5,332 research outputs found

    DARCOF II. Danish research in Organic Food and Farming systems 2000-2005

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    The aim of this book is to present a comprehensive overview of the 41 research projects undertaken in the period 2000-2005 in the research programme DARCOF II.For each project there is a description of its background and objective in terms of which issues gave rise to the project and what the project aims to achieve. This is followed by a short description of the experiments or investigations that have been undertaken in the project. The general and applicable results derived from the project are finally described. For each project there is a reference to a project home page on www.darcof.dk. Via this page there is direct access to "Organic Eprints", which is the site containing all the project publications – both technical and scientific

    The fifth most prevalent disease is being neglected by public health organisations

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    The progress towards reduction of global mortality has produced an epidemiological transition towards non-fatal diseases, which challenge the ability of the world’s population to live in full health. Although traumatic dental injuries are not lethal, their treatment is more expensive (US$2 000 000–5 000 000 per million inhabitants) and time-consuming than that of all the other bodily injuries, making dental rehabilitation less likely among disadvantaged individuals. Since untreated traumatic dental injuries have a negative social, functional, and emotional effect in children and adolescents, differences in treatment of these injuries between children from different countries and social classes produce disparities in their quality of life

    University Outreach: An Immodest Proposal

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    In Wisconsin we accord a grand mission to our university system: The boundaries of the campus are the boundaries of the state ... . (3, pp. 4-7) The University thus has an educational responsibility for all of the state\u27s citizens. Somehow it must creatively satisfy the information needs of individuals far more diverse than traditional students

    FØJO II. Forskning i økologisk jordbrug og fødevaresystemer 2000-2005

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    Formålet med denne bog er at give en samlet oversigt over de 41 forskningsprojekter, som i perioden 2000–2005 er gennemført i forskningsprogrammet FØJO II. For hvert projekt beskrives baggrund og formål: Hvilke problemstillinger har gjort, at projektet er blevet iværksat, og hvad har målet for projektet været. Dernæst følger en kort beskrivelse af de forsøg eller undersøgelser, som er gennemført i projektet. Afslutningsvis beskrives overordnede og praksisorienterede resultater, som projektet har givet. For hvert projekt er der en henvisning til en projekthjemmeside på www.foejo.dk. Via denne side kan man bl.a. få direkte adgang til "Organic Eprints", som indeholder alle projektets publikationer – både faglige og videnskabelige

    NIR spectroscopy of the Sun and HD20010 - Compiling a new linelist in the NIR

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    Context: Effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity are basic spectroscopic stellar parameters necessary to characterize a star or a planetary system. Reliable atmospheric parameters for FGK stars have been obtained mostly from methods that relay on high resolution and high signal-to-noise optical spectroscopy. The advent of a new generation of high resolution near-IR spectrographs opens the possibility of using classic spectroscopic methods with high resolution and high signal-to-noise in the NIR spectral window. Aims: We aim to compile a new iron line list in the NIR from a solar spectrum to derive precise stellar atmospheric parameters, comparable to the ones already obtained from high resolution optical spectra. The spectral range covers 10 000 {\AA} to 25 000 {\AA}, which is equivalent to the Y, J, H, and K bands. Methods: Our spectroscopic analysis is based on the iron excitation and ionization balance done in LTE. We use a high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum of the Sun from the Kitt Peak telescope as a starting point to compile the iron line list. The oscillator strengths (log gf) of the iron lines were calibrated for the Sun. The abundance analysis was done using the MOOG code after measuring equivalent widths of 357 solar iron lines. Results: We successfully derived stellar atmospheric parameters for the Sun. Furthermore, we analysed HD20010, a F8IV star, from which we derived stellar atmospheric parameters using the same line list as for the Sun. The spectrum was obtained from the CRIRES- POP database. The results are compatible with the ones found in the literature, confirming the reliability of our line list. However, due to the quality of the data we obtain large errors.Comment: 9 pages and 9 figure
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