11 research outputs found

    Full Frequency Back-Action Spectrum of a Single Electron Transistor during Qubit read-out

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    We calculate the spectral density of voltage fluctuations in a Single Electron Transistor (SET), biased to operate in a transport mode where tunneling events are correlated due to Coulomb interaction. The whole spectrum from low frequency shot noise to quantum noise at frequencies comparable to the SET charging energy (EC/)(E_{C}/\hbar) is considered. We discuss the back-action during read-out of a charge qubit and conclude that single-shot read-out is possible using the Radio-Frequency SET.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Full frequency voltage noise spectral density of a single electron transistor

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    We calculate the full frequency spectral density of voltage fluctuations in a Single Electron Transistor (SET), used as an electrometer biased above the Coulomb threshold so that the current through the SET is carried by sequential tunnel events. We consider both a normal state SET and a superconducting SET. The whole spectrum from low frequency telegraph noise to quantum noise at frequencies comparable to the SET charging energy (EC/)(E_{C}/\hbar), and high frequency Nyquist noise is described. We take the energy exchange between the SET and the measured system into account using a real-time diagrammatic Keldysh technique. The voltage fluctuations determine the back-action of the SET onto the measured system and we specifically discuss the case of superconducting charge qubit read-out and measuring the so-called Coulomb staircase of a single Cooper pair box.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR

    Stolpe ut för bredden : En analys av innehåll, urval och nyhetsvärdering i sportjournalistik

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    Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur mycket utrymme olika sporter har i Sportbladet, Aftonbladets sportbilaga, och att söka efter förklaringar till hur utrymmet i tidningen fördelas mellan olika sporter. Undersökningen har genomförts i två delstudier, dels en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och dels en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning. Resultatet från den kvantitativa delstudien visar att fotboll är den sport som får absolut störst utrymme i Sportbladet. Ishockey får också mycket plats i tidningen. Övriga sporter får, jämfört med fotboll och ishockey mycket liten plats i Sportbladet. Resultat från den kvalitativa delstudien, där sportjournalister, sportchefer samt representanter från olika idrottsförbund deltog som intervjupersoner, visar att den stora koncentrationen kring fotboll och ishockey inte är unik för Sportbladet, utan att de flesta svenska sportmedier har ett liknande urval. Det insamlade empiriska materialet har analyserats med utgångspunkt från bland annat Håkan Hvitfelts nyhetsvärderingsformel för att identifiera vilka faktorer som gör att vissa sporter får ett högre nyhetsvärde än andra. En viktig förklaring till varför fotboll och ishockey får mest utrymme är att många sportjournalister har dessa två sporter som sina största intressen, och då helst skriver om dem. En annan viktig förklaring är att sporterna lockar mycket publik till arenorna. En tredje förklaring till just fotbollens stora utrymme är att sporten har flest antal utövare av alla idrotter i Sverige. Undersökningens resultat visar samtidigt att vissa idrotter, som gymnastik och ridsport, trots många utövare och potentiellt intresserade mediekonsumenter ändå inte lyckas konkurrera om medieutrymmet

    Interaction between cyclists, motor vehicles and infrastructure : a simulator study on cyclist strategy and behaviour at intersections

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    Severe and fatal accidents between cyclists and motor vehicles are common at intersections, and many involve right-turning vehicles, with drivers not observing an adjacent cyclist. Few structured investigations exist regarding the interaction between the two, and factors to be studied are how infrastructure and vehicle properties affect human decision-making and cycling behaviour. Therefore, a bicycle simulator study was performed, where vehicle type, lane markings and width were systematically varied in a scenario with a cyclist approaching a vehicle from behind at an intersection. 33 participants each cycled through 8 intersections. Data on cycling trajectories, stopping points and speed was coupled with survey data and semantically categorized verbal responses to questions regarding strategy for choice of stopping point. Results show that all three factors (vehicle type, lane markings and available vehicle-adjacent space) significantly affects cyclists’ behaviour (lateral and longitudinal stopping position), speed choice and verbally expressed conscious strategies

