36 research outputs found

    Physiological and pathophysiological aspects of primary cilia—a literature review with view on functional and structural relationships in cartilage

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    Cilia are cellular organelles that project from the cell. They occur in nearly all non-hematopoietic tissues and have different functions in different tissues. In mesenchymal tissues primary cilia play a crucial role in the adequate morphogenesis during embryological development. In mature articular cartilage, primary cilia fulfil chemo- and mechanosensitive functions to adapt the cellular mechanisms on extracellular changes and thus, maintain tissue homeostasis and morphometry. Ciliary abnormalities in osteoarthritic cartilage could represent pathophysiological relationships between ciliary dysfunction and tissue deformation. Nevertheless, the molecular and pathophysiological relationships of 'Primary Cilia' (PC) in the context of osteoarthritis is not yet fully understood. The present review focuses on the current knowledge about PC and provide a short but not exhaustive overview of their role in cartilage

    Recurrent osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis after segmental resection and reconstruction of the mandible: a case report

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    A 50-year-old patient presented with a two-year history of chronic osteomyelitis of the left mandibular body. It was treated by wide segmental resection of the left hemimandible and reconstruction with a free vascularized fibular graft. Six months after surgery, the patient returned with pain, swelling, and moth-like lesions in the transplant in combination with appositional bone formation surrounding the ossified fibular bone. Radiographic and histological examination led to the diagnosis of a recurrent osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis affecting the resected and reconstructed mandible. Application of ibandronate led to a significant symptom decrease

    First detection of primary cilia in injured human anterior cruciate ligament: A pilot study with pathophysiological reflections

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    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a significant role in knee stability, protects the joint under multiple loading conditions and shows complex biomechanics. Beside mechanical stability, the ACL seems to play a crucial role in proprioception, and it is well known, that ACL injuries can cause functional deficits due to decreased proprioception. However, the mechanism of proprioception is not completely understood yet. In this context, primary cilia (PC), which play a significant role in the signaling between the intra- and extracellular space, could be of interest. However, until today, primary cilia are not yet described in human ACL. In total, seven human ACL’s underwent transmission electron microscopical examination. Three cadaveric ACL’s and four freshly injured ACL’s were examined. Single cells of each ACL were examined regarding the presence of axonemes or basal bodies, which represent components of a PC. In total, 276 cells of the cadaveric ACL’s and 180 cells of the injured ACL’s were examined. Basal bodies could be detected in three of the four specimens of the injured ACL’s as well as in one of the three cadaveric ACL’s, resulting in a mean positivity of 2.54% in the cadaveric group and 2.78% in the injured group. In case of PC-presence, only one PC per cell could be detected. No statistically significant difference regarding the frequency could be detected between both groups. In this pilot-study, we present for the first time an ultrastructural study of human ACLs with respect to the occurrence of PC and any structural and morphological features of these complex and dynamic cell organelles. PCs are present in almost all non-hematopoietic tissues of the human body. However, there are different reports on the number, incidence, orientation, and morphology of these cell organelles in the respective tissues. Compared to other tissues and ligaments of other species, we found a significantly lower rate of PC positive cells. This observation might represent a tissue-specific characteristic of ACL tissue. However, our observations need to be explored in more detail in further studies

    Excellent histological results in terms of articular cartilage regeneration after spheroid-based autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI)

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    Purpose Traumatic lesions of articular cartilage represent a crucial risk factor for osteoarthritis. Even if several strategies exist to treat such damages, the optimal solution has not yet been found. A new strategy represents the scaffold-free spheroid-based autologous chondrocyte transplantation. In this method, spheroids of chondrocytes are synthesized after chondrocyte isolation and expansion, followed by the implantation in a second intervention. Methods Fine Jamshidi-needle biopsies from five patients (one from each patient, Ø 2 mm) treated with a spheroid-based autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) after traumatic lesions of the articular cartilage of the knee were analysed histologically and immunohistologically for collagen II, collagen X and aggrecan expression. The indication for a second look arthroscopy was given by arthrofibrosis or meniscus-lesions, respectively. The time between ACI and second-look arthroscopy ranged between 6 and 16 months. Results In all patients, the histological examinations revealed an avascular cartilage tissue with a homogenic extracellular matrix. The subchondral bone neither showed bleeding, necrosis nor hypertrophy. A homogenous alcian blue staining indicated high amounts of mucopolysaccharides and glycosaminoglycans. Collagen II staining was highly positive, whereas collagen X staining was negative in every patient, ruling out hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation. In addition, intense aggrecan staining indicated a strong expression of this extracellular matrix component. Conclusion The present case series represents the first histological and immunohistological analyses of spheroid-based ACI in humans. Spheroid-based ACI revealed excellent histological results regarding the regeneration of hyaline articular cartilage. These results indicate that spheroid based ACI is a promising strategy for treating traumatic lesions of the articular cartilage of the knee

