40 research outputs found

    Assessing student engagement in a multi-media teaching tool in Pharmacy

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    The School of Pharmacy at the University of Waterloo offers an Integrated Patient Focused Care (IPFC) course series to students with the first of nine courses being taught in their second year. IPFC1 includes sections on Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Biochemistry, Immunology, Critical Appraisal and Patient Focused Care. The Pharmacokinetics section is taught using an online and in-class blended approach. A survey of the 2009 cohort demonstrated that this format aided in student learning and that enthusiasm for this section of the course increased over time. A more traditional, lecture-based section of this course, Clinical Biochemistry, was not well received by students; their feedback suggested that they were not able to make clear links between laboratory data and patient assessment. We used student feedback from the 2010 course offering to drive the development of a multi-media online learning module and face-to-face instructor-led tutorial to teach the Clinical Biochemistry section of the course this winter. The design and implementation of the new modules provided us with an opportunity to investigate whether the introduction of multi-media based teaching using virtual field trips, self-assessments and a single face-to-face tutorial increased student understanding of the connections between the results from lab measurements and patient assessment and whether this teaching format enhanced student engagement. We will present how assessment of student learning and engagement was accomplished before and after the introduction of the online components, the results of our analysis of exam grades from both years and our qualitative analysis of students’ feedback from the 2011 class

    Dynamically simulating the interaction of midazolam and the CYP3A4 inhibitor itraconazole using individual coupled whole-body physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (WB-PBPK) models

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    BACKGROUND: Drug-drug interactions resulting from the inhibition of an enzymatic process can have serious implications for clinical drug therapy. Quantification of the drugs internal exposure increase upon administration with an inhibitor requires understanding to avoid the drug reaching toxic thresholds. In this study, we aim to predict the effect of the CYP3A4 inhibitors, itraconazole (ITZ) and its primary metabolite, hydroxyitraconazole (OH-ITZ) on the pharmacokinetics of the anesthetic, midazolam (MDZ) and its metabolites, 1' hydroxymidazolam (1OH-MDZ) and 1' hydroxymidazolam glucuronide (1OH-MDZ-Glu) using mechanistic whole body physiologically-based pharmacokinetic simulation models. The model is build on MDZ, 1OH-MDZ and 1OH-MDZ-Glu plasma concentration time data experimentally determined in 19 CYP3A5 genotyped adult male individuals, who received MDZ intravenously in a basal state. The model is then used to predict MDZ, 1OH-MDZ and 1OH-MDZ-Glu concentrations in an CYP3A-inhibited state following ITZ administration. RESULTS: For the basal state model, three linked WB-PBPK models (MDZ, 1OH-MDZ, 1OH-MDZ-Glu) for each individual were elimination optimized that resulted in MDZ and metabolite plasma concentration time curves that matched individual observed clinical data. In vivo K(m )and V(max )optimized values for MDZ hydroxylation were similar to literature based in vitro measures. With the addition of the ITZ/OH-ITZ model to each individual coupled MDZ + metabolite model, the plasma concentration time curves were predicted to greatly increase the exposure of MDZ as well as to both increase exposure and significantly alter the plasma concentration time curves of the MDZ metabolites in comparison to the basal state curves. As compared to the observed clinical data, the inhibited state curves were generally well described although the simulated concentrations tended to exceed the experimental data between approximately 6 to 12 hours following MDZ administration. This deviations appeared to be greater in the CYP3A5 *1/*1 and CYP3A5 *1/*3 group than in the CYP3A5 *3/*3 group and was potentially the result of assuming that ITZ/OH-ITZ inhibits both CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, whereas in vitro inhibition is due to CYP3A4. CONCLUSION: This study represents the first attempt to dynamically simulate metabolic enzymatic drug-drug interactions via coupled WB-PBPK models. The workflow described herein, basal state optimization followed by inhibition prediction, is novel and will provide a basis for the development of other inhibitor models that can be used to guide, interpret, and potentially replace clinical drug-drug interaction trials

    Data Analysis Protocol for the Development and Evaluation of Population Pharmacokinetic Models for Incorporation Into the Web-Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service - Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo)