    Infrastructure for cars with automated functions : knowledge base on the need for necessary adaptation

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    Pågående digitalisering av transportsystemet, inklusive automatiserade fordon, innebär ett paradigmskifte. Utvecklingen av fordon med avancerat förarstöd, automatiserade funktioner och självkörande fordon är nu en självklar användning i transportsystemet. Tack vare introduktionen av nya sensorer i fordonen och uppkoppling finns ett komplement som möjliggör automationsfunktioner som kan stödja den mänskliga föraren med köruppgiften under hela eller delar av resan. Å andra sidan bör det stå klart att dagens transportsystem och infrastruktur har utformats för att manövrera fordon med hjälp av mänskliga förare och deras tillhörande begränsningar och möjligheter. Projektet syftar till, att ur ett väghållarperspektiv med fokus på det statliga vägnätet, redogöra för det aktuella kunskapsläget avseende befintliga och möjliga anpassningar av digital och fysisk infrastruktur för att ge stöd till fordon med automatiserade funktioner. Projektet syftar även till långsiktig kunskapsuppbyggnad. Underlag har samlats in via litteraturstudier och framför allt hämtats från studier av pågående och utförda relevanta projekt såväl nationella som internationella. Vidare har mycket kunskap hämtats in genom författarnas nätverk och deras deltagande i relevanta internationella och nationella grupper. En workshop med berörda kommersiella aktörer har också genomförts inom projektet.The ongoing digitalization of the transport system, including automated vehicles, entails a paradigm shift. The development of vehicles with advanced driver support, automated functions, and self[1]driving vehicles is now an obvious use in the transport system. Thanks to the introduction of new sensors in the vehicles and connectivity, there is a complement that allows automation functions that can support the human driver with the driving task in all or parts of the journey. On the other hand, it should be clear that today's transport system and infrastructure have been designed to maneuver vehicles with the help of human drivers and their associated limitations and capabilities.  The project aims, from a road maintenance perspective with a focus on the state road network, to describe the current state of knowledge regarding existing and possible adaptations of the digital and physical infrastructure to provide support for vehicles with automated functions. The project also aims at long-term knowledge building.  Data has been collected via literature studies and, above all, obtained from studies of ongoing and executed relevant projects, both national and international. Furthermore, much knowledge has been gathered through the authors' networks and their participation in relevant international and national groups. A workshop with relevant commercial actors has also been conducted within the project

    Electric Roads : Energy Supplied by Local Renewable Energy Sources and Microgrid Distribution System

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    The electric road system is an emerging concept in this modern era. The advancement of technology has made it possible to give this concept a real shape (electric road system). However, the energy provided to the electric roads is still produced by non-renewable energy sources, which are completely unhealthy and harmful for society. Furthermore, the traditional grid is not suited to integrate with decentralized/localized energy generation and distribution systems. It is an ineffectual and environmentally extravagant system. Therefore, the preliminary contribution of this research is to introduce a decentralized/localized energy generation system based on renewable energy sources and energy distribution to electric roads through the emerging technology of microgrid and smart grid systems, which have the capability to integrate with renewable energy sources easily. Thus, producing electricity with renewable energy sources is environmentally friendly, less expensive, and available without charges. However, each source of energy has some environmental impacts and cost differences. A brief description of the environmental and cost impact of renewable energy sources (wind, solar) is also presented

