8 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Temporal migration patterns between natal locations of ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) and their Gulf Coast stopover site

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    Natal population assignment probability surfaces for each sampled female, hatch-year ruby-throated hummingbird captured in 2010. Feathers were collected in Fort Morgan, Alabama, USA during autumn. (PDF 1313 kb

    <i>Clock</i> and <i>Adcyap1</i> allelic variation across populations.

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    <p>Gene diversity, allelic richness, minimum and maximum allele size, allele average, and most common allele (also reported as a percentage) are presented for each population.</p

    FST and RST values.

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    <p>FST and RST values for population differentiation at <i>Clock</i>, <i>Adcyap1</i>, and neutral loci computed in ARLEQUIN.</p

    Correlation analysis between allelic and phenotypic variation.

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    <p><i>Clock</i> and <i>Adcyap1</i> microsatellites did not correlate with any of the phenotypic variables investigated in Oklahoma and Louisiana buntings (p > 0.05). Allele-a indicates short alleles and allele-b indicates long alleles. Correlation values smaller than 0.01 are reported as nd (not detected).</p

    STRUCTURE Q matrix output for <i>Clock</i>, <i>Adcyap1</i>, and neutral loci.

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    <p>The graphs show the cluster assignment probabilities for Painted Buntings sampled in three populations (OK = Oklahoma; LA = Louisiana; NC = North Carolina) for K = 2. The probability (Q) of each population to be assigned to a cluster is shown on the vertical axes and in panel d. Each cluster is represented with a different color. The dashed yellow line represents the threshold probability (Q > 0.6) above which a population is considered part of a distinct cluster.</p

    Painted Bunting distribution.

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    <p>The breeding and wintering ground are indicated in yellow and green, respectively. Blue crosses indicate sampling locations in Oklahoma (OK), Louisiana (LA) and North Carolina (NC). Dotted-line arrows and question marks indicate hypothetical migratory routes.</p