4 research outputs found

    Heat wave impact on human health

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    Sva zbivanja u atmosferi i svi čimbenici koji uzrokuju klimatske promjene mogu imati posredan i neposredan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Posljedice klimatskih promjena osjećaju se u svim dijelovima svijeta i očekuje se da će u narednim desetljećima ti učinci biti joÅ” intenzivniji. Od svih ekstremnih meteoroloÅ”kih događaja toplinski valovi najviÅ”e se povezuju s morbiditetom populacije, ali i visokom stopom mortaliteta, te predstavljaju važan i globalni javno-zdravstveni problem. Toplinski valovi predstavljaju dugotrajnije razdoblje i produženi period izrazito toplog vremena i visokih temperatura, udruženi s visokim postotkom vlage u zraku. Te toplinske ekstremne događaje karakteriziraju poviÅ”ene temperature, viÅ”e i od 38Ā°C kroz nekoliko dana, te ustajala i topla zračna masa s toplim noćima iznad uobičajenog prosjeka. Utjecaj toplinskih valova na zdravlje ljudi može biti neposredan i posredan. Neposredan utjecaj vremena očituje se kod meteorotropnih bolesti kao Å”to su vaskularne bolesti, astma, reuma ili rak kože. Posredan učinak vrijeme može imati na čovjeka pri prijenosu zaraznih bolesti, utjecajem na proizvodnju hrane, dostupnost pitke vode i infrastruktru. Toplinski valovi u zadnjem desetljeću uzrokom su povećane smrtnosti posebice među vulnerabilnim skupinama. Stoga se poduzimaju preventivne mjere kako bi se ublažile moguće negativne posljedice po zdravlje kao i potrebu brzog djelovanja.All that happens in the atmosphere and all the factors causing climatic change can have a direct and indirect impact on the human health. The consequences of climatic change can be felt in all the parts of the world and it is expected that these effects will intensify in the coming decades. Out of all the extreme meteorological events, the heat waves are the ones most connected with the population morbidity and also high mortality rate; they represent an important and global public health problem. The heat waves represent extended periods of extremely hot weather and high temperatures, associated with high humidity. These extreme heat events are characterised by elevated temperatures of above 38Ā°C for several days, a stale and hot air mass and above average warm nights. The impact of heat waves on the human health can be direct and indirect. The direct impact of the weather manifests itself in meteorotropic diseases such as vascular diseases, asthma, rheumatism or skin cancer. The indirect effect of the weather on humans manifests itself in the transfer of contagious diseases, impact on food production, availability of potable water and on the infrastructure. In the past decade, the heat waves have caused increased mortality, especially in vulnerable groups. Therefore, preventive and fast-acting measures have been undertaken in order to mitigate any possible negative consequences for human health

    Heat wave impact on human health

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    Sva zbivanja u atmosferi i svi čimbenici koji uzrokuju klimatske promjene mogu imati posredan i neposredan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Posljedice klimatskih promjena osjećaju se u svim dijelovima svijeta i očekuje se da će u narednim desetljećima ti učinci biti joÅ” intenzivniji. Od svih ekstremnih meteoroloÅ”kih događaja toplinski valovi najviÅ”e se povezuju s morbiditetom populacije, ali i visokom stopom mortaliteta, te predstavljaju važan i globalni javno-zdravstveni problem. Toplinski valovi predstavljaju dugotrajnije razdoblje i produženi period izrazito toplog vremena i visokih temperatura, udruženi s visokim postotkom vlage u zraku. Te toplinske ekstremne događaje karakteriziraju poviÅ”ene temperature, viÅ”e i od 38Ā°C kroz nekoliko dana, te ustajala i topla zračna masa s toplim noćima iznad uobičajenog prosjeka. Utjecaj toplinskih valova na zdravlje ljudi može biti neposredan i posredan. Neposredan utjecaj vremena očituje se kod meteorotropnih bolesti kao Å”to su vaskularne bolesti, astma, reuma ili rak kože. Posredan učinak vrijeme može imati na čovjeka pri prijenosu zaraznih bolesti, utjecajem na proizvodnju hrane, dostupnost pitke vode i infrastruktru. Toplinski valovi u zadnjem desetljeću uzrokom su povećane smrtnosti posebice među vulnerabilnim skupinama. Stoga se poduzimaju preventivne mjere kako bi se ublažile moguće negativne posljedice po zdravlje kao i potrebu brzog djelovanja.All that happens in the atmosphere and all the factors causing climatic change can have a direct and indirect impact on the human health. The consequences of climatic change can be felt in all the parts of the world and it is expected that these effects will intensify in the coming decades. Out of all the extreme meteorological events, the heat waves are the ones most connected with the population morbidity and also high mortality rate; they represent an important and global public health problem. The heat waves represent extended periods of extremely hot weather and high temperatures, associated with high humidity. These extreme heat events are characterised by elevated temperatures of above 38Ā°C for several days, a stale and hot air mass and above average warm nights. The impact of heat waves on the human health can be direct and indirect. The direct impact of the weather manifests itself in meteorotropic diseases such as vascular diseases, asthma, rheumatism or skin cancer. The indirect effect of the weather on humans manifests itself in the transfer of contagious diseases, impact on food production, availability of potable water and on the infrastructure. In the past decade, the heat waves have caused increased mortality, especially in vulnerable groups. Therefore, preventive and fast-acting measures have been undertaken in order to mitigate any possible negative consequences for human health

