2,011 research outputs found

    Exploration on continuous Gaussian process frontier maps

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    © 2014 IEEE. An information-driven autonomous robotic exploration method on a continuous representation of unknown environments is proposed in This paper. The approach conveniently handles sparse sensor measurements To build a continuous model of The environment That exploits structural dependencies without The need To resort To a fixed resolution grid map. A gradient field of occupancy probability distribution is regressed from sensor data as a Gaussian process providing frontier boundaries for further exploration. The resulting continuous global frontier surface completely describes unexplored regions and, inherently, provides an automatic stop criterion for a desired sensitivity. The performance of The proposed approach is evaluated Through simulation results in The well-known Freiburg and Cave maps

    Structural and functional interaction between polyamine related molecules and biological membranes

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    La comunicación describe el conocimiento actual sobre las interacciones de biomoléculas relacionadas con el metabolismo de poliaminas con las estructuras y funciones de las membranas biológicasChanges induced by PA on nucleic acid (NA) conformation and synthesis is proven to be a major reason for PA essentiality (1-3). However, PA interactions with other polyanions, for instance polyanionic membrane lipid bilayers and glyosaminoglycans have received less attention (3-4). The functional importance of these interactions still is an obscure but interesting area of cell and molecular biology, especially in mammalian cells for which specific PA transport systems are not fully characterized (5). In mammals, activity and turnover of the polyamine (PA) synthesis key enzyme is controlled by a set of proteins: Antizymes (OAZ1-3) and antizyme inhibitors (AZIN1 and 2). It is demonstrated that AOZ modulate polyamine uptake (6), and that PA transport to mitochondria is linked to the respiratory chain state and modulates mitochondrial permeability transition (7). Antizyme expression variants have been located in mitochondria, being proposed as a proapoptotic factor (7-8). AZIN 2 is only expressed in a reduced set of tissues that includes mast cells, where it is associated to mast cell granules membrane (9). This fact, together to the abnormalities observed in bone marrow derived mast cell granules when they are differentiated under restricted PA synthesis conditions (10 and unpublished results), point out to important roles of PA and their related proteins in structure and function of mast cell granules. We will also present novel biophysical results on tripartite interactions of PA that remark the interest of the characterization of PA interactions with lipid bilayers for biomedicine and biotechnology. Thus, the information reported in this paper integrates previously reported information with our still unpublished results, all indicating that PA and their related proteins also are important factors for structure and dynamics of biological membranes and their associated functions essential in human physiology; for instance, solute interchange with the environment (uptake and secretion), oxidative metabolism and apoptosis. The importance of these involved processes for human homeostasis claim for further research efforts. 1. Ruiz-Chica J, Medina MA, Sánchez-Jiménez F and Ramírez FJ (2001) Fourier Transform Raman study of the structural specificities on the interaction between DNA and biogenic polyamines. Biophysical J. 80:443-454. 2. Lightfoot HL, Hall J (2014) Endogenous polyamine function--the RNA perspective. Nucleic Acids Res. 42:11275-11290. 3. Igarashi K, Kashiwagi K (2010) Modulation of cellular function by polyamines. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 42:39-51. 4. Finger S, Schwieger C, Arouri A, Kerth A, Blume A (2014) Interaction of linear polyamines with negatively charged phospholipids: the effect of polyamine charge distance. Biol Chem. 395:769-778. 5. Poulin R, Casero RA, Soulet D. (2012) Recent advances in the molecular biology of metazoan polyamine transport. Amino Acids. 42:711-723. 6. Kahana C (2009) Regulation of cellular polyamine levels and cellular proliferation by antizyme and antizyme inhibitor. Essays Biochem. 4:47-61. 7. Agostinelli E, Marques MP, Calheiros R, Gil FP, Tempera G, Viceconte N, Battaglia V, Grancara S, Toninello A (2010) Polyamines: fundamental characters in chemistry and biology. Amino Acids 38:393-403. 8. Liu GY, Liao YF, Hsu PC, Chang WH, Hsieh MC, Lin CY, Hour TC, Kao MC, Tsay GJ, Hung HC (2006) Antizyme, a natural ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor, induces apoptosis of haematopoietic cells through mitochondrial membrane depolarization and caspases' cascade. Apoptosis 11:1773-1788. 9. Kanerva K, Lappalainen J, Mäkitie LT, Virolainen S, Kovanen PT, Andersson LC (2009). Expression of antizyme inhibitor 2 in mast cells and role of polyamines as selective regulators of serotonin secretion. PLoS One 31:e6858. 10. García-Faroldi G, Rodríguez CE, Urdiales JL, Pérez-Pomares JM, Dávila JC, Pejler G, Sánchez-Jiménez F, Fajardo I (2010) Polyamines are present in mast cell secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis. PLoS One 30:e15071.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    O direito do trabalhador à desconexão: uma análise do teletrabalho no Direito Brasileiro

