual but also to a Hurdle model. Results. Most variables have a significant impact on national team medal totals; it appears to be negative for most regions other than North America except Western Europe and Oceania (not significant). Then, two models (Tobit and Hurdle) are implemented to forecast national medal totals at the 2016 and 2020 Summer Olympics. Conclusion. Both models are complementary for the 2016 forecast. The 2020 forecast is consistent with Olympic Medals Prediction (2020), although some striking differences are found

    Le trafic de perfectionnement passif entre la France et les pays d'Europe de l'Est : se substitue-t-il au TPP France-Maghreb ?

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    The article starts with a macroeconomic, quantitative study of outward- processing trade (OPT) between France and Eastern European countries (EECs) on the one hand, and Maghreb countries on the other hand : geographical distribution, industry concentration (namely textile and clothing), revealed comparative advantages and disadvantages of the different France's partners in OPT. It exhibits several specific features of France OPT compared to European Union OPT with the EECs. Then, we observe, from 1993 to 1997 a substitution relation of the EECs to Maghreb in OPT export from France, and a crowding-out effect of Maghreb by the EECs in France OPT re-importation. French foreign direct investment (FDI) substitutes to OPT in the EECs while OPT export crowds out FDI in Maghreb countries. The FDI-OPT substitution in the EECs is tested to be determined by an improved institutional framework and a diminishing country-risk, rather than a decreasing unit labour cost in the EECs.L'article débute par une étude macroéconomique quantitative comparant le trafic de perfectionnement passif (TPP) de la France avec les pays d'Europe de l'Est (PEE), d'une part, et avec les pays du Maghreb, d'autre part : orientation géographique, concentration sectorielle (surtout textile et habillement), avantages et désavantages comparés des différents partenaires de la France dans le TPP. Cette étude fait apparaßtre plusieurs spécificités de la France par rapport à l'Union europénne dans le TPP avec les PEE. On observe ensuite, entre 1993 et 1997, une substitution des exportations en TPP de la France vers les PEE à celles orientées vers le Maghreb et un effet d'éviction du Maghreb par les PEE dans les réimportations en TPP de la France. Durant cette période, l'investissement direct étranger (IDE) de la France se substitue au TPP dans les PEE, alors qu'au Maghreb, les exportations en TPP évincent l'IDE français. La premiÚre substitution s'explique par l'amélioration du cadre institutionnel et la diminution du risque-pays dans les PEE, plutÎt que par l'évolution de leurs coûts unitaires du travail.Andreff Madeleine, Andreff Wladimir. Le trafic de perfectionnement passif entre la France et les pays d'Europe de l'Est : se substitue-t-il au TPP France-Maghreb ?. In: Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest, vol. 32, 2001, n°2. Dossier: Union européenne: sous-traiter en Europe de l'Est, sous la direction de Wladimir Andreff. pp. 71-94

    La competencia por la inversiĂłn extranjera directa en la UniĂłn Europea ampliada

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    La competencia de los países de Europa central y oriental (PECO) frente a los 15 países de la Unión Europea (UE-15) para atraer las inversiones extranjeras directas (IED) se ha acentuado entre 1993 y 2002, con independencia del criterio de evaluación adoptado. Los PECO han triplicado su cuota del mercado europeo de la IED entrante, reduciendo así la cuota de mercado de los antiguos miembros de la UE. Mås del 80 por 100 de la IED en los PECO procede de la UE ampliada (UE-15 + PECO), lo que indica la existencia de inversiones intraeuropeas de proximidad. Por el contrario, la IED saliente de los PECO es todavía un fenómeno incipiente, no representando una amenaza para las empresas de la UE que invierten en el extranjero. Sí han aparecido, sin embargo, las primeras inversiones cruzadas (entrantes y salientes) entre los PECO, e incluso entre algunos PECO y los países de la UE. En fin, al contrario que los principales países de la UE, los PECO ostentan una posición internacional (saldo entre la IED saliente y la entrante) negativa y un débil ratio entre el stock de la IED entrante y la saliente

    Multi-faceted East-West Economic Convergence in Europe

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    Foreign Direct Investment in Russia and CIS Countries: Employment and Attractiveness

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