    Consultation-liaison psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine, A University Hospital Center Sestre milosrdnice model

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    Kroz ovaj rad prikazujemo aktivno djelovanje Odjela konzultativno-suradne psihijatrije i psihosomatske medicine kao prvog i trenutno jedinog formalno osnovanog odjela takve vrste u Republici Hrvatskoj. Aktivnosti iz područja Konzultativno-suradne psihijatrije se u Kliničkoj bolnici ā€œSestre milosrdniceā€ odvijaju praktički od samog osnutka psihijatrije u bolnici, već desetljećima. Također Odjel kao zasebna organizacijska jedinica postoji unazad Å”est godina. U radu Odjela za konzultativno-suradnu psihijatriju i psihosomatsku medicinu istaknuli bi važnost konzultacije i suradnje između specijalista tjelesne medicine i psihijatara, te naglaÅ”avamo značajnu ulogu psihosomatskog aspekta u tjelesnoj bolesti. Također težiÅ”te rada je isticanje važnosti uloge psihijatra u otkrivanju, dijagnostici i liječenju tjelesnih bolesnika s psihijatrijskim komplikacijama, a ostatku medicinskog tima ukazati da je svaki bolesnik osoba sa bioloÅ”kom, psiholoÅ”kom i socijalnom dimenzijom ili drugim riječima njegovanje holističkog, biopsihosocijalnog pristupa svakom bolesniku bio on samo tjelesni bolesnik ili i bolesnik s psihijatrijskim tegobama.The aim of this paper is to demonstrate an active participation of the Department of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine as the first and currently the only formally founded department of that kind in Croatia. Consultation-liasion psychiytry in Sestre milosrdnice has been present for decades, from the time when psychiatry department was founded at the hospital. Nevertheless, Department as an organizational unit has been active for the last six years. It is important to emphasize the cooperation and consultation between the specialists in ā€œsomaticā€ medicine and psychiatrists as well as to point out a psychosomatic aspect in physical illness. Moreover, the importance of psychiatristā€™s role in discovering, providing diagnosis and treating ā€œsomaticā€patients with psychiatric complications must be placed in the focus, and the rest of the medical team needs to be aware that each patient has its own biological, psychological and social dimension which requires a holistic, bio-psycho-social approach regardless of the patientā€™s physical or mental disorder

    Heat wave impact on human health

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    Sva zbivanja u atmosferi i svi čimbenici koji uzrokuju klimatske promjene mogu imati posredan i neposredan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Posljedice klimatskih promjena osjećaju se u svim dijelovima svijeta i očekuje se da će u narednim desetljećima ti učinci biti joÅ” intenzivniji. Od svih ekstremnih meteoroloÅ”kih događaja toplinski valovi najviÅ”e se povezuju s morbiditetom populacije, ali i visokom stopom mortaliteta, te predstavljaju važan i globalni javno-zdravstveni problem. Toplinski valovi predstavljaju dugotrajnije razdoblje i produženi period izrazito toplog vremena i visokih temperatura, udruženi s visokim postotkom vlage u zraku. Te toplinske ekstremne događaje karakteriziraju poviÅ”ene temperature, viÅ”e i od 38Ā°C kroz nekoliko dana, te ustajala i topla zračna masa s toplim noćima iznad uobičajenog prosjeka. Utjecaj toplinskih valova na zdravlje ljudi može biti neposredan i posredan. Neposredan utjecaj vremena očituje se kod meteorotropnih bolesti kao Å”to su vaskularne bolesti, astma, reuma ili rak kože. Posredan učinak vrijeme može imati na čovjeka pri prijenosu zaraznih bolesti, utjecajem na proizvodnju hrane, dostupnost pitke vode i infrastruktru. Toplinski valovi u zadnjem desetljeću uzrokom su povećane smrtnosti posebice među vulnerabilnim skupinama. Stoga se poduzimaju preventivne mjere kako bi se ublažile moguće negativne posljedice po zdravlje kao i potrebu brzog djelovanja.All that happens in the atmosphere and all the factors causing climatic change can have a direct and indirect impact on the human health. The consequences of climatic change can be felt in all the parts of the world and it is expected that these effects will intensify in the coming decades. Out of all the extreme meteorological events, the heat waves are the ones most connected with the population morbidity and also high mortality rate; they represent an important and global public health problem. The heat waves represent extended periods of extremely hot weather and high temperatures, associated with high humidity. These extreme heat events are characterised by elevated temperatures of above 38Ā°C for several days, a stale and hot air mass and above average warm nights. The impact of heat waves on the human health can be direct and indirect. The direct impact of the weather manifests itself in meteorotropic diseases such as vascular diseases, asthma, rheumatism or skin cancer. The indirect effect of the weather on humans manifests itself in the transfer of contagious diseases, impact on food production, availability of potable water and on the infrastructure. In the past decade, the heat waves have caused increased mortality, especially in vulnerable groups. Therefore, preventive and fast-acting measures have been undertaken in order to mitigate any possible negative consequences for human health