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    Os avanços tecnológicos da pós-modernidade, ao invés de poupar horas das pessoas no trabalho, têm servido para deixá-las cada vez mais conectadas ao seu empregador, sendo difícil definir um limite entre uma jornada e outra. Os notebooks, smartphones, tablets, possibilitam o trabalho a qualquer hora e lugar, impactando diretamente na organização do tempo-trabalho-lazer dos trabalhadores, sobretudo após a regulamentação do teletrabalho pelo direito brasileiro. Diante do contexto fático do teletrabalho e da supervalorização do capital, por meio de pesquisa exploratória bibliográfica, mostra-se pertinente abordar o direito fundamental à desconexão ou ao descanso, como forma de limitar a jornada de trabalho e, consequentemente, proteger a saúde, higiene e segurança do trabalhador, enunciados no art. 7º, XIII, XV, XVII e XXII da Constituição da República de 1998. Pretende-se demonstrar, portanto, que a preservação do tempo livre destinado ao lazer desconectado do controle do capital, direito ao lazer (ócio), constitucionalmente garantido ao trabalhador, é extremamente necessária à preservação da incolumidade física e mental do trabalhador

    Um Caso Clínico de Ependimoma do Filum Terminal

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    Os ependimomas são tumores sólidos com origem nas células que delimitam o sistema ventricular e o canal ependimário. A sua localização habitual varia com a idade e, nos ependimomas espinhais, a sintomatologia é inespecífica o que motiva diagnósticos tardios. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma criança de 9 anos de idade, com dor lombosagrada, alteração da marcha, postura anti-álgica e inversão da lordose lombar. A ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) revelou um -tumor da cauda equina (filum terminal). Procedeu-se à excisão completa do tumor; o exame histológico permitiu diagnosticar um ependimoma mixo-papilar do filum terminal. No pós-operatório verificou-se retenção urinária transitória que resolveu gradualmente. Dois anos após a cirurgia o doente encontra-se assintomático persistindo apenas ausência dos reflexos aquilianos. Faz-se uma pequena abordagem das manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico e terapêutica dos ependimomas espinhais

    Uma análise do direito internacional pela lente da escola inglesa das relações internacionais

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    A Escola Inglesa das Relações Internacionais tem foco nas fundações normativas da sociedade internacional. Uma das temáticas examinadas pela corrente teórica são as funções e as características do Direito Internacional, o que se realiza a partir de uma abordagem compreensiva das relações internacionais. Ao propor uma análise transdisciplinar, este artigo objetiva discutir os contornos do Direito Internacional considerados pela lente da Escola Inglesa. Argumenta-se que o diálogo estabelecido entre os dois campos de estudo – quais sejam, as Relações Internacionais e o Direito Internacional – é um esforço que se compensa pela possibilidade de achados que refletem a complementaridade destas disciplinas. 

    A Integração Regional do MERCOSUL para Além do Comércio: os Rumos para Superar as Barreiras para a Inclusão de Novas Garantias Sociais e Democráticas no Bloco

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    O presente artigo objetiva analisar a presença de atividades integracionistas no MERCOSUL para além de acordos comerciais aduaneiros. Através da análise de bibliografia especializada, verificou-se que países que visem adquirir maior influência no cenário internacional devem oferecer direitos e garantias à sociedade envolvida na integração regional e, neste sentido, a expansão do MERCOSUL para temáticas sociais e democráticas poderia proporcionar a inclusão de novos atores nas práticas integracionistas de modo a romper com momentos de estagnação político-econômica que muitas das vezes assolam as relações do bloco. Concluiu-se que o MERCOSUL possui desafios importantes para impulsionar e inovar sua integração. ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the presence of integrationist activities in MERCOSUR trade agreements beyond customs. Through the analysis of relevant literature, it was found that countries that seek to gain greater influence in the international scenario should offer guarantees rights and society involved in regional integration and in this sense, the expansion of MERCOSUR for social and democratic issues could provide the inclusion of new actors in integrationist practices in order to break with moments of political and economic stagnation that often plague relations block. It was concluded that MERCOSUR has important challenges to boost innovation and integration. Data da Submissão: 20/11/2013 Data da Publicação: 30/12/201

    A regulamentação do dano extrapatrimonial pela lei 13.467/2017 e a limitação trazida pelo art. 223-G, §1º da CLT

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a regulamentação do dano extrapatrimonial pela Lei n. 13.467/2017. Para tanto, será levantado o questionamento se a tarifação trazida pelo art. 223-G, §1º, que utilizou como parâmetro a gravidade da ofensa e o salário do ofendido, seria constitucional. Dessa forma, analisar-se-á inicialmente a centralidade da pessoa humana no ordenamento trabalhista, passando-se para uma análise do instituto do dano moral na esfera laboral antes e depois da reforma, a fim de buscar entender os critérios utilizados para quantificar uma indenização. Ainda, será analisado o entendimento majoritário da doutrina, que tende para a inconstitucionalidade da tarifação prevista no art. 223-G, §1º da CLT

    Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism Interacts with Cigarette Smoking in Progression of Multiple Sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The influence of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) polymorphism on clinical severity of multiple sclerosis (MS) is still controversial. Cigarette smoking has been suggested to influence the progression of disability in these patients. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether an interaction of smoking with the ApoE polymorphism influences the progression of disability in MS patients. METHODS: Smoking history from 205 female patients with MS was obtained. Clinical data collected include age at onset, disease duration, annual relapse rate, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and the Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score (MSSS). ApoE polymorphism was examined in all patients and stratified according to smoking status and associations with the clinical data investigated. RESULTS: There were no significant associations between cigarette smoking and any of the clinical characteristics in the whole group of patients. In women carrying the ApoE E4 isoform, smokers had a lower EDSS (P = 0.033) and MSSS (P = 0.023) in comparison with non-smokers. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that in women with MS carrying the ApoE E4 isoform, cigarette smoking may have a protective influence on disease progression and accumulation of disability. These findings need to be confirmed by future large longitudinal studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    L’éducation précédant la sortie de l’hôpital (ETP sh), nouvelle forme d’éducation thérapeutique. Critères de qualité et perspectives d’application à notre contexte

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    Patient education prior to discharge from hospital is a practice developed under the name of “discharge education” (DE) in the Anglo-Saxon countries. This new form of patient education targets acute and sometimes chronic patients and concerns all hospital specialties; it aims to facilitate the transition “hospital-home” and avoid early readmissions. In this article we want to outline a framework of indications and effects of DE, starting from an analysis of the international literature, and identify its quality criteria in order to forecast the conditions of its application to our context. A scoping review allowed us to examine 43 scientific studies specifically related to the description, analysis and evaluation of discharge education, as well as some recommendations. Almost half of the studies are published in Nursing Science journals. DE is an intense and short educational intervention (30 minutes to an hour) delivered mainly in acute situations. Paediatrics has the largest number of publications together with post-operative care. In most studies, DE is effective in improving clinical and psychosocial parameters, reducing early admissions, increasing skills and patient compliance. To achieve its goals, DE must be structured and include systematic follow up. Focused on the patient’s needs and his learning ability, it uses a specific interactive pedagogy to which caregivers must be trained. The analysis of the international research leaves no doubt about the positive contributions of DE. It would be important for caregivers and policymakers to look at it as an opportunity to improve the quality of care and to humanize it