14 research outputs found
The upper Miocene mollusc collection from Monti Livornesi, Italy, collected more than a century ago, is confronted with new collections coming from the same localities of Popogna and Quarata. The study concerns the comparison of abundance data of three distinct fossil assemblages from the three vertically-stacked stratigraphic units called Luppiano, Rosignano and Raquese, of upper Tortonian-early Messinian age. Literature and museological data allowed to attribute most museum specimens to one and only one fossil assemblage. Museum collections preserve roughly the same dominant species, with similar ranks as the new quantitative field collections. Significant differences are however evident in the Luppiano assemblage from brackish-water, shallow subtidal bottoms, because new samples yield many species of small size, some of which with high dominance, that are completely lacking in museum collections, suggesting a bias due to size sorting and hinting at the overwhelming contribution of small-sized species to global mollusc diversity. On the other hand the Raquese assemblage, from an open marine shelf setting, can be similarly interpreted from the study of either the museum of new collection, yielding a similar species list and rank. The Rosignano mollusc assemblage, from a bioclastic bottom near a coral patch reef and characterised by fossils with a distinct taphonomic signature, is insufficiently represented in both historical and new collections. The systematics of the three assemblages are revised. The study contributes to the growing literature on museum “dark data” by showing that museum collections may yield abundance data significant for paleobiological analysis
Radiological Protection in Industries Involving NORM: A (Graded) Methodological Approach to Characterize the Exposure Situations
The interest in radiation protection in industrial sectors involving Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) is increasingly growing. This is due also to the recent implementation of the European Council Directive 59/2013/Euratom which in Italy and in the other European Union Member States extends the field of application to industrial sectors never involved before. This paper reports main results of a research project on radiation protection in industries involving NORM carried out in Italy aimed to provide useful tools for stakeholders to comply new legal obligations.
The project activities were mainly focused on different aspects relevant to the NORM involving industries, accounting for the positive list reported in the Italian law. Firstly, the inventory of the industries currently operating in Italy in order to identify the industrial sectors with an important radiological impact on population and workers was updated. Based on this information, a general methodology was elaborated taking into account a graded approach. The first phase consists in the identification and characterization of the most critical exposure scenarios and of the radiological content of NORMs involved in the different phases of the industrial processes. In the second phase calculation methods were developed for dose estimation for workers and members of public. These tools require the use of existing and well tested calculation codes, and the development of a dedicated user-friendly software
La radioprotezione applicata alle industrie NORM: sviluppo di un sistema di strumenti metodologici, conoscitivi e formativi a sostegno degli stakeholders. Stato dell’arte del progetto di INAIL
Con il recepimento della Direttiva Europea 59/2013 EURATOM, la normativa italiana di radioprotezione ha introdotto
nuovi obblighi per gli esercenti di diversi settori industriali “NORM”. Per sostenere l’assolvimento di tali obblighi che
garantiscono la protezione di lavoratori e popolazione, dal 2019 è in corso un progetto di ricerca, nell’ambito del quale
sono state realizzate diverse attivitĂ . Alcune di esse hanno avuto sviluppi anche in ambito internazionale, a
testimonianza di quanto questa tematica sia di grande interesse.
Lo scopo del presente lavoro è presentare i nuovi risultati del progetto, dall’aggiornamento del censimento dei settori
NORM attualmente attivi in Italia, all’ applicazione e declinazione dell’approccio graduale per l’individuazione di
situazioni di particolare interesse dal punto di vista della radioprotezione, fino allo sviluppo di metodologie operative e
di calcolo applicate ad alcuni settori
Sviluppo di protocolli di campionamento e di valutazione della dose per settori industriali con presenza di NORM
Nell’ambito delle attività del progetto INAIL - BRIC ID 30 “Protocolli operativi e metodologie di calcolo per l’attuazione della nuova normativa di radioprotezione, recepimento della Direttiva 59/2013/Euratom, in settori industriali NORM di
particolare impatto radiologico”, è stato sviluppato un approccio metodologico per gli adempimenti previsti dall’art. 22 del D.lgs. 101/2020. Una proposta di protocollo per la misura della concentrazione di attività delle matrici e per la
valutazione della dose efficace per lavoratori e popolazione è stata elaborata per il settore della produzione di cemento e per l’industria dello zircone e zirconio
Misure di campo magnetico generato da stimolatori magnetici transcranici
La Regione Toscana ha organizzato un Piano Mirato Triennale per la formazione del personale dei Servizi di Prevenzione e Protezione delle 16 Aziende Sanitarie Toscane e la formulazione di specifici criteri d
i valutazione del ri-chio. Il coordinamento della parte riguardante l’esposizione a campi elettromagnetici(Area Tematica 5) è stato affidato
AUSL 7 di Siena, che ne ha curato anche l’esecuzione, in collaborazione IFAC-CNR. La partecipazione a questa attività ha fornito lo spunto e le o
ccasioni per approfondire le esposizioni professionali a campi elettromagnetici che avvengono in ambito sanitario, tra le quali quella al campo magnetico generato da apparati per la stimola
zione magnetica transcranica. In questo report, dopo un estratto del documento finale del piano mirato, in cui si introducono le caratteristiche
generali degli apparati considerati, si presentano in modo dettagliato i risultati delle campagne di misura che hanno riguardato tre diversi modelli di stimolatori, risultati
che sono riportati solo in modo sintetico nel giĂ citato documento finale.