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    ce253c4f3a6b474078e975e74739d66a.pdfBackground: Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency in a specific clotting factor. This results in spontaneous bleeding episodes and eventual arthropathy. The mainstay of hemophilia treatment is prophylactic replacement of the missing factor, but an optimal regimen remains to be determined. Rather, individualized prophylaxis has been suggested to improve both patient safety and resource utilization. However, uptake of this approach has been hampered by the demanding sampling schedules and complex calculations required to obtain individual estimates of pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. The use of population pharmacokinetics (PopPK) can alleviate this burden by reducing the number of plasma samples required for accurate estimation, but few tools incorporating this approach are readily available to clinicians. Objective: The Web-accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service - Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo) project aims to bridge this gap by providing a Web-accessible service for the reliable estimation of individual PK parameters from only a few patient samples. This service is predicated on the development of validated brand-specific PopPK models. Methods: We describe the data analysis plan for the development and evaluation of each PopPK model to be incorporated into the WAPPS-Hemo platform. The data sources and structure of the dataset are discussed first, followed by the procedures for handling both data below limit of quantification (BLQ) and absence of such BLQ data. Next, we outline the strategies for building the appropriate structural and covariate models, including the possible need for a process algorithm when PK behavior varies between subjects or significant covariates are not provided. Prior to use in a prospective manner, the models will undergo extensive evaluation using a variety of techniques such as diagnostic plots, bootstrap analysis and cross-validation. Finally, we describe the incorporation of a validated PopPK model into the Bayesian post hoc model to produce individualized estimates of PK parameters. Results: Dense PK data has been collected for more than 20 brands of factor concentrate from both industry-sponsored and investigator-driven studies. The model development process is underway for the majority of molecules, with refinement and validation to be completed in 2017. Further, the WAPPS-Hemo co-investigator network has contributed more than 300 PK assessments for use in model development and evaluation. This constitutes the largest repository of this type of PK data globally. Conclusions: The WAPPS-Hemo service aims to eliminate barriers to the uptake of individualized PK-tailored hemophilia treatment. By incorporating this tool into routine practice, clinicians can implement a personalized dosing strategy without performing rigorous sampling or complex calculations. This service is centred on validated models developed according to the robust approach to PopPK modeling described herein.Association of Hemophilia Center Directors of Canada Baxter Canadian Hemophilia Epidemiological Research Program Research Grant Awar

    Using pharmacokinetics for tailoring prophylaxis in people with hemophilia switching between clotting factor products: A scoping review

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    Abstract The objective of this scoping review is to summarize the current use of pharmacokinetics for tailoring prophylaxis in hemophilia patients switching between clotting factor products. Patients with hemophilia may require switching of clotting factor concentrates due to a variety of factors, but there have been perceived risks associated with switching, such as inhibitor development or suboptimal protection due to inadequate dosing while titrating treatment. Studies that look at patients switching from one clotting factor concentrate to another are categorized in terms of their primary and/or secondary objectives, notably biosimilarity and comparative pharmacokinetic studies and inhibitor development studies. Research on how best to switch concentrates with respect to dosing regimen are lacking, and currently a trial-and-error approach is used for dosing the new factor concentrate. In the future, studies looking at the predictability of pharmacokinetics (PK) of a new factor concentrate based on individual PK knowledge of the original factor concentrate may offer clinical benefit by providing a safer switching approach and protocol.Peer reviewe

    Incorporating Breastfeeding-Related Variability with Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Predict Infant Exposure to Maternal Medication Through Breast Milk: a Workflow Applied to Lamotrigine

