50 research outputs found
Efficacy of noninvasive ventilation support on the increase of exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure: a systematic review
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da ventilação não invasiva (VNI) na melhora da tolerância ao exercício em indivíduos com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Realizou-se uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane, CINAHL, Scopus e Web of science por ensaios clínicos randomizados e quasi-randomizados. Os descritores foram: 'heart failure', 'noninvasive ventilation', 'positive-pressure respiration', 'interactive ventilatory support', 'exercise test', além das palavras-chave 'BIPAP', 'CPAP', 'IPAP', 'EPAP, 'NIV' e seus equivalentes em português. Foram incluídos estudos que comparassem a VNI com um ou com dois níveis de pressão a grupos sem intervenção, a outras modalidades fisioterapêuticas sem pressão positiva ou a um grupo sham. Foram selecionados quatro estudos, incluindo pacientes com IC de diversas etiologias. Os quatro estudos foram randomizados e controlados e realizaram o mascaramento dos participantes. No entanto, apenas dois trabalhos realizaram o mascaramento dos avaliadores. Em nenhum dos artigos selecionados foi feita a análise por intenção de tratar; e apenas um não utilizou métodos estatísticos adequados. Todos os estudos avaliaram a capacidade funcional e dois avaliaram a dispneia. Os protocolos de intervenção foram heterogêneos entre os estudos, ; três artigos realizaram uma única intervenção com a VNI. O outro artigo incluído realizou 14 sessões de VNI, sendo realizada a avaliação da capacidade funcional nos dias 0, 4, 9 e 14. Devido à baixa qualidade metodológica dos artigos inclusos, não há evidência suficiente sobre a eficácia da VNI no incremento da tolerância ao exercício.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de la ventilación no invasiva (VNI) en la mejora de la tolerancia al ejercicio en sujetos con insuficiencia cardíaca (IC). Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane, CINAHL, Scopus y Web of science por ensayos clínicos aleatorios y casi-aleatorios. Los descriptores fueron: 'heart failure', 'noninvasive ventilation', 'positive-pressure respiration', 'interactive ventilatory support', 'exercise test', además de las palabras clave 'BIPAP', 'CPAP', 'IPAP', 'EPAP', 'NIV' y sus correspondientes en portugués. Fueron inclusos estudios que comparan la VNI, con un o dos niveles de presión, a los grupos sin intervención, a otras modalidades fisioterapéuticas sin presión positiva o a uno grupo sham. Fueron seleccionados cuatro estudios, incluso pacientes con IC de diversas etiologías. Los cuatro estudios fueron aleatorios y controlados y realizaron el enmascaramiento de los participantes. Pero solo dos trabajos realizaron el enmascaramiento de los investigadores. En ninguno de los escogidos, fue hecho el análisis por intento de tratamiento y solo uno no utilizó métodos estadísticos adecuados. Todos los estudios evaluaron la capacidad funcional y dos, la disnea. Los protocolos de intervención fueron heterogéneos entre los estudios; tres artículos realizaron solamente una intervención con la VNI. El otro artículo incluso hizo 14 sesiones de la VNI, y la evaluación de la capacidad funcional fue hecha en los días 0, 4, 9 y 15. En razón de la baja cualidad metodológica de los artículos inclusos, no hay evidencia suficiente cuanto a la eficacia de la VNI en el incremento de la tolerancia al ejercicio.The aim of this study was evaluate the efficacy of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) on improving exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure (HF). A systematic review was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science for randomized and quasi-randomized clinical trials, without language and year of publication restrictions. Descriptors were defined as 'heart failure', 'noninvasive ventilation', 'positive-pressure respiration', 'interactive ventilatory support', 'exercise test' in addition to the keywords 'BIPAP', 'CPAP', 'IPAP', 'EPAP', 'NIV' and their Portuguese equivalents. Studies comparing NIV with one or two pressure levels to groups without intervention, other physiotherapy modalities without positive pressure or a sham group were included. Four studies were selected, including HF patients of various etiologies, considering the staging classification of New York Heart Association. Any included work realized the allocation concealment, all studies participants underwent blinding, but only two trials performed assessors blinding. None of the studies have described an intention to treat analysis and did not use appropriate statistical methods. All selected trials assessed functional capacity and in only two, dyspnea was assessed. The intervention protocols of the included trials were heterogeneous, three studies underwent a single intervention with NIV, two immediately before the functional capacity test and another study performed NIV during the exercise evaluation. The last trial held 14 sessions of NIV, with the functional capacity evaluation being performed on days 0, 4, 9 and 14. There is insufficient evidence on the effectiveness of NIV in increasing exercise tolerance
Efficacy of noninvasive ventilatory support on exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure: a systematic review
