484 research outputs found

    Espécies arbóreas nativas da amazônia ocidental brasileira com potencial para arborização de pastagens.

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    Esta revisão teve como objetivo reunir informações sobre algumas espécies de árvores nativas da Amazônia Ocidental tomando como base a lista apresentada por Franke (1999) e enfatizando características intrínsecas de cada espécie e de fácil visualização com o intuito de auxiliar técnicos, pesquisadores e estudantes na identificação das mesmas no campo. Jacarandá copaia (Aubl) D. Donbitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/13296/1/doc127-arborizacaodepastagens.pd

    A cytoplasmic Slo3 isoform is expressed in somatic tissues

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    Slo3 is a pH-sensitive and weakly voltage-sensitive potassium channel that is essential for male fertility in mouse and whose expression is regarded as sperm-specific. These properties have proposed Slo3 as a candidate target for male contraceptive drugs. Nonetheless, the tissue distribution of Slo3 expression has not been rigorously studied yet. Applying computational and RT-PCR approaches, we identified expression of two short Slo3 isoforms in somatic mouse tissues such as brain, kidney and eye. These isoforms, which seem to result of transcription starting sites between exons 20 and 21, have an identical open reading frame, both encoding the terminal 381 amino acids of the cytosolic Slo3 domain. We corroborated the expression of these isoforms in mouse brain and testis by Western-blot. The complete isoform encoding the Slo3 ion channel was uniquely detected in testis, both at transcript and protein level. Although the functional role of the cytosolic Slo3 isoforms remains to be established, we propose that they may have a functional effect by modulating Slo channels trafficking and/or activity. This study confirms that expression of full-length Slo3 is sperm-specific but warns against developing contraceptive drugs targeting the C-terminal tail of Slo3 channels

    Distributed flow optimization and cascading effects in weighted complex networks

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    We investigate the effect of a specific edge weighting scheme (kikj)β\sim (k_i k_j)^{\beta} on distributed flow efficiency and robustness to cascading failures in scale-free networks. In particular, we analyze a simple, yet fundamental distributed flow model: current flow in random resistor networks. By the tuning of control parameter β\beta and by considering two general cases of relative node processing capabilities as well as the effect of bandwidth, we show the dependence of transport efficiency upon the correlations between the topology and weights. By studying the severity of cascades for different control parameter β\beta, we find that network resilience to cascading overloads and network throughput is optimal for the same value of β\beta over the range of node capacities and available bandwidth

    Uso do terraview como ferramenta auxiliar na caracterização de áreas de sistemas silvipastoris.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o programa Terraview como uma ferramenta de auxílio na caracterização de áreas de sistemas silvipastoris formados com árvores de crescimento espontâneo. Foram realizados levantamentos de campo para georeferenciamento de espécies arbóreas em áreas de pastagem cultivada localizadas em propriedades de cinco municípios (Porto Velho, Ouro Preto d?Oeste, Nova União, Teixeirópolis e Presidente Médici) do estado de Rondônia. Os dados georeferenciados foram transferidos para o programa Terraview 3.3.1 onde foram agregados às informações existentes sobre solos, vegetação e precipitação em diferentes regiões do estado. Considerando todas as árvores avaliadas, verificou-se que 49% estavam sob Latossolos Vermelhos Eutróficos, 80% estavam em áreas cuja vegetação anterior era Floresta Ombrófila Aberta e 68% estavam áreas cuja média de precipitação anual varia de 1800 a 1900 mm. O uso do software Terraview mostrou-se uma ferramenta útil para sistematização de informações sobre caracteristicas edafoclimáticas e de vegetação precedente em áreas formadas com sistemas silvipastoris

    Quantum walks: a comprehensive review

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    Quantum walks, the quantum mechanical counterpart of classical random walks, is an advanced tool for building quantum algorithms that has been recently shown to constitute a universal model of quantum computation. Quantum walks is now a solid field of research of quantum computation full of exciting open problems for physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers. In this paper we review theoretical advances on the foundations of both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks, together with the role that randomness plays in quantum walks, the connections between the mathematical models of coined discrete quantum walks and continuous quantum walks, the quantumness of quantum walks, a summary of papers published on discrete quantum walks and entanglement as well as a succinct review of experimental proposals and realizations of discrete-time quantum walks. Furthermore, we have reviewed several algorithms based on both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks as well as a most important result: the computational universality of both continuous- and discrete- time quantum walks.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processing Journa

    Características silviculturais de espécies arbóreas nativas em ecossistemas de pastagens cultivadas na Amazônia Ocidental brasileira. 1. Leguminosas.

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    Neste estudo, foram avaliadas características silviculturais de 22 leguminosas arbóreas nativas em ecossistemas de pastagens cultivadas nos estados do Acre e Rondônia. Dez indivíduos adultos de cada espécie, presentes em pastagens com idade entre 10 e 25 anos, foram avaliados com relação à altura total da árvore, altura do fuste, altura da copa, altura da base da copa, diâmetro da copa, área da copa e diâmetro do fuste à altura do peito (DAP). As espécies foram classificadas em cinco grupos distintos pelo método de Tochar. As leguminosas Bordão-de-velho, Timbaúba, Fava-orelhinha, Canafístula e Pau-sangue-da-cascafina constituíram o grupo com as características silviculturais mais interessantes para fins de arborização de pastagens cultivadas, apresentando porte alto associado com copas altas e amplas, porém com base da copa alta, permitindo boa penetração de luz ao sub-bosque. Já as espécies Ingá-peluda e Jutaí-mirim são leguminosas de porte baixo, que apresentam fuste pequeno e copa baixa e estreita, sendo espécies com arquitetura de copa inadequada para fins de arborização de pastagens cultivadas

    Machine Learning Approach for Prescriptive Plant Breeding

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    We explored the capability of fusing high dimensional phenotypic trait (phenomic) data with a machine learning (ML) approach to provide plant breeders the tools to do both in-season seed yield (SY) prediction and prescriptive cultivar development for targeted agro-management practices (e.g., row spacing and seeding density). We phenotyped 32 SoyNAM parent genotypes in two independent studies each with contrasting agro-management treatments (two row spacing, three seeding densities). Phenotypic trait data (canopy temperature, chlorophyll content, hyperspectral reflectance, leaf area index, and light interception) were generated using an array of sensors at three growth stages during the growing season and seed yield (SY) determined by machine harvest. Random forest (RF) was used to train models for SY prediction using phenotypic traits (predictor variables) to identify the optimal temporal combination of variables to maximize accuracy and resource allocation. RF models were trained using data from both experiments and individually for each agro-management treatment. We report the most important traits agnostic of agro-management practices. Several predictor variables showed conditional importance dependent on the agro-management system. We assembled predictive models to enable in-season SY prediction, enabling the development of a framework to integrate phenomics information with powerful ML for prediction enabled prescriptive plant breeding