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    The version of record of this article, first published in The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal (The AAPS Journal), is available online at Publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1208/s12248-021-00599-5Current methods to assess risk in infants exposed to maternal medication through breast milk do not specifically account for infants most vulnerable to high drug exposure. A workflow applied to lamotrigine incorporated variability in infant anatomy and physiology, milk intake volume, and milk concentration to predict infant exposure. An adult physiologically based pharmacokinetic model of lamotrigine was developed and evaluated. The model was scaled to account for growth and maturation of a virtual infant population (n=100). Daily infant doses were simulated using milk intake volume and concentration models described by a nonlinear equation of weight-normalized intake across infant age and a linear function on the relationship of observed milk concentrations and maternal doses, respectively. Average infant plasma concentration at steady state was obtained through simulation. Models were evaluated by comparing observed to simulated infant plasma concentrations from breastfeeding infants based on a 90% prediction interval (PI). Upper AUC ratio (UAR) was defined as a novel risk metric. Twenty-five paired (milk concentrations measured) and 18 unpaired (milk concentrations unknown) infant plasma samples were retrieved from the literature. Forty-four percent and 11% of the paired and unpaired infant plasma concentrations were outside of the 90% PI, respectively. Over all ages (0–7 months), unpaired predictions captured more observed infant plasma concentrations within 90% PI than paired. UAR was 0.18–0.44 when mothers received 200 mg lamotrigine, suggesting that infants can receive 18–44% of the exposure per dose as compared to adults. UARs determined for further medications could reveal trends to better classify at-risk mother-infant pairs.Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Project Grant; Award Number: PJT-159782 || Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award (CGS-D), a Canada Graduate Scholarship to Honour Nelson Mandela; Award Number: DF2-17144

    Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for ciprofloxacin in children with complicated urinary tract infection

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejps.2018.11.033. © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/In a recent multicenter population pharmacokinetic study of ciprofloxacin administered to children suffering from complicated urinary tract infection (cUTI), the apparent volume of distribution (V) and total plasma clearance (CL) were decreased by 83.6% and 41.5% respectively, compared to healthy children. To understand these differences, a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model (PBPK) for ciprofloxacin was developed for cUTI children. First, a PBPK model in adults was developed, modified incorporating age-dependent functions and evaluated with paediatric data generated from a published model in healthy children. Then, the model was then adapted to a cUTI paediatric population according to the degree of renal impairment (KF) affecting renal clearance (CLRenal,) and CYP1A2 clearance (CLCYP1A2). Serum and urine samples obtained from 22 cUTI children were used for model evaluation. Lastly, a parameter sensitivity analysis identified the most influential parameters on V and CL. The PBPK model predicted the ciprofloxacin exposure in adults and children, capturing age-related pharmacokinetic changes. Plasma concentrations and fraction excreted unchanged in urine (fe) predictions improved in paediatric cUTI patients once CLrenal and CLCYP1A2 were corrected by KF. The presented PBPK model for ciprofloxacin demonstrates its adequacy to simulate different dosing scenarios to obtain PK predictions in a healthy population from 3 months old onwards. Model adaptation of CLRenal and CLCYP1A2 according to KF explained partially the differences seen in the plasma drug concentrations and fe vs time profiles between healthy and cUTI children. Nevertheless, it is necessary to further investigate the disease-related changes in cUTI to improve model predictions.Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT) [IWT/SBO 130033]Navarra Government, Spain [BON 1132/2017

    Modeling of Body Weight Metrics for Effective and Cost-Efficient Conventional Factor VIII Dosing in Hemophilia A Prophylaxis

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    The total body weight-based dosing strategy currently used in the prophylactic treatment of hemophilia A may not be appropriate for all populations. The assumptions that guide weight-based dosing are not valid in overweight and obese populations, resulting in overdosing and ineffective resource utilization. We explored different weight metrics including lean body weight, ideal body weight, and adjusted body weight to determine an alternative dosing strategy that is both safe and resource-efficient in normal and overweight/obese adult patients. Using a validated population pharmacokinetic model, we simulated a variety of dosing regimens using different doses, weight metrics, and frequencies; we also investigated the implications of assuming various levels of endogenous factor production. Ideal body weight performed the best across all of the regimens explored, maintaining safety while moderating resource consumption for overweight and obese patients.Canadian HIV Trials NetworkCanadian Institutes of Health Researc

    Maximum likelihood estimation of renal transporter ontogeny profiles for pediatric PBPK modeling

