2,338 research outputs found


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    A kutatási támogatás segítségével 48 publikációt közöltünk (IF:124,798). A pályázatban megfogalmazott két legfontosabb cél a PACAP cochleáris és retinális károsodásokban kifejtett hatásainak vizsgálata volt, amihez legszorosabban 21 dolgozat kapcsolható (IF: 62,474). Cochleáris vizsgálataink során a PACAP megvédte a belső fül sejtjeit oxidatív stressz-indukálta apoptózissal szemben. A vad és PACAP KO egerek cochleájának összehasonlítása során kimutattuk, hogy a vad egerek szignifikánsan több PAC1 receptort és kevesebb Ca2+-kötő fehérjét expresszálnak, bizonyítván azt, hogy a PACAP-nak fontos szerepe van a szőrsejtek toxikus hatásokkal szembeni védekezésében. Igazoltuk a PACAP retinoprotektív hatását MSG-indukálta és ischemia-indukálta károsodással szemben mind in vivo, mind in vitro kísérletekben. Leírtuk továbbá az újszülöttkori MSG-kezelés, a perinatális asphyxia, az anyai megvonás és az ingergazdag környezet hatásait is a retina fejlődésére. Bár a vad és PACAP KO egerek retinájában morfológiai eltérés nem látható, a PACAP hiányos egerek szignifikánsan nagyobb károsodást szenvedtek ischemiát követően, mint vad társaik. Vizsgáltuk továbbá a PACAP jelenlétét különböző emberi szövetekből és testváladékokból. Bizonyítottuk a PACAP protektív hatását különböző vese és bélkárosodásban, valamint általános citoprotektív hatását különböző sejtkultúrákban, többek között human retinális pigment epithel sejtekben, mely hozzájárulhat a PACAP retinoprotektív hatásának megismeréséhez. | We published 48 publications with the help of this grant (IF: 124,798). 21 (IF: 62,474) publications are closely related to the main focus of this grant, namely, the effects of PACAP on cochlear and retinal lesions. We showed that PACAP protects cochlear cells against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. We compared the inner ear of wild type and PACAP-deficient animals. PACAP-deficient animals showed significantly decreased PAC1 receptor expression. In contrast, hair cells of PACAP-deficient mice showed more pronounced Ca2+-binding protein expression compared with wild-type mice providing further evidence for the important role of PACAP in hearing processes. We proved the retinoprotective effect of PACAP against MSG- and ischemia-induced degeneration in vivo and in vitro. We also described the effect of MSG-treatment, perinatal asphyxia, maternal separation and enriched environment on retinal development of newborn rats. We did not find significant morphological difference in the retina between the wild type and PACAP-deficient animals, but PACAP-deficient mice suffered a significantly greater damage after ischemia compared with wild animals. In addition, we investigated the presence of PACAP in different tissue samples and body fluids. Our experiments also showed the protective effect of PACAP in renal and intestinal damage and in different cell cultures, including human retinal pigment epithelial cells, which can be an additional factor in the retinoprotective effects of PACAP

    A hypophysis adenilát-cikláz ak- tiváló polipeptid (PACAP) hatásának vizsgálata különböző idegrend- szeri károsodásokat modellező állatkísérletekben

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    Neuroprotective effects of pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in rat models of different types of neuronal injuries9

    Prototype MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensor Design and Manufacturing.

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    This paper is intended to describe the design and manufacturing aspects of a simple micromachined capacitive pressure sensor working in the pressure range of 0-1000 mbar. 500 µm thick Borofloat® 33 glass and silicon wafers were used as substrates. The basic transducer structure consists of a rectangular silicon membrane as deformable electrode and a fix aluminum electrode formed on the glass surface. In order to determine the exact geometry of the silicon electrode structure numerical models and simulations were applied. The thin silicon membrane was fabricated by Si bulk micromachining, i.e. anisotropic alkaline etching with electrochemical etch-stop. The two wafers were bonded together at low temperature by anodic bonding. After bonding and dicing the wafers the pressure sensors were characterized mechanically and functionally also. Our results demonstrate the functional behavior of the manufactured sensor structures and provide excellent verification of the preliminary expectations based on theoretical calculations and electro-mechanical simulations

    Several Critical Issues in the Development of the Administration of Hungarian Constitutional Justice

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    This essay intends to show the main characteristics of the two phases of the development of Hungarian constitutional justice. The first part examines the operation of the Constitutional Court in the first two periods starting from its foundation. The first period under the chairmanship of László Sólyom may be characterized as having approaching cases from the perspective of natural law, moving away from the statutes of the Constitution then in force (the invisible Constitution), while in the second period, under the chairmanship of constitutional judge János Németh, decisions were based on the interpretation of the text of the Constitution. The second phase of the Constitutional Court is analyzed by presenting decisions made in taxation cases and in employment and civil service dismissal cases, and it deals in detail with the controversial decision relating to the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the National Bank of Hungary, hereinafter the MNB)

    The Propositions of Experts and Policy Makers: The Survey

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