20 research outputs found

    The Victorian Age and the Other

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    This paper deals with the reception of the Other in Queen Victoria’s realm – where the sun never sets. Covering an enormous surface of the known world, the Empire triggered real answers to the presence of the subjects of the worldwide British Empire in good ole’ England. Literary representations of the Other appeared in every genre, but especially in the novel, which more than any other literary form of the period attempted to analyze and represent Victorian socio-political stratification. Critics have usefully examined the novelistic representations of each form of Otherness, considering, for instance, representations of the “Oriental,” the “African,” the “Indian,” the "Irish,” the “Jew,” or the “Scot.” As we will see, while Victorians attempted to relate different kinds of Otherness to one another, they made both tremendous and subtle distinctions between different marginalized groups

    Content-Based Image Retrieval: A Comprehensive User Interactive Simulation Tool for Endoscopic Image Databases

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    Until few years ago, radiological methods were widely used for the examination and investigation of the digestive tract. Today, wireless capsule endoscopy represents an innovative, noninvasive, effective solution that does not imply a risk of irradiation. Due to the impressive number of images captured on the entire “trip” covered by the video capsule, diagnostic accuracy is greatly improved, also allowing the visualization of certain areas of the digestive tract that were previously inaccessible. Captured images can be analyzed by a specialist who can identify lesions or possible active bleeding within the digestive tract. This paper presents the implementation of a recovery system for endoscopic images based on Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) technique

    Millennials at Work: Investigating the Specificity of Generation Y versus Other Generations

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    The present study intends to discuss the psychological profile of Generation Y versus other generations.The differences between Millennials and other generations are addressed in terms of values, personality characteristics, and reactions under stress. The topicality and relevance of the research theme are supported by the fact that most of the people who are currently employed in companies all over the world are members of the Generation Y. This situation requires a proper investigation of the characteristics and specificity of the so-called Millennials with a view to provide organizations with pertinent inputs for designing well-informed policies and for smoothly integrating Millennials in the workplace. To this end, Hogan Assessments personality inventories were applied online to more than 1000 persons from Generation Y (up to 29 years old) and more than 3000 persons from other generations (above 29 years old). Among others, the findings show that Millennials are motivated by recognition, public acknowledgment, instant and frequent positive feedback and gratification. As they need balance between personal and professional life, as well as a comfortable environment, they require a flexible work schedule, resent staying after hours. Being motivated to become part of various social networks, work in various teams, Millennials are able to easily find satisfaction in missions that involve interactions with new persons coming from different cultures and geographical areas. They are motivated by work in a nonconformist environment without strict rules and traditional work approaches, they tend to challenge the status quo and they will not be patient to keep the same job many year

    Management of pelvic pain caused by endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a disorder of the epithelium and/or endometrial-like stroma outside the endometrium and myometrium, usually with an associated inflammatory process. It mainly affects young women of reproductive age, the prevalence being estimated at approximately 10%. Due to the varied clinical symptoms marked by chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, infertility, dyspareunia, dysuria, endometriosis requires a complex treatment. Endometriosis is a major health problem with socioeconomic impact, which is why many gynecological societies have published different guidelines to assist clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. The variety of available treatments combined with the complexity of this disease leads to significant discrepancies between recommendations. The most used is the ESHRE guidelines published in 2022, which represents an update of the ESHRE guidelines on endometriosis published in 2013 and 2005 regarding the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of endometriosis treatment methods after comparing several widely used guidelines in endometriosis management


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    The impact of an intensive educational program regarding candidiasis in pregnancyon health professionals knowledge at Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology ”Elena Doamna” in Iași, Romania. The study was designed in three phases: Assessment phase, Implementation phase and Evaluation phase. The study was conducted from early January to the end of December 2019. The result of the study shows that its most frequent location is in the mouth and the vagina. The symptoms are reduced and the diagnosis is based on the clinical examination, the confirmation being performed by microscopic examination. Prophylactic treatment of candidiasis involves maintaining a rigorous hygiene, avoiding excessive and unprotected use of antibiotics and increasing the body's immunity through a balanced diet and through the intake of mineral salts and vitamins

    The Functions of Storytelling in Modern American Drama: Mapping human consciousness

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    1 Thesis Abstract The present thesis explores six plays written by three (post)modern American playwrights - David Mamet's Sexual Perversity in Chicago and Oleanna, Sam Shepard's Buried Child and True West, and Suzan-Lori Parksʼ The America Play and Topdog/Underdog in order to define and analyze the functions of performative storytelling in the dramatic texts as well as its effects on the characters' identity. In Reading Narrative, J. Hillis Miller analyzes performative storytelling as a human shaped process that people use in order to translate events into meaning and meaning into shared information. Moreover, in Narrative as Performance, Marie Maclean demonstrates the importance of this device in recalibrating human memory and communication and in enriching the traditional mimetic process used in theatre. These ideas are closely followed in the aforementioned American plays through the lenses of the most prominent themes of the end of the twentieth century American theatre. Each of the three American writers uses performative storytelling to delineate socio-political themes. David Mamet comments on the artificiality of the American self, Sam Shepard speaks about the importance of familial past and relationships, whereas Suzan-Lori Parks describes the impact of major national narratives on the..

