164 research outputs found

    Fagile X syndrome: Steps towards therapy

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    Los modismos desde el estructuralismo hasta la psicolingĂĽĂ­stica

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    The aim of this paper is to offer a framework for the analysis of idioms from the point of view of different directions in Linguistics. According to Structuralism, the key elements of phraseological units are the syntagmatic relations between the components of the construction. Although Generative grammar initially considered idioms to be a peripheral part of language, its approach is based on semantic and syntactic aspects. Moreover, the underlying concepts of Cognitivism and Sociolinguistic variation will also be tackled. Last but not least, an overview of the cultural implications and of mental processing of idioms will be provided

    Fragile X Syndrome: Steps towards Therapy

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    In a continuously developing society we are still confronted with intellectual disability (ID) and autism around us with quite a high prevalence. 1 in 88 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), while 2-3% of the general population is affected by intellectual disability. These two conditions are often comorbid, with approximately 75% of people with autism having a non-verbal Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in the intellectual disability range (below 70). The causes of both ID and ASD are numerous, either genetic or environmental, but the leading inherited single-gene cause of both afflictions if known to be the Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), with approximately 10% of intellectually disabled and 2-6% of autistic individuals being diagnosed with FXS. This syndrome was initially named Martin-Bell syndrome, after the two doctors who first described an X-linked intellectual disability in multiple male members of a family in 1943. Later it was linked to a “fragile site” on the X chromosome, and the name was changed into “fragile X syndrome” in 1970. Only in 1991 the gene responsible for FXS, the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1), was discovered, and from that moment on research flourished. The apparent cause of FXS is a CGG trinucleotide repeat longer than 200 CGG units, which leads to hypermethylation and consequently silencing of the FMR1 gene, resulting in the absence of FMR1’s protein product, the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP)


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    Neuromarketing is a relatively new concept which has developed as a consequence of accepting, by an increasing number of persons, the idea that there isn’t an objective reality and that the entire world is actually inside our mind, it is the sum of our exneuromarketing, fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) technology, “buy button”


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    In this paper we talk about the user’s movement in virtual reality. The programmable part of the application is made in the C ++ programming language, and as the engine for running the graphic image we used Unreal Engine developed by Epic Games. Fragments of code appear in the paper for the calculation and positioning of the user in space, on a two-dimensional plane. The work also contains instructions to be able to make the settings so that the application can be controlled by the glasses levers. The whole project is developed for HTC VIVE PRO virtual reality smart glasses


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    In the course of globalization, it has become necessary that Europe-based, globally active company debt and equity increasingly on international capital markets. Thus the efficiency in the procurement of capital can be secured, is a unifying of accounting standards make sense. The European Commission will support the standardization of accounting in the European market ahead. In the USA., the accounting is releasing under US-GAAP regulation, an internationally recognized framework

    Students' interest in knowledge acquisition in Artificial Intelligence

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    Some students' expectations and points of view related to the Artificial Intelligence course are explored and analyzed in this study. We anonymous collected answers from 58 undergraduate students out of 200 enrolled in the Computer Science specialization. The answers were analysed and interpreted using thematic analysis to find out their interests and attractive and unattractive aspects related to the Artificial Intelligence study topic. We concluded that students are interested in Artificial Intelligence due to its trendiness, applicability, their passion and interest in the subject, the potential for future growth, and high salaries. However, the students' expectations were mainly related to achieving medium knowledge in the Artificial Intelligence field, and men seem to be more interested in acquiring high-level skills than women. The most common part that wasn't enjoyed by the students was the mathematical aspect used in Artificial Intelligence. Some of them (a small group) were also aware of the Artificial Intelligence potential which could be used in an unethical manner for negative purposes. Our study also provides a short comparison to the Databases course, in which students were not that passionate or interested in achieving medium knowledge, their interest was related to DB usage and basic information


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    In the course of globalization, it has become necessary that Europe-based, globally active company debt and equity increasingly on international capital markets. Thus the efficiency in the procurement of capital can be secured, is a unifying of accountingharmonization, convergent, accounting system, guidelines
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