9 research outputs found

    Reprogramming the assembly of unmodified DNA with a small molecule

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    The ability of DNA to store and encode information arises from base pairing of the four-letter nucleobase code to form a double helix. Expanding this DNA ‘alphabet’ by synthetic incorporation of new bases can introduce new functionalities and enable the formation of novel nucleic acid structures. However, reprogramming the self-assembly of existing nucleobases presents an alternative route to expand the structural space and functionality of nucleic acids. Here we report the discovery that a small molecule, cyanuric acid, with three thymine-like faces reprogrammes the assembly of unmodified poly(adenine) (poly(A)) into stable, long and abundant fibres with a unique internal structure. Poly(A) DNA, RNA and peptide nucleic acid all form these assemblies. Our studies are consistent with the association of adenine and cyanuric acid units into a hexameric rosette, which brings together poly(A) triplexes with a subsequent cooperative polymerization. Fundamentally, this study shows that small hydrogen-bonding molecules can be used to induce the assembly of nucleic acids in water, which leads to new structures from inexpensive and readily available materials

    The Role of Organic Linkers in Directing DNA Self-Assembly and Significantly Stabilizing DNA Duplexes

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    We show a simple method to control both the stability and the self-assembly behavior of DNA structures. By connecting two adjacent duplexes with small synthetic linkers, factors such as linker rigidity and DNA strand orientation can increase the thermal denaturation temperature of 17 base-pair duplexes by up to 10 °C, and significantly increase the cooperativity of melting of the two duplexes. The same DNA sequence can thus be tuned to melt at vastly different temperatures by selecting the linker structure and DNA-to-linker connectivity. In addition, a small rigid <i>m</i>-triphenylene linker directly affects the self-assembly product distribution. With this linker, changes in the orientation of the linked strands (e.g., 5â€Č3â€Č vs 3â€Č3â€Č) can lead to dramatic changes in the self-assembly behavior, from the formation of cyclic dimer and tetramer to higher-order oligomers. These variations can be readily predicted using a simple strand-end alignment model

    DNA nanostructures prevent the formation of and convert toxic amyloid proteospecies into cytocompatible and biodegradable spherical complexes

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    Abstract The deposition of insoluble proteinaceous aggregates in the form of amyloid fibrils within the extracellular space of tissues is associated with numerous diseases. The development of molecular approaches to arrest amyloid formation and prevent cellular degeneration remains very challenging due to the complexity of the process of protein aggregation, which encompasses an infinite array of conformations and quaternary structures. Polyanionic biopolymers, such as glycosaminoglycans and RNAs, have been shown to modulate the self‐assembly of amyloidogenic polypeptides and to reduce the toxicity induced by the formation of oligomeric and/or pre‐fibrillar proteospecies. This study evaluates the effects of double‐stranded DNA (dsDNA) nanostructures (1D, 2D, and 3D) on amyloid self‐assembly, fibril disaggregation, and the cytotoxicity associated with amyloidogenesis. Using the islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) whose pancreatic accumulation is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes, it was observed that dsDNA nanostructures inhibit amyloid formation by inducing the formation of spherical complexes in which the peptide adopts a random coil conformation. Interestingly, the DNA nanostructures showed a persistent ability to disassemble enzymatically and thermodynamically stable amyloid fibrils into nanoscale DNA/IAPP entities that are fully compatible with ÎČ‐pancreatic cells and are biodegradable by proteolysis. Notably, dsDNA nanostructures avidly trapped highly toxic soluble oligomeric species in complete cell culture media and converted them into non‐toxic binary complexes. Overall, these results expose the potent modulatory effects of dsDNA on amyloidogenic pathways, and these DNA nanoscaffolds could be used as a source of inspiration for the design of molecules to fight amyloid‐related disorders

    Intercalators as Molecular Chaperones in DNA Self-Assembly

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    DNA intercalation has found many diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Here, we propose the use of simple DNA intercalators, such as ethidium bromide, as tools to facilitate the error-free self-assembly of DNA nanostructures. We show that ethidium bromide can influence DNA self-assembly, decrease the formation of oligomeric side products, and cause libraries of multiple equilibrating structures to converge into a single product. Using a variety of 2D- and 3D-DNA systems, we demonstrate that intercalators present a powerful alternative for the adjustment of strand-end alignment, favor the formation of fully duplexed “closed” structures, and create an environment where the smallest, most stable structure is formed. A new 3D-DNA motif, the ninja star, was self-assembled in quantitative yield with this method. Moreover, ethidium bromide can be readily removed using isoamyl alcohol extractions combined with intercalator-specific spin columns, thereby yielding the desired ready-to-use DNA structure

    Controlled Growth of DNA Structures From Repeating Units Using the Vernier Mechanism

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    In this report, we demonstrate the assembly of length-programmed DNA nanostructures using a single 16 base sequence and its complement as building blocks. To achieve this, we applied the Vernier mechanism to DNA assembly, which uses a mismatch in length between two monomers to dictate the final length of the product. Specifically, this approach relies on the interaction of two DNA strands containing a different number (<i>n</i>, <i>m</i>) of complementary binding sites: these two strands will keep binding to each other until they come into register, thus generating a larger assembly whose length (<i>n</i> × <i>m</i>) is encoded by the number of binding sites in each strand. While the Vernier mechanism has been applied to other areas of supramolecular chemistry, here we present an application of its principles to DNA nanostructures. Using a single 16 base repeat and its complement, and varying the number of repeats on a given DNA strand, we show the consistent construction of duplexes up to 228 base pairs (bp) in length. Employing specific annealing protocols, strand capping, and intercalator chaperones allows us to further grow the duplex to 392 base pairs. We demonstrate that the Vernier method is not only strand-efficient, but also produces a cleaner, higher-yielding product than conventional designs

    Modulation of Charge Transport Across Double-Stranded DNA by the Site-Specific Incorporation of Copper Bis-Phenanthroline Complexes

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    The site-specific incorporation of transition-metal complexes within DNA duplexes, followed by their immobilization on a gold surface, was studied by electrochemistry to characterize their ability to mediate charge. Cyclic voltammetry, square-wave voltammetry, and control experiments were carried out on fully matched and mismatched DNA strands that are mono- or bis-labeled with transition-metal complexes. These experiments are all consistent with the ability of the metal centers to act as a redox probe that is well coupled to the DNA π-stack, allowing DNA-mediated charge transport