    Funkce vyprávění v moderním americkém dramatu: mapování lidského vědomí

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    1 Thesis Abstract The present thesis explores six plays written by three (post)modern American playwrights - David Mamet's Sexual Perversity in Chicago and Oleanna, Sam Shepard's Buried Child and True West, and Suzan-Lori Parksʼ The America Play and Topdog/Underdog in order to define and analyze the functions of performative storytelling in the dramatic texts as well as its effects on the characters' identity. In Reading Narrative, J. Hillis Miller analyzes performative storytelling as a human shaped process that people use in order to translate events into meaning and meaning into shared information. Moreover, in Narrative as Performance, Marie Maclean demonstrates the importance of this device in recalibrating human memory and communication and in enriching the traditional mimetic process used in theatre. These ideas are closely followed in the aforementioned American plays through the lenses of the most prominent themes of the end of the twentieth century American theatre. Each of the three American writers uses performative storytelling to delineate socio-political themes. David Mamet comments on the artificiality of the American self, Sam Shepard speaks about the importance of familial past and relationships, whereas Suzan-Lori Parks describes the impact of major national narratives on the...1 Abstrakt Práce Tato diplomová práce se zabývá šesti divadelními hrami tří (post)moderních amerických dramatiků - jedná se o dvě hry Davida MametaSexualPervesity in Chicago a Oleanna, BuriedChilda TrueWestSama Sheparda, a v neposlední řadě také The America Play a Topdog/Underdogz pera Suzan-Lori Parks. Záměrem práce je určit a analyzovat funkce performativního vyprávění v těchto textech a též analyzovat jeho dopad na identitu postav. V textu ReadingNarrativeJ. Hillis Miller analyzuje performativní vyprávění jako proces vytvářený lidmi, který lidé využívají, když chtějídát různým událostem nějaký význam a poté význam převést do obecně sdílených informací.Mimo to,Marie Maclean v Narrative as Performance ukazuje důležitost takovéhoto prostředku v tom, že dokáže překalibrovat lidskou paměť a komunikaci a obohatit tradiční mimetický proces, který se v divadle používá. Tyto myšlenky se ve velké míře objevují v již zmíněných amerických hrách skrze nejvýznamnější témata amerického dramatu konce dvacátého století. Každý ze zmíněných amerických spisovatelů používá performativní vyprávění k vykreslení sociálně politických témat. David Mamet upozorňuje na umělý původ termínu "Americanself," Sam Shepard mluví o významu rodinných vztahů a společné minulosti, a Suzan-Lori Parks popisuje dopad významných národních...Ústav anglofonních literatur a kulturDepartment of Anglophone Literatures and CulturesFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult


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    This study presents statistically processed morphometric data on maxillary and mandibular keratinised mucosa height and some clinical considerations. Measurements were performed at incisive, premolar and molar levels, in the maxillary and the mandibular jaws, in 31 patients (21 women and 10 men). The results obtained were centralised and the mean values of the keratinised mucosa height were determined, which were graphically presented. These results were then discussed by comparing with the findings in other studies

    Leaders in focus: generational differences from a personality-centric perspective

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    The generational differences among leaders have progressively captured the attention of both researchers and practitioners interested in their dynamics within the work environment. Many analyses in this respect have been focused on the differences between Millennials (Generation Y) and Generation X members from a personality-centric perspective, the great majority of the examinations revolving around Western research samples. By acknowledging the current state and assuming the calls for further investigations advanced by various researchers, this conceptual and empirical undertaking aims to provide an exploratory outlook on generational differences among Romanian leaders, by employing worldwide reputed research instruments such as the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI). A sample of over 700 subjects was considered in the running of the statistical analyses, thus allowing to draw pertinent conclusions apposite to the envisaged population. Even though statistically significant findings were retrieved on few scales pertaining to the three applied instruments, one key insight advanced by the present endeavor resides in the extension of the scope of the existing literature dedicated to the generational differences from a leadership perspective via the integration of an Eastern European landscape which adds to the evidence in the field and opens up new research challenges for complementary scrutiny

    Therapeutic Approaches of Botulinum Toxin in Gynecology

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    Botulinum toxins (BoNTs) are produced by several anaerobic species of the genus Clostridium and, although they were originally considered lethal toxins, today they find their usefulness in the treatment of a wide range of pathologies in various medical specialties. Botulinum neurotoxin has been identified in seven different isoforms (BoNT-A, BoNT-B, BoNT-C, BoNT-D, BoNT-E, BoNT-F, and BoNT-G). Neurotoxigenic Clostridia can produce more than 40 different BoNT subtypes and, recently, a new BoNT serotype (BoNT-X) has been reported in some studies. BoNT-X has not been shown to actually be an active neurotoxin despite its catalytically active LC, so it should be described as a putative eighth serotype. The mechanism of action of the serotypes is similar: they inhibit the release of acetylcholine from the nerve endings but their therapeutically potency varies. Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) is the most studied serotype for therapeutic purposes. Regarding the gynecological pathology, a series of studies based on the efficiency of its use in the treatment of refractory myofascial pelvic pain, vaginism, dyspareunia, vulvodynia and overactive bladder or urinary incontinence have been reported. The current study is a review of the literature regarding the efficiency of BoNT-A in the gynecological pathology and on the long and short-term effects of its administration