La presentazione non entra nel merito né dei metodi di valutazione applicati e neanche dei dettagli di implementazione dei metodi stessi
Misure di campi elettrici e magnetici generati da defibrillatori
La Regione Toscana ha organizzato un Piano Mirato Triennale per la formazione del personale dei Servizi di
Prevenzione e Protezione delle 16 Aziende Sanitarie Toscane e la formulazione di specifici criteri di valutazione del rischio. Il coordinamento della parte riguardante l’esposizione a campi elettromagnetici(Area Tematica 5)è stato affidato all'AUSL 7 di Siena, che ne ha curato anche l’esecuzione,in collaborazione IFAC-CNR. La partecipazione a questa attività ha fornito lo spunto e le occasioni per approfondire le esposizioni professionali a campi elettromagnetici che avven-gono in ambito sanitario, tra le quali quella al campoelettrico e al campo
magnetico generati dai defibrillatori. In questo report, dopo un estratto del documento finale del piano mirato, in cui si introducono le caratteristiche
generali degli apparati considerati, si presentano in modo dettagliato i risultati delle campagne dimisura che hanno ri-guardatoquattrodiversi modelli didefibrillatori, risultati che sono riportati solo in modo sintetico nel giĂ citato documento finale.
La presentazione non entra nel merito né dei metodi di valutazione applicati e neanche dei dettaglidi implementazione dei metodi stessi
Blue Light and Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure from Infant Phototherapy Equipment
Phototherapy is the use of light for reducing the concentration of bilirubin in the body of infants. Although it has become a mainstay since its introduction in 1958, a better understanding of the efficacy and safety of phototherapy applications seems to be necessary for improved clinical practices and outcomes. This study was initiated to evaluate workers' exposure to Optical Radiation from different types of phototherapy devices in clinical use in Italy. During infant phototherapy the staff monitors babies periodically for around 10 min every hour, and fixation of the phototherapy beam light frequently occurs: almost all operators work within 30 cm of the phototherapy source during monitoring procedures, with most of them commonly working at ≤25 cm from the direct or reflected radiation beam. The results of this study suggest that there is a great variability in the spectral emission of equipments investigated, depending on the types of lamps used and some phototherapy equipment exposes operators to blue light photochemical retinal hazard. Some of the equipment investigated presents relevant spectral emission also in the UVA region. Taking into account that the exposure to UV in childhood has been established as an important contributing factor for melanoma risk in adults and considering the high susceptibility to UV-induced skin damage of the newborn, related to his pigmentary traits, the UV exposure of the infant during phototherapy should be "as low as reasonably achievable," considering that it is unnecessary to the therapy. It is recommended that special safety training be provided for the affected employees: in particular, protective eyewear can be necessary during newborn assistance activities carried out in proximity of some sources. The engineering design of phototherapy equipment can be optimized. Specific requirements for photobiological safety of lamps used in the phototherapy equipment should be defined in the safety product standard for such equipment
Integration of Finance in Energy Efficiency
Innovative solutions to de-risk investments in energy efficiency projects, which the EU’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050
Detection of infliximab, adalimumab, and anti-drug antibodies: Development and validation of new monotest, automated assays on multiparametric instrument
Objective: To convert manual ELISA kits to fully automated immunoassays that quantify serum drug levels and anti-drug antibodies levels of infliximab and adalimumab (CHORUS Promonitor kits). Desing and methods: CHORUS Promonitor INFLIXIMAB, CHORUS Promonitor ADALIMUMAB, CHORUS Promonitor ANTI-INFLIXIMAB, and CHORUS Promonitor ANTI-ADALIMUMAB kits were compared with the corresponding Promonitor kits to determine sensitivity and specificity of the assays. For the automated assays, the entire procedure -from samples dilution to final readouts-was performed by CHORUS TRIO instrument (DIESSE, Italy). Residual human serum samples from clinical laboratory investigations and samples resulting from the addition of specific drugs (IFX or ADL) or anti-drug antibodies (anti-IFX or anti-ADL) were used for the characterization and validation of the tests. Results: CHORUS Promonitor kits showed an excellent agreement (Cohen's coefficient = 1) with the Promonitor kits and were linear within predefined ranges. All assays were accurate and repeatable, as an acceptable variability were observed within runs, between runs, lots, and instruments. No difference in detecting the reference drug or biosimilars emerged. Conclusion: During preclinical development, these kits resulted as sensitive, specific, accurate, and able to quantify either the reference drug or the corresponding biosimilars. All these features support their use in clinical practice for therapeutic drug monitoring of patients with inflammatory diseases under treatment with IFX or ADL