5 research outputs found

    Disfagia orofaríngea em pacientes com esclerose múltipla: as escalas de classificação da doença refletem a gravidade da disfagia?

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    Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that involves swallowing disorders. Many studies have shown an association between neurological and swallowing performance, but results have been conflicting.Objective: To identify the frequency of dysphagia in patients with multiple sclerosis and neurological indicators that can represent the performance of swallowing.Method: in this study (cross-sectional) 120 Multiple Sclerosis patients underwent Functional Assessment of Swallowing by flexible nasal-pharyngo-laryngoscopy and the results were compared with the scores of the rating scales: (Clinical Evolving Forms of Disease, Functional Disability Scale for and Scale Systems Extended Functional Disability [Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale]).Results: Dysphagia was found in 90% of patients. Among the clinical forms of the disease, the progressive forms (primary progressive and secondary progressive) were more frequently associated with severe dysphagia, while the relapsing-remitting form presented more often mild and moderate dysphagia. Regarding the Disability Scale for Functional Systems, cerebellar function, brainstem function and mental health were associated with dysphagia, especially in the severe form. Regarding the Extended Functional Disability Scale, higher scores were associated with severe dysphagia.Conclusion: Dysphagia is common in MS patients, especially in those with greater impairment of neurological functions.Santa Casa São Paulo, Dept Otorhinolaryngol, São Paulo, BrazilSanta Casa São Paulo, Sch Med Sci, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, São Paulo, BrazilSanta Casa São Paulo, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Reliability of nasofibroscopy for the evaluation of adenoid hypertrophy and its correlation with clinical symptoms

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    Objective: To analyze the reliability of estimating the percentage of rhinopharyngeal obstruction by the adenoid using nasofibroscopy and its correlation with clinical symptoms. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study was conducted, involving 80 patients between 4 and 14 years old, recruited from Santa Casa of São Paulo general otorhinolaryngology outpatient service during the years of 2020 and 2021. All patients underwent nasal endoscopy examination, and the recorded videos were randomly assigned to four evaluators in two different sessions, with a minimum interval of 1 month. The evaluators estimated the percentage of rhinopharyngeal obstruction caused by the adenoid. Intra- and inter-evaluator correlations were established by comparing the reports from each evaluator. The data were compared to the Pro Image J Software report, that also estimates a percentage of obstruction by computer graphics. To correlate the grading of obstruction with clinical symptoms, all patients completed the OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) 18 questionnaire, a validated tool for assessing sleep apnea in children. The questionnaire data were then compared to the average scores assigned by the evaluators. Results: Satisfactory intra- and inter-rater correlations were observed, and the results were consistent with the Pro Image J Software. However, no correlation was found between the percentage of obstruction and the severity of clinical symptoms. Conclusion: Nasofibroscopy demonstrates good reliability in assessing a percentage of rhinopharyngeal obstruction caused by adenoids. However, there is no correlation between the degree of obstruction of the rhinopharynx and the clinical symptoms. Level of evidence: 4

    Pesquisa de estrógeno e progesterona no epitélio das pregas vocais de mulheres por imunohistoquímica Immunohistochemical searching for estrogen and progesterone receptors in women vocal fold epithelia

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    A laringe é extremamente sensível a mudanças endocrinológicas. A maioria das alterações da mucosa das pregas vocais é causada por modificações do conteúdo líquido das pregas vocais e das suas modificações epiteliais. O estrógeno e a progesterona interferem e modificam esse conteúdo líquido das pregas vocais. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a presença de receptores de estrógeno e progesterona no epitélio das pregas vocais de mulheres. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo de casos prospectivos. Foram realizados exames de imunohistoquímica para receptores de estrógeno e progesterona em 19 espécimes de epitélio de pregas vocais que não apresentavam quaisquer indícios de afecção, inclusive inflamatória. Foram descartados casos de pacientes com idade superior a 40 anos e inferior a 15 anos. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados receptores para progesterona em 18 de 19 pacientes. Os receptores de progesterona estão localizados tanto no núcleo quanto no citoplasma e principalmente na camada basal. Não houve nenhum caso de receptores de estrógeno nas pregas vocais. CONCLUSÃO: O epitélio das pregas vocais apresenta receptores para progesterona, tanto no citoplasma quanto no núcleo. Não foram encontrados receptores para estrógeno no epitélio das pregas vocais estudadas.<br>Larynx is extremely sensitive to endocrinologic changes. Most vocal fold mucosa alterations are caused by changes in vocal fold liquid content and its epithelial changes. Estrogen and progesterone interfere and change this liquid content in the vocal folds. Our goal with the present paper is to study the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors on vocal fold epithelium in 19 vocal fold epithelium specimens that did not present any indication of disease, especially inflammatory disease. We discarded those cases of patients above 40 years of age and those below 15. RESULTS: we found progesterone receptors in 18 of the 19 patients. The progesterone receptors are located both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells, and mainly in the basal layer. There was no report of estrogen receptors present in the vocal folds. CONCLUSION: Vocal fold epithelium bears progesterone receptors, in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. We did not find estrogen receptors in the epithelia of the vocal folds investigated

    Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study

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