    Expression of CD68 positive macrophages in the use of different barrier materials to prevent peritoneal adhesions—an animal study

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    In preventing postoperative adhesion formation the optimal barrier material has still not been found. It is therefore imperative to assess the biocompatibility of potential barrier devices. Macrophages play a decisive role in the regulation of wound healing, tissue regeneration and foreign body reaction. Since the number of CD68-positive macrophages represents an important parameter within biomaterial testing, in the present study it was analysed whether a correlation exists between the total number of CD68-positive macrophages and the extent of fibrosis or inflammation in peritoneal adhesion prevention using biomaterials. After standardized peritoneal wounding, Wistar rats were treated with five adhesion barriers or remained untreated as a control. After 14 days, animals were sacrificed and the treated areas were evaluated histomorphologically and immunohistologically. A heterogeneous pattern of macrophage count in relation to fibrosis or inflammation was found. While some groups described a moderate macrophage infiltration without fibrosis, others showed similar numbers of macrophages, but accompanied by moderate fibrosis. Moreover, a minimal number of macrophages was associated with minimal fibrosis. Mild inflammation was seen both with minimal and moderate macrophage infiltration. Altogether, no correlation could be established between the tissue response and the count of CD68-positive macrophages. With a view to macrophage heterogeneity further studies are required to determine the different macrophage subpopulations and clarify the role of these in the tissue responses to barrier materials

    Impact of Spatially Heterogeneous Trop-2 Expression on Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Oral cancer often presents with aggressive behavior and a high risk of recurrence and metastasis. For oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), which is the most frequent histological subtype, therapy strategies include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibitors, and EGFR inhibitors. Recently, a Trop-2 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) has been approved in the United States of America for the treatment of advanced triple-negative breast cancer. However, this ADC has also been tested in other solid tumors including head & neck squamous cell carcinoma. The prognostic impact of Trop-2 has already been reported for several cancers. We studied the prognostic influence of Trop-2 protein expression on OSCC patients’ survival. The cohort comprised n = 229 OSCC patients with available archived tumor tissue and corresponding non-neoplastic oral mucosa tissue. Using immunohistochemistry, we investigated Trop-2 expression in both the central and peripheral regions of each tumor and in corresponding non-neoplastic oral mucosa. In patients suffering from OSCC with combined high central and low peripheral Trop-2 expression, five-year overall survival (OS) was 41.2%, whereas 55.6% of OSCC patients who presented lower central and/or higher peripheral tumoral Trop-2 expression were alive after five years (p = 0.075). In multivariate Cox regression, the expression pattern of high central tumoral and lower peripheral Trop-2 expression was significantly correlated with impaired OS (HR = 1.802, 95%-CI: 1.134–2.864; p = 0.013) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) (HR = 1.633, 95%-CI: 1.042–2.560; p = 0.033), respectively, when adjusting for co-variables. Hence, Trop-2 may serve as an independent prognostic biomarker in OSCC. In subsequent studies, the pathophysiological meaning of downregulated Trop-2 expression in the OSCC periphery has to be analyzed

    In Vivo Comparison of Synthetic Macroporous Filamentous and Sponge-like Skin Substitute Matrices Reveals Morphometric Features of the Foreign Body Reaction According to 3D Biomaterial Designs

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    Synthetic macroporous biomaterials are widely used in the field of skin tissue engineering to mimic membrane functions of the native dermis. Biomaterial designs can be subclassified with respect to their shape in fibrous designs, namely fibers, meshes or fleeces, respectively, and porous designs, such as sponges and foams. However, synthetic matrices often have limitations regarding unfavorable foreign body responses (FBRs). Severe FBRs can result in unfavorable disintegration and rejection of an implant, whereas mild FBRs can lead to an acceptable integration of a biomaterial. In this context, comparative in vivo studies of different three-dimensional (3D) matrix designs are rare. Especially, the differences regarding FBRs between synthetically derived filamentous fleeces and sponge-like constructs are unknown. In the present study, the FBRs on two 3D matrix designs were explored after 25 days of subcutaneous implantation in a porcine model. Cellular reactions were quantified histopathologically to investigate in which way the FBR is influenced by the biomaterial architecture. Our results show that FBR metrics (polymorph-nucleated cells and fibrotic reactions) were significantly affected according to the matrix designs. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the 3D matrix tissue interactions and can be useful for future developments of synthetically derived skin substitute biomaterial

