737 research outputs found

    CO2 and economic growth: An analysis for emissions from burning fossil fuels in liquid form in Brazil.

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    The relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation has been widely studied in recent years. Defenders of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis argue that the environmental pressure coming from economic growth is growing at first and as the economy moves on its development stages, the relationship becomes decreasing. In this discussion, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between CO2 emissions, resulting from burning fossil fuels in liquid form, and the Brazilian economic growth, by means of per capita GDP, with a time series beginning at 1903. Additionally, it is discussed the avoided CO2 emissions arising from the Brazilian energy policy adopted from the 1970s to the transport sector. The evidence found indicates that the relationship between the two variables is linearly increasing, not allowing to conclude that there is an EKC for the case in study.Emissões de CO2, PIB per capita, Transportes, Curva de Kuznets Ambiental.

    An analysis of the relationship between economy, energy and environment

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    This article aims to identify the debate on the triad economy, energy and environment, providing a greater focus to the issue of climate change. After historically contextualize the economic use of energy and expose the current global energy picture, describes the environmental issue in the light of economic science, stating the two main theoretical approaches of environmental economics. Finally, the article devoted to the important and urgent but controversial debate about the impact of energy model on climate change. Pointed out that, despite a current minority dissenting, the world has significant and reliable evidence that the economic system through several segments, especially the intensive use of energy, may be contributing to the changes in climatic conditions of planet. Energy use and the need to readjust it, both in terms of greater efficiency on the issue of replacing the current fossil energy sources to less carbon-intensive, was one of the main conclusions of the discussion about how to direct the economic system to a path of greater sustainability.energía; medio ambiente; economía; cambio climático.

    The triplet economy, energy and environment.

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    This article aims to identify the debate on the triad economy, energy and environment, providing a greater focus to the issue of climate change. After historically contextualize the economic use of energy and expose the current global energy picture, describes the environmental issue in the light of economic science, stating the two main theoretical approaches of environmental economics. Finally, the article devoted to the important and urgent but controversial debate about the impact of energy model on climate change. Pointed out that, despite a current minority dissenting, the world has significant and reliable evidence that the economic system through several segments, especially the intensive use of energy, may be contributing to the changes in climatic conditions of planet. Energy use and the need to readjust it, both in terms of greater efficiency on the issue of replacing the current fossil energy sources to less carbon-intensive, was one of the main conclusions of the discussion about how to direct the economic system to a path of greater sustainability.energia, meio ambiente, mudanças climáticas.

    Atlantiphoxus wajapi n. gen., n. sp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae), un nuevo anfípodo de aguas profundas del Atlántico sudoccidental

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    A new genus and species of the family Phoxocephalidae is here described with material collected during the Mini Biological Trawl Project at 224 and 500 m depth off Brazil’s southeastern coast in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Atlantiphoxus wajapi n. gen., n. sp. can be grouped in the subfamily Phoxocephalinae and seems to be morphologically close to Fuegiphoxus Barnard and Barnard, 1980 and Parharpinia Stebbing, 1899. However it can be easily distinguished within the phoxocephalids by the following characters: deep pereonites with small coxae; rostrum unconstricted; eyes absent; man­dible molar not triturative, but as a small hump with 3 multicuspidate stout setae; pereopods 3-4 with stout dactylus; pereopod 5 basis strongly tapering distally; pereopod 7 basis anterodistal corner with a row of long plumose setae; dactylus elongate. Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral margin strongly produced.Aquí se describe un nuevo género y especie de la familia Phoxocephalidae con material recolectado durante el Proyecto Mini Biological Trawl, frente a la costa sureste de Brasil en los estados de Río de Janeiro y São Paulo, a 224 y 500 metros de profundidad. Atlantiphoxus wajapi n. gen., n. sp. puede agruparse en la subfamilia Phoxocephalinae y parece estar morfológicamente cerca de Fuegiphoxus Barnard and Barnard, 1980 y Parharpinia Stebbing, 1899. Sin embargo, puede distinguirse fácilmente dentro de los foxocefálidos por los siguientes caracteres: pereonitos profundos con pequeñas coxas; rostro sin constricción; ojos ausentes; mandíbulas con molar no triturador, sino como una pequeña joroba com 3 setas largas multicuspidadas; pereiópodos 3-4 con fuerte dactilo; pereiópodo 5, base fuertemente afilada distalmente; pereiópodo 7, ángulo anterodistal de base con una fila de setas plumosas largas; dactilo alargado. Placa epimeral 3, margen posteroventral fuertemente producida

    New and additional records of Metharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 and Microphoxus Barnard, 1960 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae) from Brazilian waters

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    New records of the species Metharpinia dentiurosoma Alonso de Pina, 2003, M. grandirama Alonso de Pina, 2003, M. iado Alonso de Pina, 2003, Microphoxus cornutus (Schellenberg, 1931) and Mi. uroserratus Bustamante, 2002 are reported for Brazilian waters. A discussion about the Metharpinia-Microphoxus complex is presented based on literature review and new observations of sampled species. Emended diagnoses are presented for the recorded species of Metharpinia and identification keys to world species of Metharpinia and Microphoxus are provided

    CO2 e crescimento econômico: uma análise para as emissões dos combustíveis líquidos de origem fóssil no Brasil.

