63 research outputs found

    Consolidamento ed eterogeneità nelle esperienze di studio dei laureati italiani

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    Il bilancio complessivo che emerge in questo XIII Profilo dei laureati italiani, presentato e discusso quest’anno al convegno "Qualità e valutazione del sistema universitario”, ospitato dall’Università di Sassari venerdì 27 maggio 2011,sottolinea due aspetti centrali: il consolidamento dei risultati complessivi emersi negli anni precedenti (migliori di quelli pre-riforma) e l’ampia eterogeneità che permane nelle caratteristiche dei laureati. La documentazione disponibile, ampia e aggiornata è supporto importante per esprimere valutazioni fondate sul processo riformatore, tanto più in questo periodo che vede una parte consistente del mondo universitario impegnato nella riscrittura degli statuti di ateneo. L’analisi attenta della qualità e della valutazione che del sistema universitario ci restituiscono i principali protagonisti rappresenta pur sempre la base indispensabile per ogni seria verifica e per ogni sforzo progettuale proiettato nel futuro. Per questo vale intanto la pena leggerla questa documentazione, sottraendosi così all’insidia più diffusa anche nel mondo accademico: il rischio, come avvertiva Norberto Bobbio, di dare l’impressione di persone che sanno benissimo come la società italiana deve essere, ma non sanno assolutamente com’è. Il Rapporto restituisce ad ognuna delle università aderenti al Consorzio una documentazione completa, tempestiva e affidabile sulle caratteristiche dei propri laureati, in grado di rispondere anche alle richieste del Ministero, del CNVSU ed a quelle che verranno avanzate dalla neo costituita Agenzia nazionale di valutazione del sistema universitario e della ricerca (ANVUR). La stessa documentazione rappresenta per le aziende pubbliche e private italiane ed estere, uno strumento importante di valutazione dei potenziali candidati all’assunzione, un supporto fondamentale per ogni efficace azione di orientamento e offre indicazioni utili per interventi premiali o migliorativi.

    Zagadnienie losów absolwentów studiów I i II stopnia we Włoszech w działalności i badaniach Międzyuczelnianego Konsorcjum AlmaLaurea

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    The author discusses the careers of young people with undergraduate and graduate degrees in Italy based on results of studies initiated and conducted by the AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium. Founded in 1994 at the Statistical Observatory run by the University of Bologna, the Consortium aims to help young people to enter the labour market. To this end, it established a communication platform for employers and university graduates as well as a university-based database with over 700,000 CVs of graduates from all Italian universities (46 in May 2006) which have joined the AlmaLaurea Consortium. One of the Consortium’s goals is to facilitate mutual contacts and share information between universities, graduates and enterprises on topics such as employers’ expectations and ways to match those in educational/vocational profiles of prospective employees. The monitoring of young peoples’ careers begins at the final stages of secondary education and ends 5 years after university graduation. The success of this project on the Italian market, reflected in the growing numbers of young people finding employment after graduation, encouraged the Consortium to promote the idea beyond Italian borders. Moving in line with European Commission’s guidelines which signalled insufficient information about the social and occupational situation of young Europeans, the Consortium is now operating as EuroAlmaLaurea.Autor przedstawia losy absolwentów studiów I i II stopnia we Włoszech na podstawie wyników badań zainicjowanych i prowadzonych przez Międzyuczelniane Konsorcjum AlmaLaurea. Konsorcjum to, utworzone w 1994 r. przy Obserwatorium Badań Statystycznych Uniwersytetu w Bolonii, postawiło sobie za cel ułatwianie młodym ludziom wchodzenie na rynek pracy. Aby zrealizować to zadanie, stworzyło płaszczyznę porozumienia między pracodawcami i absolwentami szkół wyższych oraz ogólnouczelnianą bazę informacyjną, zawierającą m.in. ponad 700 tys. zawodowych życiorysów absolwentów wszystkich włoskich uczelni (w maju 2006 r. było ich 46), które zgłosiły akces do Konsorcjum AlmaLaurea. Projekt Konsorcjum polega m.in. na ułatwianiu wzajemnego kontaktu i udostępnianiu informacji między uczelniami, absolwentami i przedsiębiorstwami w kwestii ustalenia oczekiwań zawodowych potencjalnych pracodawców oraz dostosowaniu profili zawodowych potencjalnych pracobiorców. „Pilotowanie” losów młodzieży rozpoczyna się już w końcowym etapie kształcenia na poziomie średnim, a kończy 5 lat po uzyskaniu dyplomu szkoły wyższej. Sukces projektu na rynku włoskim, wyrażający się w rosnącej liczbie młodzieży znajdującej zatrudnienie po studiach, zachęcił Konsorcjum do rozszerzenia swojej działalności poza granice Włoch. Wpisując się w wytyczne Komisji Europejskiej, sygnalizującej problem niedostatecznej informacji na temat sytuacji społecznej i zawodowej młodzieży, funkcjonuje dziś jako EuroAlmaLaurea

