21 research outputs found

    Structural dynamics of tertiary activities in industrial parks in Bucharest, Romania

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    The study is an analysis of tertiarization in Bucharest, a process that tends to become dominant inside an economic system that has faced the hardships of transition and reorganization. The study deals with tertiarization inside the industrial parks in the capital city, in close connection with deindustrialization and industrial delocalization. The study highlights the forms tertiarization has taken inside those areas, former industrial platforms of the utmost importance for the industry of the Communist era. The trends in the evolution of tertiarization are analyzed in comparison as well as from the perspective of the evolution of the companies inside the three industrial parks; in addition, two scenarios for the future course of tertiarization are included

    In search of a relevant index measuring territorial disparities in a transition country. Romania as a case study

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    Countries in transition to a market economy exhibit increased regional disparities, leading to differences in the standard of life and in the chances of the population to benefit from the radical socio-economic and political changes. Our aim in this article is to find an index other than the gross domestic product, and maybe a synthetic one, capable of measuring territorial imbalances. In search of such an index, we considered 17 indicators to be relevant and applied these to the 41 Romanian counties. The results indicate that territorial disparities in a transition country with a large rural population can be measured by an aggregate index essentially formed by the gross domestic product, the number of inhabitants per room, and the rate of school dropouts

    Qualitative changes in the entrepreneurial sector in emerging territorial systems – Craiova case study

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    The goal of the present study is to analyze the complex economic processes within emerging territorial systems, developed around big cities. Economic ventures concentrated inside these urban clusters in a short span of time, and they registered a spectacular evolution, compared to the neighboring areas. Intensification of the linkages between cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants in Romania and the surrounding areas led to the individualization of territorial systems apart, with a spectacular evolution of economic-social processes, which turn those systems into the most dynamic territorial structures. The present study means to identify the causes of those complex processes within emerging territorial systems, the manner of functional organization of the space, and the causes that determine the spectacular evolution of the economic processes within emerging systems


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    Small and medium sized industrial towns of Romania faced numerous challenges and difficulties together with the postsocialist transformation processes under the transition to the market economy. The paper analyses small and medium sized industrial towns from Romania through their socioeconomic evolution under the impact of the industrial restructuring process that started in the 1990s. Employing several sets of statistic data, the analysis evidences also several directions for the development of these towns through urban regeneration actions and different economic alternatives

    Street Art Participation in Increasing Investments in the City Center of Bucharest, a Paradox or Not?

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    This article analyses street art’s contribution to the current economic life in the city center of an Eastern European capital, Bucharest. The development of socio-economic activities in the Romanian capital has been strongly influenced in the last 30 years by a complex of effects generated by the transition to the capitalist economy in the early 1990s, the impact of globalization, and recently the COVID-19 pandemic. This study focuses on the investigation of those areas that through street art came to know processes of urban regeneration. By applying semi-structured interviews to providers of alternative guided tours, but also questionnaires among the population that is familiar with this subculture, including an organization of urban regeneration through street art, an important number of economically new spaces, next to reinvented ones, have been investigated. In these areas, street art ends up by supporting activities from hospitality, cultural, and creative industries, changing for the better the perspectives of economic and cultural development, along with the attractiveness of the Bucharest city center. Street art proves to be an important tool in the regeneration process bringing positive effects when involving active cooperation between the public and the private sectors

    Analyse generale du systeme productif industriel dans l'espace métropolitain de Bucarest

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    L’objectif principal de cet article est d’analyser l’industrie en termes de sa contribution à la crois sance de l’affirmation des milieux urbain et rural appartena nt à l’espace métropolitain de Bucarest. Dans l’ens emble des secteurs économiques, l’industrie garantit pour l’instant le progrès des localités et détermine leur position d ans la hiérarchie métropolitaine bucarestoise. L’évolution de la prod uction industrielle assure habituellement les possi bilités de développement des localités, d’autant plus que le secteur tertiai re se caractérise par un poids relativement élevé d es activités banales dans la zone considérée, avec le rôle de fournir le minimum nécessaire à la population. Par conséquent, le rôl e des activités industrielles au développement de l’espace métropolitain de Bucarest devient primordial et représente une étape qui doi t être traversée avec succès dans l’évolution économique et sociale de ce t espace récemment créé, vulnérable et extrêmement dynamique

    Graffiti and Street Art between Ephemerality and Making Visible the Culture and Heritage in Cities: Insight at International Level and in Bucharest

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    The paper aims to analyze, on one hand, the evolution and interpretation of graffiti and street art phenomenon in the Romanian capital, Bucharest, and at international level, and on the other hand how this subculture is related to aspects of culture and heritage. The analysis of the evolution followed by graffiti and street art in Bucharest is doubled by the investigation of the messages transmitted in relation to the national and local culture and history, as street art may be seen as an efficient tool contributing to local cultural identity building. The methods used rely on a complex approach, combining observation and photos from field research, documentation, and data collection from different organizations and online communities. Street art works have various positive effects on the urban landscape, including in relation to culture and heritage in time. The results demonstrate that in Bucharest, street art contributes to highlighting mainly the key-moments and the personalities in culture and history that contribute to shaping a part of cultural identity

    Le patrimoine maritime. Études de cas en Europe

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    Le patrimoine maritime représente une catégorie particulière du patrimoine culturel qui s’individualise par des éléments matériels ou immat ériels liés aux activités humaines qui ont été déroulées en relation avec les ressources et les mi lieux maritimes. Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques du patrimoi ne maritime au niveau du territoire européen par une sélection de quelques études de cas considé rées représentatives. La diversité des conditions physico-géographiques et la particularit é des cultures locales ont donné le caractère de diversité du patrimoine maritime des pays européens

    Cultural Values, Heritage and Memories as Assets for Building Urban Territorial Identities

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    Urban culture has undergone significant transformations under the impact of globalization in the last decades [...