    Towards Benchmarking of Functional Safety in the Automotive Industry

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    Functional safety is becoming increasingly important in the automo- tive industry to deal with the growing reliance on the electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems and the associated complexities. The introduction of ISO 26262, a new standard for functional safety in road vehicles, has made it even more important to adopt a systematic approach of evaluating functional safety. How- ever, standard assessment methods of benchmarking functional safety of automotive systems are not available as of today. This is where the BeSafe (Benchmarking of Functional Safety) project comes into the picture. BeSafe project aims to lay the foundation for benchmarking functional safety of auto- motive E/E systems. In this paper, we present a brief overview of the project along with the benchmark targets that we have identified as relevant for the automotive industry, assuming three abstraction layers (model, software, hard- ware). We then define and discuss a set of benchmark measures. Next, we pro- pose a benchmark framework encompassing fault/error models, methods and the required tool support. This paper primarily focuses on functional safety benchmarking from the Safety Element out of Context (SEooC) viewpoint. Fi- nally, we present some preliminary results and highlight potential future works

    Research & Innovation Platform for Electric Road Systems

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    The Swedish government has prioritized achieving a fossil fuel-independent vehicle fleet by 2030 which will require radical transformation of the transport industry. Electrifying the vehicle fleet forms an important part of this transformation. For light vehicles, electrification using batteries and charging during parking is already well advanced. For city buses, charging at bus stops and bus depots is being developed, but for heavy, long-distance road transport, batteries with enough capacity to provide sufficient range would be too cumbersome and too much time would have to be spent stationary for charging. One solution might be the introduction of electric roads, supplying the moving vehicle with electricity both to power running and for charging. In the longer term, this approach could also be used for light vehicles and buses. The objective of the Research and Innovation Platform for Electric Roads was to enhance Swedish and Nordic research and innovation in this field, this has been done by developing a joint knowledge base through collaboration with research institutions, universities, public authorities, regions, and industries. The work of the Research and Innovation Platform was intended to create clarity concerning the socioeconomic conditions, benefits, and other effects associated with electric roads. We have investigated the benefits from the perspectives of various actors, implementation strategies, operation and maintenance standards, proposed regulatory systems, and factors conducive of the acceptance and development of international collaborative activities. The project commenced in the autumn of 2016 and the main research continued until December 2019, the work during year 2020 has been focused on knowledge spread and coordination with the Swedish-Germany research collaboration on ERS (CollERS). The results of the Research and Innovation Platform have been disseminated through information meetings, seminars, and four annual international conferences. Reports have been published in the participating partners’ ordinary publication series and on www.electricroads.org. The project was funded by Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation (FFI) and the Swedish Transport Administration.FoI plattform för elväga

    Research & Innovation Platform for Electric Road Systems

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    The Swedish government has prioritized achieving a fossil fuel-independent vehicle fleet by 2030 which will require radical transformation of the transport industry. Electrifying the vehicle fleet forms an important part of this transformation. For light vehicles, electrification using batteries and charging during parking is already well advanced. For city buses, charging at bus stops and bus depots is being developed, but for heavy, long-distance road transport, batteries with enough capacity to provide sufficient range would be too cumbersome and too much time would have to be spent stationary for charging. One solution might be the introduction of electric roads, supplying the moving vehicle with electricity both to power running and for charging. In the longer term, this approach could also be used for light vehicles and buses. The objective of the Research and Innovation Platform for Electric Roads was to enhance Swedish and Nordic research and innovation in this field, this has been done by developing a joint knowledge base through collaboration with research institutions, universities, public authorities, regions, and industries. The work of the Research and Innovation Platform was intended to create clarity concerning the socioeconomic conditions, benefits, and other effects associated with electric roads. We have investigated the benefits from the perspectives of various actors, implementation strategies, operation and maintenance standards, proposed regulatory systems, and factors conducive of the acceptance and development of international collaborative activities. The project commenced in the autumn of 2016 and the main research continued until December 2019, the work during year 2020 has been focused on knowledge spread and coordination with the Swedish-Germany research collaboration on ERS (CollERS). The results of the Research and Innovation Platform have been disseminated through information meetings, seminars, and four annual international conferences. Reports have been published in the participating partners’ ordinary publication series and on www.electricroads.org. The project was funded by Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation (FFI) and the Swedish Transport Administration