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da ventilação não invasiva (VNI) na melhora da tolerância ao exercício em indivíduos com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Realizou-se uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane, CINAHL, Scopus e Web of Science por ensaios clínicos randomizados e quasi-randomizados. Os descritores foram: 'heart failure', 'noninvasive ventilation', 'positive-pressure respiration', 'interactive ventilatory support', 'exercise test', além das palavras-chave "BIPAP", "CPAP", "IPAP", "EPAP", "NIV" e seus equivalentes em português. Foram incluídos estudos que comparassem a VNI com um nível de pressão ou com dois níveis de pressão a grupos sem intervenção, a outras modalidades fisioterapêuticas sem pressão positiva ou a um grupo sham. Foram selecionados quatro estudos, incluindo pacientes com IC de diversas etiologias. Os quatro estudos foram randomizados e controlados e realizaram o mascaramento dos participantes. No entanto, apenas dois trabalhos realizaram o mascaramento dos avaliadores. Em nenhum dos artigos selecionados foi feita a análise por intenção de tratar e apenas um não utilizou métodos estatísticos adequados. Todos os estudos avaliaram a capacidade funcional e dois avaliaram a dispneia. Os protocolos de intervenção foram heterogêneos entre os estudos, três artigos realizaram uma única intervenção com a VNI. O outro artigo incluído realizou 14 sessões de VNI, sendo realizada a avaliação da capacidade funcional no dia 0, 4, 9 e 14. Devido à baixa qualidade metodológica dos artigos inclusos, não há evidência suficiente sobre a eficácia da VNI no incremento da tolerância ao exercício.Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo evaluar la eficacia de la ventilación no invasiva (VNI) en la mejora de la tolerancia al ejercicio en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC). Se hizo una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane, CINAHL, Scopus y Web of science por estudios clínicos aleatorizados y cuasi-aleatorizados. Los descriptores fueron: 'heart failure', 'noninvasive ventilation', 'positive-pressure respiration', 'interactive ventilatory support', 'exercise test', además de las palabras clave "BIPAP", "CPAP", "IPAP", "EPAP", "NIV" y sus equivalentes en portugués. Se incluyeron estudios que compararon la VNI con un nivel de presión o con dos niveles a otras modalidades fisioterapéuticas de presión positiva o al grupo sham. Se han elegidos cuatro estudios, que incluyeron pacientes con IC de diversas etiologías. Se han aleatorizados y controlados los cuatro estudios en que se realizó el enmascaramiento de los pacientes. Sin embargo, solamente dos trabajos llevaron a cabo el enmascaramiento de los evaluadores. Ninguno de los ensayos elegidos se ha hecho el análisis con el fin de tratar, y solamente uno no se hizo con métodos estadísticos apropiados. Todos los estudios evaluaron la capacidad funcional, y dos la disnea. Los protocolos de intervención fueron heterogéneos entre los estudios, tres artículos se han hecho una sola intervención con la VNI. El otro artículo incluso se ha hecho 14 sesiones del VNI, lo que se realizó la evaluación de la capacidad funcional el día 0, 4, 9 y 14. Debido a la baja calidad metodológica de los artículos inclusos, no hay comprobación suficiente sobre la eficacia de la VNI en el aumento de la tolerancia al ejercicio.The aim of this study was evaluate the efficacy of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) on improving exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure (HF). A systematic review was performed in PubMed/ MEDLINE, LILACS, Cochrane, CINAHL, Scopus and Web of Science for randomized and quasi-randomized clinical trials, without language and year of publication restrictions. Descriptors were defined as 'heart failure', 'noninvasive ventilation', 'positive-pressure respiration', 'interactive ventilatory support', 'exercise test' in addition to the keywords 'BIPAP', 'CPAP', 'IPAP', 'EPAP', 'NIV' and their Portuguese equivalents. Studies comparing NIV with one or two pressure levels to groups without intervention, other physiotherapy modalities without positive pressure or a sham group were included. Four studies were selected, including HF patients of various etiologies, considering the staging classification of New York Heart Association. Any included work realized the allocation concealment, all studies participants underwent blinding, but only two trials performed assessors blinding. None of the studies have described an intention to treat analysis and did not use appropriate statistical methods. All selected trials assessed functional capacity and in only two, dyspnea was assessed. The intervention protocols of the included trials were heterogeneous, three studies underwent a single intervention with NIV, two immediately before the functional capacity test and another study performed NIV during the exercise evaluation. The last trial held 14 sessions of NIV, with the functional capacity evaluation being performed on day 0, 4, 9 and 14. There is insufficient evidence on the effectiveness of NIV in increasing exercise tolerance
Eficácia do treinamento resistido na melhora da capacidade funcional e na qualidade de vida de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca: uma revisão sistemática e metanálise
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of resistance training (RT) on the improvement of functional capacity (FC) and quality of life (QOL) in heart failure (HF) patients. An electronic search was performed in databases (PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Web of Science, CINAHL, Lilacs, and Cochrane), without restrictions of language or year of publication, using the following keywords: heart failure, resistance training, exercise tolerance, quality of life, fatigue, dyspnea, and muscle strength. Clinical trials were included, with a sample composed of individuals with HF in the functional classes I, II, or III of the New York Heart Association; with average age < 65; sedentary; clinically stable and pharmacologically optimized; with ejection fraction (EF) < 45% of the predicted. The intervention should be the exclusive RT. We described the methodological aspects by the bias risk and a meta-analysis with subgroup analysis. Seven studies were included for qualitative analysis. The agreement (Kappa index - k) between researchers was k=0.74. Most studies that assess FC and QOL showed increase in VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption) and in the final scores of the QOL questionnaires for the intervention group. The results of FC enabled a meta-analysis, showing a final increase of 0.52 (0.17-0.87) ml×kg−1×min−1 (milliliters×kilogram−1×min−1) in the VO2 max after RT, with low heterogeneity. However, statistical limitations and diversity of interventions were evidenced after the analysis by subgroups. The limitations found in the selected studies still do not allow considering RT effective in improving FC and QOL in HF patients.Se evalúo si el entrenamiento de resistencia (ER) es eficaz para mejorar la capacidad funcional (CF) y la calidad de vida (CV) de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca (IC). Se buscó estudios en las bases de datos electrónicas (PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, LILACS y Cochrane), sin restricciones de idiomas o de años de publicación, empleando las siguientes palabras clave: “heart failure”, “resistance training”, “exercise tolerance”, “quality of life”, “fatigue”, “dyspnea” y “muscle strength”. Para un muestreo se incluyeron ensayos clínicos, con muestras formadas por sujetos con IC, clase funcional I, II o III de la New York Heart Association; un promedio de edad deAvaliou-se a eficácia do treinamento resistido (TR) na melhoria da capacidade funcional (CF) e na qualidade de vida (QV) de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Uma busca eletrônica foi realizada em bancos de dados (PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, LILACS e Cochrane), sem restrições de linguagem ou ano de publicação, utilizando como descritores “heart failure”, “resistance training”, “exercise tolerance”, “quality of life”, “fatigue”, “dyspnea” e “muscle strength”. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos, com amostra composta por indivíduos com IC, classe funcional I, II ou III da New York Heart Association; idade médi
The Manual Diaphragm Release Technique improves diaphragmatic mobility, inspiratory capacity and exercise capacity in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomised trial
Questions: In people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, does the Manual Diaphragm Release Technique improve diaphragmatic mobility after a single treatment, or cumulatively? Does the technique also improve exercise capacity, maximal respiratory pressures, and kinematics of the chest wall and abdomen? Design: Randomised, controlled trial with concealed allocation, intention-to-treat analysis, and blinding of participants and assessors. Participants: Twenty adults aged over 60 years with clinically stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Intervention: The experimental group received six treatments with the Manual Diaphragm Release Technique on non-consecutive days within a 2-week period. The control group received sham treatments following the same regimen. Outcome measures: The primary outcome was diaphragmatic mobility, which was analysed using ultrasonography. The secondary outcomes were: the 6-minute walk test; maximal respiratory pressures; and abdominal and chest wall kinematics measured by optoelectronic plethysmography. Outcomes were measured before and after the first and sixth treatments. Results: The Manual Diaphragm Release Technique significantly improved diaphragmatic mobility over the course of treatments, with a between-group difference in cumulative improvement of 18 mm (95% CI 8 to 28). The technique also significantly improved the 6-minute walk distance over the treatment course, with a between-group difference in improvement of 22 m (95% CI 11 to 32). Maximal expiratory pressure and sniff nasal inspiratory pressure both showed significant acute benefits from the technique during the first and sixth treatments, but no cumulative benefit. Inspiratory capacity estimated by optoelectronic plethysmography showed significant cumulative benefit of 330 ml (95% CI 100 to 560). The effects on other outcomes were non-significant or small. Conclusion: The Manual Diaphragm Release Technique improves diaphragmatic mobility, exercise capacity and inspiratory capacity in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This technique could be considered in the management of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Trial registration: NCT02212184. [Rocha T, Souza H, Brandão DC, Rattes C, Ribeiro L, Campos SL, Aliverti A, de Andrade AD (2015) The Manual Diaphragm Release Technique improves diaphragmatic mobility, inspiratory capacity and exercise capacity in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy 61: 182–189
Pulmonary capacity of patients with total traumatic injury of the brachial plexus submitted to neurotization with the phrenic nerve: a case series.
Total traumatic injury often requires surgical intervention such as neurotization using the phrenic nerve with the aim to recover the elbow function. However, its repercussions on the respiratory kinematics are unknown. Objective: To valuate the ribcage volume in tricompartments division, kinematics of Duty Cycle, and shortening velocity of the respiratory muscles after nerve phrenic transfer. Methods: Five participants (4 male), aged 18 to 40 years old (32±2), diagnosed with total brachial plexus injury and with nerve phrenic transfer. The optoelectronic plethysmography (OEP) was the instrument to evaluate volume in quiet breathing (QB), inspiratory capacity (IC) and vital capacity (VC) of the rib cage in its tricompartments division (pulmonary rib cage, abdominal rib cage and abdomen rib cage) and in each hemithorax, as well as the shortening velocity of the respiratory muscles, and respiratory rate. Assessments occurred 30 days prior and 30 days after surgery. Results: There was a decrease in the total compartmental distribution in QB with statistical difference only in the abdominal compartment (p 0.05). Four patients showed a reduction in the shortening speed of the left diaphragm muscle. It was not possible to perform a group analysis of respiratory kinematics and volumes in CV, IC due to the variation found in each patient analyzed. Conclusion: There was a reduction in volume in the rib cage as well as a change in the speed of shortening of the respiratory muscles after the transfer of the phrenic nerve one month after surgery
Confiabilidade do teste da caminhada de seis minutos em pacientes com miastenia gravis generalizada
The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of the six minutes walking test (6MWT) as a functional capacity test for patients with generalized myasthenia gravis (MG). Eleven patients with generalized MG (5 men, six women), aged 55±9 years, were first assessed as to pulmonary function and then submitted to three 6MWT in different days. Heart rate and oxygen saturation were measured (by means of portable oxymeter) during, and dyspnea (by the Borg scale) and distance walked were measured after, each test. At the three tests distances walked were 498 m, 517 m and 520 m (respectively 99%, 103%, and 104% of predicted values). Mean heart rate, oxygen saturation, and dyspnea values showed constant behaviour through the three tests. A high relative reliability was found between the tests, with interclass coefficient correlation over 0.90 (6MWT1-6MWT2, 0.960; 6MWT1-6MWT3, 0.945; and 6MWT2-6MWT3, 0.970); absolute reliability of 4%, 3.5% and 4.8%, as well as good repeatability of 11%, 9.8% and 13.4% were found for respectively the first, second, and third tests. Upper and lower agreement limits, as well as bias mean values by the Bland-Altman test show clinically acceptability. It may hence be said that the 6MWT proved safe, reliable and reproducible, and may be used for exercise tolerance assessment and follow up of patients with generalized myasthenia gravis.Este estudo objetivou determinar a confiabilidade do teste da caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M) como um teste de capacidade funcional em pacientes com miastenia gravis generalizada (MG). Foram selecionados 11 pacientes com MG - 5 homens, 6 mulheres - com idade de 55±9 anos, avaliados inicialmente quanto à função fulmonar, que se submeteram a três TC6M em dias diferentes. Durante e/ou após cada teste foram medidas freqüência cardíaca e saturação de oxigênio (por oxímetro portátil), sensação de dispnéia (pela escala de Borg) e distância percorrida. Nos três testes as distâncias percorridas foram 498 m, 517 m e 520 m (respectivamente 99%, 103% e 104% do valor predito). Em média, a freqüência cardíaca, dispnéia e saturação de oxigênio mostraram comportamento constante nos três testes. Foram encontradas alta confiabilidade relativa, com coeficiente de correlação interclasse maior que 0,90 entre os testes (TC6M1-TC6M2, 0,960; TC6M1-TC6M3, 0,945; e TC6M2-TC6M3, 0,970) e confiabilidade absoluta de 4%, 3,5% e 4,8%, com reprodutibilidade de 11%, 9,8% e 13,4%, respectivamente para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro testes. Os limites superiores e inferiores de concordância e o valor médio das médias das diferenças (bias) calculados pelo teste de Bland-Altman mostraram-se clinicamente aceitáveis. Conclui-se que o TC6M se mostrou seguro, confiável e reprodutível, podendo ser aplicado para avaliação e seguimento da tolerância ao exercício em pacientes com MG generalizada
El síndrome de Burnout: ¿estará presente entre los fisioterapeutas de cuidados intensivos?
The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile and prevalence of Burnout syndrome in physical therapists of public hospitals with intensive care units (ICU) in Recife, comparing them between adult, pediatric and neonatal units. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in five public hospitals with intensive care units in the city of Recife. A sociodemographic questionnaire, a questionnaire for stressors and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MIB) were used to assess the prevalence of the syndrome. The results indicated a percentage of Burnout of 48.72% for adult ICU professionals and 47.06% for pediatric and neonatal ICUs, considering a serious level in only one dimension. High scores were found in the Emotional Exhaustion indicators, with 56.42% in the adult ICU and 64.71% in the pediatric and neonatal ICUs. For Depersonalization 12.82% in adult ICU and 29.41% in other ICUs. As for Professional Realization, values of 17.65% in pediatric and neonatal ICUs and 33.33% in adults. The prevalence of Burnout syndrome was high among the evaluated physiotherapists. Given this, it is observed the need to develop preventive measures and intervention models, so that this effect is minimized.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o perfil e a prevalência da síndrome de Burnout em fisioterapeutas intensivistas das redes públicas da cidade do Recife, comparando-os entre unidades adultas, pediátricas e neonatais. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo de corte transversal em cinco hospitais públicos portadores de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico para fatores estressantes e do Maslach Burnout Inventory (MIB) para avaliar a prevalência da síndrome. Os resultados indicaram um percentual de 48,72% de Burnout para profissionais de UTI de cuidado adulto e 47,06% para unidades pediátricas e neonatais, considerando-se nível grave em apenas uma dimensão. Foram encontrados escores elevados nos indicadores de exaustão emocional, com 56,42% em UTI adulto e 64,71% em unidades pediátricas e neonatais. O indicador despersonalização apresentou 12,82% em UTI adulto e 29,41% nas demais. Já realização profissional obteve valores de 17,65% em UTI pediátricas e neonatais e de 33,33% em cuidado adulto. A prevalência da síndrome de Burnout se mostrou elevada entre os fisioterapeutas avaliados. Diante disso, observa-se a necessidade do desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas e modelos de intervenção para que tal efeito seja minimizado.En este trabajo se propone evaluar el perfil y la prevalencia del síndrome de Burnout entre los fisioterapias de cuidados intensivos en las redes públicas en Recife (Brasil), comparándolos entre las unidades pediátricas, neonatales y de adultos. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de cohorte transversal, del cual participaron cinco hospitales públicos con Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, por medio de un cuestionario sociodemográfico para factores de estrés y del Maslach Burnout Inventory (MIB) para evaluar la prevalencia del síndrome. Los resultados desvelan un porcentaje del 48,72 % de Burnout a profesionales de UCI de atención a adultos, y un 47,06 % en unidades pediátricas y neonatales, con nivel grave sólo en una dimensión. Se encontraron puntuaciones más altas en los indicadores de agotamiento emocional, con un 56,42 % en UCI de adultos, y un 64,71 % en unidades pediátricas y neonatales. El indicador despersonalización presentó un 12,82 % en UCI de adultos, y un 29,41 % en las demás. Ya la satisfacción profesional obtuvo valor de un 17,65 % en UCI pediátricas y neonatales, y un 33,33 % en la atención a adultos. La prevalencia del síndrome de Burnout fue elevada entre los fisioterapeutas evaluados. Lo que demuestra la necesidad de desarrollar medidas preventivas y modelos de intervención para minimizar este efecto