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    The relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation has been widely studied in recent years. Defenders of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis argue that the environmental pressure coming from economic growth is growing at first and as the economy moves on its development stages, the relationship becomes decreasing. In this discussion, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between CO2 emissions, resulting from burning fossil fuels in liquid form, and the Brazilian economic growth, by means of per capita GDP, with a time series beginning at 1903. Additionally, it is discussed the avoided CO2 emissions arising from the Brazilian energy policy adopted from the 1970s to the transport sector. The evidence found indicates that the relationship between the two variables is linearly increasing, not allowing to conclude that there is an EKC for the case in study

    Un analisis de la relacion entre economía, energía y medio ambiente

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    This article aims to identify the debate on the triad economy, energy and environment, providing a greater focus to the issue of climate change. After historically contextualize the economic use of energy and expose the current global energy picture, describes the environmental issue in the light of economic science, stating the two main theoretical approaches of environmental economics. Finally, the article devoted to the important and urgent but controversial debate about the impact of energy model on climate change. Pointed out that, despite a current minority dissenting, the world has significant and reliable evidence that the economic system through several segments, especially the intensive use of energy, may be contributing to the changes in climatic conditions of planet. Energy use and the need to readjust it, both in terms of greater efficiency on the issue of replacing the current fossil energy sources to less carbon-intensive, was one of the main conclusions of the discussion about how to direct the economic system to a path of greater sustainability

    CO2 e crescimento econômico: uma análise para as emissões dos combustíveis líquidos de origem fóssil no Brasil.

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    The relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation has been widely studied in recent years. Defenders of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis argue that the environmental pressure coming from economic growth is growing at first and as the economy moves on its development stages, the relationship becomes decreasing. In this discussion, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between CO2 emissions, resulting from burning fossil fuels in liquid form, and the Brazilian economic growth, by means of per capita GDP, with a time series beginning at 1903. Additionally, it is discussed the avoided CO2 emissions arising from the Brazilian energy policy adopted from the 1970s to the transport sector. The evidence found indicates that the relationship between the two variables is linearly increasing, not allowing to conclude that there is an EKC for the case in study

    Evaluation of a preventive intervention in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drivers: a pilot study

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    In this pilot study, we evaluated the drinking and driving behavior and the concepts of selfassessment on this theme of people who had consumed alcohol and intended to drive a motor vehicle after leaving bars and restaurants. We also evaluated the efficacy of a preventive intervention on their future behavior. The participants had their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) evaluated, answered a questionnaire and received a booklet during a very brief intervention. Most of the participants (69%) had BAC below the legally permitted level, and 31% above it. One month later, they answered the questionnaire once more and no significant reduction was observed in the use of alcohol before driving after the intervention, indicating the need for more effective interventions.En este estudio piloto evaluamos los comportamientos de consumo de alcohol y los conceptosde autocrítica sobre este tema en personas con intención de conducir un vehículo automotordespués de salir de bares y restaurantes. También evaluamos la efcacia de una intervenciónpreventiva en comportamiento futuro de beber y conducir. Nosotros evaluamos el nivelde alcoholemia en la sangre (BAC) de los participantes, seguido de un cuestionario. Losparticipantes también recibieron durante la intervención un prospecto con información acercadel consumo de alcohol e accidentes de tráfco. La mayoría de los participantes (69%) estabanpor debajo de los límites legales de BAC y el 31% por encima de este límite. Después de unmes, el cuestionario se aplicó de nuevo y no detectamos ninguna reducción en la conductade beber y conducir, indicando la necesidad de intervenciones más efcaces.Neste estudo piloto avaliamos os comportamentos de beber e dirigir e os conceitos de autocrítica sobre este tema em indivíduos que pretendiam dirigir após a saída de bares e restaurantes. Também avaliamos a eficácia de uma intervenção preventiva em seus comportamentos futuros de beber e dirigir. Os participantes tiveram seus níveis de alcoolemia (BAC) avaliados e responderam um questionário, recebendo um folheto informativo durante a intervenção breve. A maioria dos participantes (69%) apresentaram BAC abaixo dos limites criminais estabelecidos por lei e 31% acima deste limite. Após um mês, o questionário foi novamente aplicado e não se observou redução significativa no comportamento de beber e dirigir após um mês, indicando a necessidade de intervenções mais efetivas