4 research outputs found

    Synthesis, properties and application of ionic liquids bearing one or more unsaturated moieties

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    Wydział ChemiiCiecze jonowe z roku na rok stają się coraz bardziej atrakcyjną grupą związków chemicznych. Wynika to z faktu ich unikalnych właściwości, np. niska prężność par, niepalność czy wysoka stabilność termiczna. Wprowadzenie do struktury kationu ugrupowania z nienasyconym wiązaniem terminalnym, nadaje tym związkom nowego wymiaru, mianowicie pozwala im uczestniczyć w procesie polimeryzacji, w wyniku której ciecze jonowe nie tracą swoich unikatowych właściwości a dodatkowo stają się obiecującymi materiałami w chemii polimerów. Na szczególne wyróżnienie zasługuje fotonika, która stwarza coraz większe możliwości w zakresie projektowania i produkcji urządzeń, systemów i układów scalonych do zastosowań w szybkiej komunikacji danych, zaawansowanym wykrywaniu i obrazowaniu. Hipoteza przedstawionej rozprawy doktorskiej zakłada, iż zrozumienie zależności pomiędzy wpływem rodzaju i ilości ugrupowań nienasyconych na właściwości fizykochemiczne cieczy jonowych oraz zastosowanie ich w procesie wytwarzania polimerowych struktur planarnych, przy wykorzystaniu skupionej wiązki elektronów, dostarczą podstawowej wiedzy na temat opracowywania nowoczesnych metod wytwarzania materiałów polimerowych. Wszystkie wykorzystane wyniki badań zostały przedstawione w cyklu pięciu publikacji [D1] – [D5].Year by year, ionic liquids are becoming an increasingly attractive group of chemical compounds. This is due to their unique properties, e.g. low vapor pressure, non-flammability or high thermal stability. The introduction of a group with an unsaturated terminal bond to the cation structure gives these compounds a new dimension, namely, it allows them to participate in the polymerization process, as a result of which ionic liquids do not lose their unique properties and, additionally, they become promising materials in polymer chemistry. Photonics deserves a special mention, as it creates more and more possibilities in the design and production of devices, systems and integrated circuits for applications in high-speed data communication, advanced detection and imaging. The hypothesis of the proposed research assumes that understanding of the relationship between the influence of the type and quantity of unsaturated groups on the physicochemical properties of ionic liquids and their use in the preparation of planar structures of polymers, using a focused ion beam, will provide basic knowledge on the synthesis of quaternary salts containing allyl or vinylbenzyl group in the cation structure and will allow for the development of modern methods of producing polymeric materials intended for the creation of photonic materials. All the research results used were presented in a series of five publications [D1] - [D5]

    Synthesis and Behavior of Hexamethylenetetramine-Based Ionic Liquids as an Active Ingredient in Latent Curing Formulations with Ethylene Glycol for DGEBA

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    The paper presents the preparation of new ionic liquids based on hexamethylenetetramine with bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide and dicyanamide anion, which were characterized in detail in terms of their purity (Ion Chromatography) and thermal properties (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), as well as stability. The obtained substances were used to develop curing systems with ethylene glycol, which were successfully tested for their application with bisphenol A diglycidyl ether molecule. In addition, the curing process and its relationship to the structure of the ionic liquid are characterized in detail. The research showed that hexamethylenetetramine-based new ionic liquids can be successfully designed using well-known and simple synthetic methods—the Delepine reaction. Moreover, attention was paid to their stability, related limitations, and the application of hexamethylenetetramine-based ionic liquids in epoxy-curing systems

    Thermal and Electrochemical Properties of Ionic Liquids Bearing Allyl Group with Sulfonate-Based Anions—Application Potential in Epoxy Resin Curing Process

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    Sulfonate-based ionic liquids (ILs) with allyl-containing cations have been previously obtained by us, however, the present study aims to investigate the thermal, electrochemical and curing properties of these ILs. To determine the temperature range in which ionic liquid maintains a liquid state, thermal properties must be examined using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Melting, cold crystallization and glass transition temperatures are discussed, as well as decomposition temperatures for imidazolium- and pyridinium-based ionic liquids. The conductivity and electrochemical stability ranges were studied in order to investigate their potential applicability as electrolytes. Finally, the potential of triflate-based ILs as polymerization initiators for epoxy resins was proven

    Optical Fiber Grating-Prism Fabrication by Imprint Patterning of Ionic-Liquid-Based Resist

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    We present a method of microstructure fabrication on the tip of the optical fiber using a UV soft-imprint process of polymerizable ionic liquid-based optical resist. Ionic liquid with two UV-sensitive vinylbenzyl groups in the structure was diluted in non-hazardous propylene glycol (PG) to obtain liquid material for imprinting. No additional organic solvent was required. The impact of propylene glycol amount and exposure dose on optical and mechanical properties was investigated. The final procedure of the UV imprint on the optical fiber tip was developed, including the mold preparation, setup building, UV exposure and post-laser cure. As the IL-containing vinylbenzyl groups can also be polymerized by the radical rearrangement of double bonds through thermal heating, the influence of the addition of 1–2% BHT polymerization inhibitor was verified. As a result, we present the fabricated diffraction gratings and the optical fiber spectrometer component—grism (grating-prism), which allows obtaining a dispersion spectrum at the output of an optical in line with the optical fiber long axis, as the main component in an optical fiber spectrometer. The process is very simple due to the fact that its optimization already starts in the process of molecule design, which is part of the trend of sustainable technologies. The final material can be designed by the tailoring of the anion and/or cation molecule, which in turn can lead to a more efficient fabrication procedure and additional functionalities of the final structure