    Almalaurea: sic transit gloria mundi

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    Summary The Inter-University Consortium AlmaLaurea, based in Bologna, this year celebrates twenty years of activity: founded in 1994, today it brings together 65 Italian universities, representing more than 80% of the national student population. Since then, AlmaLaurea has grown, exporting world-wide a system, unique in Europe, that has obtained international recognition. Besides reducing the gap between demand and supply for jobs, AlmaLaurea has created a tool capable of evaluating and monitoring, in the short, medium and long term, the outcome of graduates’ study and employment, one, three and five years after they have graduated. Through its annual surveys, the Consortiumthus provides each participating university, the governing bodies of the universities, evaluation cells, and committees involved in teaching activities and counseling with complete, timely and reliable documentation. In addition, its database, which contains almost 2,000,000 certified CVs in Italian and in English, is also an important supporting tool for both public and private Italian and foreign companies.Riassunto Il Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea compie quest’anno vent’anni: nato nel 1994, raccoglie 65 atenei italiani rappresentando oltre l’80% della popolazione studentesca nazionale. Da allora ad oggi, AlmaLaurea, che ha sede a Bologna, è cresciuta esportando a livello mondiale un sistema, unico in Europa, che ha riscosso numerosi riconoscimenti a livello internazionale. AlmaLaurea oltre a incrociare domanda e offerta di lavoro, ha creato un meccanismo capace di valutare e monitorare nel breve, medio e lungo periodo gli esiti di studio ed occupazionali dei laureati, a uno, tre e cinque anni dalla laurea. Il Consorzio grazie alle sue indagini annuali restituisce così a ognuna delle università aderenti, agli Organi di Governo degli Atenei, ai Nuclei di Valutazione, alle Commissioni impegnate nella Didattica e nell’Orientamento una documentazione completa, tempestiva, affidabile. Grazie alla sua banca dati, in cui sono raccolti circa 2.000.000 CV certificati, sia in italiano che in inglese, rappresenta uno strumento importante di supporto anche per le aziende pubbliche e private italiane ed estere.Résumé Le Consortium interuniversitaire AlmaLaurea, situé à Bologne, fête ses 20 ans cette année: né en 1994, il réunit 65 universités italiennes, et représente plus de 80 % de la population estudiantine italienne. Depuis sa fondation, AlmaLaurea s’est développé, en exportant mondialement un système qui n’a pas d’équivalents en Europe, et qui lui a valu de nombreux prix internationaux. AlmaLaurea croise l’offre et la demande, et s’est doté d’un mécanisme capable d’évaluer et de tracer les résultats des diplômés, au niveau académique et d’emploi, et ce un, trois et cinq ans après l’obtention du diplôme, sur la courte, moyenne et longue période. Par ses enquêtes annuelles, le Consortium peut transmettre à chacune des universités adhérentes, aux organismes de gouvernement des universités, aux centres d’évaluation, aux commissions préposées à la pédagogie et à l’orientation une documentation complète, actualisée et fiable. Sa banque de données, qui réunit environ 2 000 000 de profils certifiés, en italien et en anglais, est un outil important, apprécié par les entreprises publiques et privées, aussi bien italiennes qu’étrangères.Zusammenfassung Der interuniversitäre Verband AlmaLaurea mit Sitz in Bologna feiert dieses Jahr den 20. Jahrestag seiner Entstehung: im Jahr 1994 schlossen sich 65 italienische Universitäten zusammen, die über 80 % der nationalen Studentenbevölkerung darstellen. Seitdem ist AlmaLaurea gewachsen und konnte ein in Europa einzigartiges System in die Welt tragen, das zahlreiche internationale Anerkennungen erhalten hat. AlmaLaurea trägt nicht nur dazu bei, Angebot und Nachfrage zusammenzuführen, sondern hat auch einen Mechanismus geschaffen, der in der Lage ist, kurz- mittel- und langfristig, d. h. im Verlauf von ein, drei und fünf Jahren nach Universitätsabschluss die Ergebnisse von Studium und Stellensuche der Universitätsabgänger zu überwachen. Dank seiner jährlichen Untersuchungen stellt der Verband den Mitgliedsuniversitäten, den Rektoraten der Universitäten, den Bewertungsorganen, den in Didaktik und Berufsberatung engagierten Kommissionen eine vollständige, aktuelle und zuverlässige Dokumentation zur Verfügung. Dank seiner Datenbank, die ca. 2.000.000 zertifizierte Lebensläufe sowohl in italienischer als auch in englischer Sprache enthält, stellt der Verband auch eine wichtige Unterstützung der öffentlichen und privaten Unternehmen in Italien und im Ausland dar.Resumen El Consorcio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, sito en Bolonia, este año celebra su vigésimo aniversario: instituido en 1994, agrupa a sesenta y cinco universidades italianas, por lo que representa a más del 80% de la población estudiantil de Italia. Desde entonces hasta hoy, AlmaLaurea ha crecido y ha exportado a nivel mundial un sistema único en Europa que ha merecido numerosos reconocimientos en el ámbito internacional.AlmaLaurea, además de poner en contacto oferta y demanda laboral, ha creado un mecanismo capaz de realizar el seguimiento a corto, medio y largo plazo de la situación académica y laboral de los titulados al cabo de uno, tres y cinco años de su graduación. El Consorcio, gracias a sondeos anuales, brinda información completa, oportuna y fidedigna a cada una de las universidades que lo componen, a los órganos de gobierno de las universidades, los centros de evaluación, y las comisiones de enseñanza y orientación.Gracias a su base de datos, que contiene más de dos millones de currículos certificados, tanto en italiano como en inglés, representa una herramienta de apoyo importante para empresas públicas y privadas de Italia y del exterior.简介 位于博洛尼亚的Almalaurea大学联盟成立20年了:这个诞生于1994年的联盟吸收了65所大学成员,代表80%的全意大学生。从那时起,Almalaurea一直作为一个国际的、欧洲独一无二的组织成长起来。Almalaurea为职需要与就业机会提供桥梁,同时还建立起一个有效的评估系统,可根据一年、三年及五年分类,针对毕业生学习成绩及工作成绩做短期、中期及长期评估。每年一次的调研保证联盟为成员大学、高校管理机构、评估中心、教学及指导委员会提供一份全面、即使、可信的资料。在大学联盟的数据库中,保存着两百万份获得认证的英意双语简历,这也为国内外公共及个人企业提供了极为重要的支持。Резюме В этом году межуниверситетскому консорциуму AlmaLaurea г. Болоньи исполнилось двадцать лет. Он был основан в 1994 году, в него входят 65 итальянских уни-верситетов и он представляет свыше 80% студенческого населения всей страны. С тех пор консорциум AlmaLaurea развивался и вывел на мировой уровень уникаль-ную в Европе систему, получившую многочисленные признания на международной арене. AlmaLaurea не только объединяет спрос и предложение на рынке труда, но и создал механизм для оценки и прослеживания в течение короткого, среднего и длительного срока результатов учебы и работы выпускников университетов спустяодин, три и пять лет после защиты диплома. Благодаря ежегодным исследовани-ям Консорциум предоставляет полную, оперативную и надежную информацию ка-ждому участвующему университету, ученым советам университетов, управлениям проверок и контроля, управлениям развития образовательного процесса и профо-риентации. В его базе данных собраны около 2 000 000 сертифицированных резю-ме на итальянском и английском языке, которые являются важным инструментом также и для государственных и частных организаций Италии и других стран

    Graduates’ employment and employability after the “Bologna Process” reform. Evidence from the Italian experience and methodological issues

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    In a phase of depression and systemic crisis investments are essential assets in organizing the recovery, and the more so when innovation is relevant. This is why universities, companies, households and graduates implement strategies for overcoming the present crisis, leading to structural changes and competition both at the local and international level. In this framework, tracer studies on graduates transition to the labour markets provides fundamental insights and information not only to the organizations responsible for their training, but also to the economic system as a whole. Moreover, any such study is all the more useful when it can draw upon reliable and up-to-date information. This paper emphasizes three main points. First we present the results achieved by the AL model in tracing the transition path of graduates from the time they enrolled at the university until a few years after earning the degree. The survey is carried out every year by the AL and makes it possible to analyze the most recent labour market trends through the scrutiny of the career opportunities available for the graduates after 1, 3 and 5 years on from graduation. More specifically, we will present the results of the 2008 survey. This survey involved also all first and second level graduates from the 2007 vintage. Second, we examine the revision in our survey method, adopted in order to face the need to monitor a much higher number of post-reform graduates (more than 140 thousand overall) and the call of the Ministry and the universities to keep the information as much detailed as possible in assessing the employment outcomes for each single degree course, without losing feasibility in terms of costs and data collection time. In fact, we resorted to a mixed method: the computer assisted web interviewing (CAWI) and the computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). This is why it became necessary to measure and assess the effect of this approach on the answers given by interviewed graduates. In third place, we outline the results of some preliminary experiments carried on in order to allow for specific and recurrent comparisons between the results achieved with the AL model and other similar models dealing with the employment conditions of Italian graduates.Graduates’ employment; Graduates’ employability; Bologna Process; University reform; University governance; Assessment of the higher education system; CAWI and CATI survey techniques; Propensity score matching; Data quality control; Counter factual analysis; Labour supply, Human capital.

    Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates?

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    Using data on a large sample of recent Italian graduates, this paper investigates the extent to which participation in study abroad programs during university studies impacts subsequent employment likelihood. To address the problem of endogeneity related to participation in study abroad programs, I use a combination of fixed effects and instrumental variable estimation where the instrumental variable is exposure to international student exchange schemes. My estimates show that studying abroad has a relatively large and statistically meaningful effect on the probability of being in employment three years after graduation. This effect is mainly driven by the impact that study abroad programs have on the employment prospects of graduates from disadvantaged (but not very disadvantaged) backgrounds, though positive but imprecise effects are also found for graduates from advantaged backgrounds

    La scelta universitaria: istruire la pratica. Un rapporto della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli

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    Questo volume aiuta a mettere a fuoco i presupposti teorici della questione legata alla scelta universitaria e alle sue alternative, e a visitare una larga massa di dati empirici rispetto a un tema, quello dell’orientamento, che richiede nuove soluzioni.- Indice #5- Prefazione. Una scelta all’altezza delle sfide, John Philip Elkann #7- “Istruire la pratica”: cinque domande sulla scelta universitaria, Marco Demarie e Stefano Molina #11- Concetto e pratica dell’orientamento alla carriera nella società della conoscenza, Anthony Watts #27- Le determinanti socioculturali delle scelte universitarie, Luisa Ribolzi #45- Dinamiche della scelta universitaria in Italia, Andrea Cammelli #61- Conclusioni, Marco Demarie e Stefano Molina #117- Bibliografia generale #12

    Haplotype affinities resolve a major component of goat (<i>Capra hircus</i>) MtDNA D-loop diversity and reveal specific features of the Sardinian stock

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    Goat mtDNA haplogroup A is a poorly resolved lineage absorbing most of the overall diversity and is found in locations as distant as Eastern Asia and Southern Africa. Its phylogenetic dissection would cast light on an important portion of the spread of goat breeding. The aims of this work were 1) to provide an operational definition of meaningful mtDNA units within haplogroup A, 2) to investigate the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of diversity by considering the modes of selection operated by breeders and 3) to identify the peculiarities of Sardinian mtDNA types. We sequenced the mtDNA D-loop in a large sample of animals (1,591) which represents a non-trivial quota of the entire goat population of Sardinia. We found that Sardinia mirrors a large quota of mtDNA diversity of Western Eurasia in the number of variable sites, their mutational pattern and allele frequency. By using Bayesian analysis, a distance-based tree and a network analysis, we recognized demographically coherent groups of sequences identified by particular subsets of the variable positions. The results showed that this assignment system could be reproduced in other studies, capturing the greatest part of haplotype diversity. We identified haplotype groups overrepresented in Sardinian goats as a result of founder effects. We found that breeders maintain diversity of matrilines most likely through equalization of the reproductive potential. Moreover, the relevant amount of inter-farm mtDNA diversity found does not increase proportionally with distance. Our results illustrate the effects of breeding practices on the composition of maternal gene pool and identify mtDNA types that may be considered in projects aimed at retrieving the maternal component of the oldest breeds of Sardinia.</br

    A Survey on the milk fatty acid composition of forty dairy sheep flocks in Sardinia

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    A survey was carried out to monitor milk fatty acid (FA) composition during two years (2003 and 2004) on forty dairy sheep flocks, fed pasture based rations, in 5 macro pedoclimatic areas of Sardinia, featured by different i) soil type, (granitic, G; basaltic, B and alluvial, A) ii) average annual rainfall (low, L, 500-600 mm/year; high, H, 600-800 mm/year). Milk FA profile was strongly influenced by year. In particular milk linolenic acid (LN), CLA (conjugated linoeic acid) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) levels increased (by 25, 30 and 14%, respectively, P&lt;0.01) whereas the atherogenicity index (AI) decreased (by 8%, P&lt;0.01) in all areas in 2004 as compared with 2003. Pedoclimatic area affected milk fatty acid composition (P&lt;0.01). In both years milk from AL farms showed the highest levels of LN, CLA and PUFA. AI was lower in BH and GH in year 2003 and in BH, AH and GL in 2004