95 research outputs found

    Mental health measures of anxiety and depression in patients with retinal detachment

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    In this study, the researchers examined anxious and depressive symptoms of patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) prior to and up to year after retinal detachment surgery. One hundred and thirteen (113) patients with RRD took part in this prospective longitudinal study. Anxiety and depression were evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Visual acuity (VA) results and HADS scores of all participants were recorded prior to and 3, 6 and 12 months after retinal detachment surgery. Pearson correlation analysis showed a significant association between the patients' VA and HADS psychological scores both prior to and three months after surgery, regardless of the type of surgery performed. Psychological distress is a significant problem associated with retinal detachments that requires more attention

    Deep phenotyping of PROM1-associated retinal degeneration

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The purpose of this study was to investigate retinal structure in detail of subjects with autosomal-dominant (AD) and autosomal-recessive (AR) PROM1-associated retinal degeneration (PROM1-RD), study design: institutional, cross-sectional study. METHODS: Four eyes from four subjects (three with AD and one with AR) PROM1-RD were investigated by ophthalmic examination including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and multimodal retinal imaging: fundus autofluorescence (FAF), spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy. Quantitative assessment of atrophic lesions determined by FAF, thickness of individual retinal layers and cone photoreceptor quantification was performed. RESULTS: BCVA ranged from 20/16 to 20/200. Initial pathological changes included the presence of hyperautofluorescent spots on FAF imaging, while later stages demonstrated discrete areas of atrophy. In all patients, thinning of the outer retinal layers on SD-OCT with varying degrees of atrophy could be detected depending on disease-causing variants and age. Cone density was quantified both in central and/or at different eccentricities from the fovea. Longitudinal assessments were possible in two patients. CONCLUSIONS: PROM1-RD comprises a wide range of clinical phenotypes. Depending on the stage of disease, the cone mosaic in PROM1-RD is relatively preserved and can potentially be targeted by cone-directed interventions

    Variation in Prices Charged to Patients for Specialty Intraocular Lenses Inserted during Universally Covered Cataract Surgery

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    Patients often pay for specialty intraocular lenses (IOLs) for cataract surgery covered by universal insurance. This practice creates the potential for inequitable pricing where the medical service provider is also the retailer. We measured the variation in prices between cataract surgeons for the same IOL and associated testing.We telephoned every cataract surgeon in Ontario, Canada, and asked their price for the most common type of specialty IOL as a prospective patient. We measured the total prices quoted and variation between providers.We contacted 404 ophthalmologists. There were 256 that performed cataract surgery but 127 offered the most commonly employed specialty IOL and would provide a price to patients over the telephone. We obtained prices from all 127 ophthalmologists. Prices for the same lens and associated testing varied substantially between ophthalmologists from 358to358 to 2790 (median 615,interquartilerange615, interquartile range 528-$915). There was variation in all components of the total out-of-pocket price, including the price for the IOL itself, charges for uninsured eye measurements, and non-specific supplemental fees.Although cataract surgery is covered by public health insurance, some ophthalmologists charge much more than others for the same specialty IOL and associated testing. Greater access to price information and better regulatory control could help ensure patients receive fair value for out-of-pocket health expenses

    A Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness in Southern Zambia

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    INTRODUCTION: A rapid assessment of avoidable blindness (RAAB) was conducted in Southern Zambia to establish the prevalence and causes of blindness in order to plan effective services and advocate for support for eye care to achieve the goals of VISION 2020: the right to sight. METHODS: Cluster randomisation was used to select villages in the survey area. These were further subdivided into segments. One segment was selected randomly and a survey team moved from house to house examining everyone over the age of 50 years. Each individual received a visual acuity assessment and simple ocular examination. Data was recorded on a standard proforma and entered into an established software programme for analysis. RESULTS: 2.29% of people over the age of 50 were found to be blind (VA <3/60 in the better eye with available correction). The major cause of blindness was cataract (47.2%) with posterior segment disease being the next main cause (18.8%). 113 eyes had received cataract surgery with 30.1% having a poor outcome (VA <6/60) following surgery. Cataract surgical coverage showed that men (72%) received more surgery than women (65%). DISCUSSION: The results from the RAAB survey in Zambia were very similar to the results from a similar survey in Malawi, where the main cause of blindness was cataract but posterior segment disease was also a significant contributor. Blindness in this part of Zambia is mainly avoidable and there is a need for comprehensive eye care services that can address both cataract and posterior segment disease in the population if the aim of VISION 2020 is to be achieved. Services should focus on quality and gender equity of cataract surgery
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