    Lymph node ratio as a predictor for outcome in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a multicenter population-based cohort study

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    Abstract Objectives Recently, multiple studies addressed the importance of lymph node ratio (LNR) in specifying patients’ risk of disease recurrence in various malignancies. The present study examines the prognostic significance of LNR in predicting outcome of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients after surgical treatment with curative intent. Methods Here, we describe a retrospective population-based cohort with 717 patients previously diagnosed with OSCC. Histopathologically verified lymph node metastasis was diagnosed in 290 patients. Among these patients, we evaluated the impact of LNR on overall survival (OAS) and recurrence-free survival (RFS) in uni- as well as multivariate analysis. Results A median cutoff (0.055) in LNR was found to significantly predict outcome in OSCC patients. Five-year OAS was 54.1% in patients with a low LNR, whereas a high LNR was associated with a 5-year OAS of 33.3% (p < 0.001). Similar results were detected for RFS with a 5-year survival rate of 49.8% (LNR low) and 30.3% (LNR high) (p = 0.002). Results were confirmed in multivariate Cox regression which substantiated the importance of LNR in predicting survival in OSCC patients. Conclusions LNR was shown to be an independent prognostic factor for outcome of OSCC in a population-based cohort in uni- as well as multivariate analysis. Hereby, a LNR ≥ 0.055 predicted a shorter OAS and RFS in our cohort. Clinical relevance Besides established histopathological factors, LNR can be used as a reliable predictor of outcome in OSCC and might therefore be further applied in evaluating adjuvant treatment after resection in curative intention

    Macrophages: From Simple Phagocyte to an Integrative Regulatory Cell for Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration—A Review of the Literature

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    The understanding of macrophages and their pathophysiological role has dramatically changed within the last decades. Macrophages represent a very interesting cell type with regard to biomaterial-based tissue engineering and regeneration. In this context, macrophages play a crucial role in the biocompatibility and degradation of implanted biomaterials. Furthermore, a better understanding of the functionality of macrophages opens perspectives for potential guidance and modulation to turn inflammation into regeneration. Such knowledge may help to improve not only the biocompatibility of scaffold materials but also the integration, maturation, and preservation of scaffold-cell constructs or induce regeneration. Nowadays, macrophages are classified into two subpopulations, the classically activated macrophages (M1 macrophages) with pro-inflammatory properties and the alternatively activated macrophages (M2 macrophages) with anti-inflammatory properties. The present narrative review gives an overview of the different functions of macrophages and summarizes the recent state of knowledge regarding different types of macrophages and their functions, with special emphasis on tissue engineering and tissue regeneration

    3D Visualization, Skeletonization and Branching Analysis of Blood Vessels in Angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessels growing from existing vasculature. Visualizing them as a three-dimensional (3D) model is a challenging, yet relevant, task as it would be of great help to researchers, pathologists, and medical doctors. A branching analysis on the 3D model would further facilitate research and diagnostic purposes. In this paper, a pipeline of vision algorithms is elaborated to visualize and analyze blood vessels in 3D from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) granulation tissue sections with two different staining methods. First, a U-net neural network is used to segment blood vessels from the tissues. Second, image registration is used to align the consecutive images. Coarse registration using an image-intensity optimization technique, followed by finetuning using a neural network based on Spatial Transformers, results in an excellent alignment of images. Lastly, the corresponding segmented masks depicting the blood vessels are aligned and interpolated using the results of the image registration, resulting in a visualized 3D model. Additionally, a skeletonization algorithm is used to analyze the branching characteristics of the 3D vascular model. In summary, computer vision and deep learning is used to reconstruct, visualize and analyze a 3D vascular model from a set of parallel tissue samples. Our technique opens innovative perspectives in the pathophysiological understanding of vascular morphogenesis under different pathophysiological conditions and its potential diagnostic role