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    Optimal treatment of infants with many renally cleared drugs must account for maturational differences in renal transporter (RT) activity. Pediatric physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models may incorporate RT activity, but this requires ontogeny profiles for RT activity in children, especially neonates, to predict drug disposition. Therefore, RT expression measurements from human kidney postmortem cortical tissue samples were normalized to represent a fraction of mature RT activity. Using these data, maximum likelihood estimated the distributions of RT activity across the pediatric age spectrum, including preterm and term neonates. PBPK models of four RT substrates (acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, furosemide, and meropenem) were evaluated with and without ontogeny profiles using average fold error (AFE), absolute average fold error (AAFE), and proportion of observations within the 5-95% prediction interval. Novel maximum likelihood profiles estimated ontogeny distributions for the following RT: OAT1, OAT3, OCT2, P-gp, URAT1, BCRP, MATE1, MRP2, MRP4, and MATE-2 K. Profiles for OAT3, P-gp, and MATE1 improved infant furosemide and neonate meropenem PBPK model AFE from 0.08 to 0.70 and 0.53 to 1.34 and model AAFE from 12.08 to 1.44 and 2.09 to 1.36, respectively, and improved the percent of data within the 5-95% prediction interval from 48% to 98% for neonatal ciprofloxacin simulations, respectively. Even after accounting for other critical population-specific maturational differences, novel RT ontogeny profiles substantially improved neonatal PBPK model performance, providing validated estimates of maturational differences in RT activity for optimal dosing in children

    Maximum likelihood estimation of renal transporter ontogeny profiles for pediatric PBPK modeling

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    Optimal treatment of infants with many renally cleared drugs must account for maturational differences in renal transporter (RT) activity. Pediatric physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models may incorporate RT activity, but this requires ontogeny profiles for RT activity in children, especially neonates, to predict drug disposition. Therefore, RT expression measurements from human kidney postmortem cortical tissue samples were normalized to represent a fraction of mature RT activity. Using these data, maximum likelihood estimated the distributions of RT activity across the pediatric age spectrum, including preterm and term neonates. PBPK models of four RT substrates (acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, furosemide, and meropenem) were evaluated with and without ontogeny profiles using average fold error (AFE), absolute average fold error (AAFE), and proportion of observations within the 5-95% prediction interval. Novel maximum likelihood profiles estimated ontogeny distributions for the following RT: OAT1, OAT3, OCT2, P-gp, URAT1, BCRP, MATE1, MRP2, MRP4, and MATE-2 K. Profiles for OAT3, P-gp, and MATE1 improved infant furosemide and neonate meropenem PBPK model AFE from 0.08 to 0.70 and 0.53 to 1.34 and model AAFE from 12.08 to 1.44 and 2.09 to 1.36, respectively, and improved the percent of data within the 5-95% prediction interval from 48% to 98% for neonatal ciprofloxacin simulations, respectively. Even after accounting for other critical population-specific maturational differences, novel RT ontogeny profiles substantially improved neonatal PBPK model performance, providing validated estimates of maturational differences in RT activity for optimal dosing in children

    Impact of Adopting Population Pharmacokinetics for Tailoring Prophylaxis in Haemophilia A Patients: A Historically Controlled Observational Study

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    Background Performing individual pharmacokinetics (PK) studies in clinical practice can be simplified by adopting population PK-based profiling on limited post-infusion samples. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of population PK in tailoring prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia A. Patients and Methods Individual weekly treatment plans were developed considering predicted plasma factor activity levels and patients' lifestyle. Patients were trained using a visual traffic-light scheme to help modulate their level of physical activity with respect to factor infusions timing. Annualized joint bleeding rate (ABJR), haemophilia-specific quality of life questionnaire for adults (Haemo-QoL-A) and factor utilization were measured for 12 months before and after tailoring, compared within patients and analysed separately for those previously on prophylaxis (P), situational prophylaxis (SP) or on-demand (OD). Results Sixteen patients previously on P, 10 on SP and 10 on OD were enrolled in the study. The median (lower, upper quartile) ABJR changed from 2.0 (0, 4.0) to 0 (0, 1.6) for P (p = 0.003), from 2.0 (2.0, 13.6) to 3.0 (1.4, 7.2) for SP (p = 0.183) and from 16.0 (13.0, 25.0) to 2.3 (0, 5.0) for OD (p = 0.003). The Haemo-QoL-A total score improved for 58% of P, 50% of SP and 29% of OD patients. Factor utilization (IU/kg/patient/year) increased by 2,400 (121; 2,586) for P, 1,052 (308; 1,578) for SP and 2,086 (1,498; 2,576) for OD. One of 138 measurements demonstrated a factor activity level below the critical threshold of 0.03 IU/mL while the predicted level was above the threshold. Conclusion Implementing tailored prophylaxis using a Bayesian forecasting approach in a routine clinical practice setting may improve haemophilia clinical outcomes