5,793 research outputs found

    Aceptación o rechazo de las hipótesis o teorías: Un nuevo método de análisis

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    Generalmente los historiadores y filósofos de la ciencia proponen explicaciones para la aceptación o rechazo de una hipótesis o teoría dada por los científicos. Estas explicaciones, tanto a un nivel conceptual ("internalistas'') como a un nivel no conceptual ("externalista": sociológicas, psicológicas, etc.) pueden variar. Sin embargo, generalmente se ignora un punto que es fundamental: ¿qué es lo que significa aceptar una hipótesis o teoría? Hasta ahora, no han sido propuestos criterios que permitan determinar de una manera clara lo que es aceptación o lo que es rechazo. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar un método de análisis que consiga resolver este problema. El método va a ser ejemplificado a través de la discusión de la posición que adopta el naturalista inglés William Bateson (1861-1926) ante la teoría cromosómica entre 1902 y 1926

    Association Between Glycated Albumin, Fructosamine, and HbA1c with Neonatal Outcomes in a Prospective Cohort of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective: To investigate whether glycated albumin, fructosamine, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are associated with neonatal complications in newborns of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods: Between November 2016 and September 2017, women with a singleton pregnancy and GDM were enrolled in a prospective study in an obstetric Portuguese referral center. Glycemic markers were compared between mothers of newborns with and without complications. Multivariable logistic regression models and corresponding areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were used. Results: A total of 85 women participated in the study. Raised levels of glycated albumin and fructosamine were associated with at least one neonatal complication (OR- [odds ratio] estimate: 1.33, P=0.015; OR: 1.24, P=0.027, respectively) and with respiratory disorders at birth (OR 1.41, P=0.004; OR 1.26, P=0.014, respectively). HbA1c was not associated with these outcomes. All biomarkers were associated with large-for-gestational age (LGA) status (OR 1.61, P<0.001; OR 1.45, P<0.001; OR 3.62, P=0.032 for glycated albumin, fructosamine, and HbA1c, respectively). All had similar AUC for at least one neonatal complication (0.82; 0.81; 0.79, respectively). For newborn respiratory disorders, AUCs were 0.83, 0.81, and 0.76, respectively, and for LGA status were 0.81, 0.79, and 0.71, respectively. Conclusion: Raised values of glycated albumin and fructosamine were associated with particular perinatal complications in newborns of mothers with GDM, better discriminating mothers of newborns with and without complications than HbA1c.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efectos de la fluctuación del nivel del agua sobre la estructura del ensamblaje de rotíferos en el lago largo (sistema yahuarcaca - llanura de inundación del río amazonas - colombia)

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    Se realizó un reconocimiento taxonómico y estimación de la densidad en el ensamblaje de rotíferos en el lago Largo, del sistema de lagos Yahuarcaca, en la ribera colombiana del río Amazonas, a partir de muestreos en las fases hidrológicas de aguas bajas, ascenso y descenso. Se identificaron 68 especies, 28 de ellas son nuevos registros para ambientes colombianos. Se encontró aumento en la riqueza en las épocas de ascenso y descenso, siendo mayor en la zona litoral respecto de la limnética, y la tendencia a mayor similitud taxonómica entre ambas zonas en el periodo de aguas bajas, debido al mínimo desarrollo de macrófitas en esta fase y la consecuente menor heterogeneidad espacial. Se observó el predominio de rotíferos con trofi adaptados para moler y triturar partículas (maleado y maleorramado) en las épocas de aguas bajas (Brachionus ahlstromi) y descenso (Filina saltator) y en la época de ascenso de Polyarthra vulgaris, con trofi adaptado para perforar y succionar fluidos de algas y otros organismos (virgado) y apéndices que favorecen la rápida natación. En general, se establecieron posibles relaciones entre la riqueza y la densidad de rotíferos con cambios en características como el desarrollo de vegetación acuática en el litoral, profundidad del lago, nivel de conectividad con los otros lagos del sistema Yahuarcaca, influencia de aguas blancas del Amazonas y negras de origen local, potenciales recursos nutricionales y depredadores, y posible efecto de arrastre por la corriente

    Improving the tolerance of stochastic LDPC decoders to overclocking-induced timing errors: a tutorial and design example

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    Channel codes such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes may be employed in wireless communication schemes for correcting transmission errors. This tolerance to channel-induced transmission errors allows the communication schemes to achieve higher transmission throughputs, at the cost of requiring additional processing for performing LDPC decoding. However, this LDPC decoding operation is associated with a potentially inadequate processing throughput, which may constrain the attainable transmission throughput. In order to increase the processing throughput, the clock period may be reduced, albeit this is at the cost of potentially introducing timing errors. Previous research efforts have considered a paucity of solutions for mitigating the occurrence of timing errors in channel decoders, by employing additional circuitry for detecting and correcting these overclocking-induced timing errors. Against this background, in this paper we demonstrate that stochastic LDPC decoders (LDPC-SDs) are capable of exploiting their inherent error correction capability for correcting not only transmission errors, but also timing errors, even without the requirement for additional circuitry. Motivated by this, we provide the first comprehensive tutorial on LDPC-SDs. We also propose a novel design flow for timing-error-tolerant LDPC decoders. We use this to develop a timing error model for LDPC-SDs and investigate how their overall error correction performance is affected by overclocking. Drawing upon our findings, we propose a modified LDPC-SD, having an improved timing error tolerance. In a particular practical scenario, this modification eliminates the approximately 1 dB performance degradation that is suffered by an overclocked LDPC-SD without our modification, enabling the processing throughput to be increased by up to 69.4%, which is achieved without compromising the error correction capability or processing energy consumption of the LDPC-SD

    New features of quantum discord uncovered by q-entropies

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    The notion of quantum discord introduced by Ollivier and Zurek [Phys. Rev. Lett 88, 017901 (2001)] (see also Henderson and Vedral [J. Phys. A 34, 6899 (2001)]) has attracted increasing attention, in recent years, as an entropic quantifier of non-classical features pertaining to the correlations exhibited by bipartite quantum systems. Here we generalize the notion so as to encompass power-law q-entropies (that reduce to the standard Shannon entropy in the limit q1q \to 1) and study the concomitant consequences. The ensuing, new discord-like measures we advance describe aspects of non-classicality that are different from those associated with the standard quantum discord. A particular manifestation of this difference concerns a feature related to order. Let D1D_1 stand for the standard, Shannon-based discord measure and DqD_q for the q1q \ne 1 one. If two quantum states AA, BB are such that D1(A)>D1(B)D_1(A) > D_1(B), this order-relation does not remain invariant under a change from D1D_1 to DqD_q.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure