5 research outputs found

    \"Epidemiological profile of patients with mental disorders accompanied in primary health care.\"

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    Estudos internacionais mostram que a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) realiza a maioria dos atendimentos psiquiátricos, pois, mesmo nos países que mais investem em saúde mental, existe uma lacuna entre a oferta e a demanda por serviços especializados. No Brasil, preconiza-se que a Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) assista aos pacientes com problemas de saúde mental e o apoio matricial é uma ferramenta para qualificar esse trabalho. O objetivo do presente estudo foi conhecer o perfil epidemiológico dos usuários portadores de transtornos mentais, atendidos por uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Durante dois anos (2007 a 2009), por meio da revisão dos prontuários desses pacientes. Um total de 141 (5,92%) pacientes, com alguma demanda de Saúde Mental, consumiu 612 atendimentos nesse período. As mulheres representaram 84% dos pacientes e os diagnósticos mais comuns foram Episódio Depressivo Maior, Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada. Seis por cento dos pacientes foram encaminhados. Os psicofármacos mais prescritos foram os inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina. Esta interface representou um acesso facilitado e eficaz para o usuário com transtorno mental de maior gravidade/complexidade e abriu portas para a integralidade da atenção e a interdisciplinaridade no trabalho cotidiano.International studies show that the Primary Health Care (PHC) held the majority of psychiatric care, because even in countries that invest more in mental health, there is a gap between supply and demand for specialist services. In Brazil, it is commended that the Family Health assist patients with mental health problems and the support matrix is an important instrument to qualify this work. The aim of this study was to understand the epidemiological profile of patients with mental disorders users assisted by a Family Health Unit., during two years (2007-2009), through reviewing medical records. A total of 141 (5.92%) patients, with some demand for Mental Health, consumed 612 calls during this period. Women accounted for 84% of patients; the main diagnoses were: major depressive episode, generalized anxiety disorder .Of these, 6% were referred. The most commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs were selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake. This interface represented a facilitated and effective access to the user with a mental disorder, and has opened doors to comprehensive health care and interdisciplinary on daily work

    A Comparison between Piezoelectric Sensors Applied to Multiple Partial Discharge Detection by Advanced Signal Processing Analysis

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    The development of sensors applied to failure detection systems for power transformers is a critical concern since this device stands out as a strategic component of the electric power system. Among the most common issues is the presence of partial discharges (PDs) in the insulation system of the transformer, which can lead the device to total failure. Aiming to prevent unexpected damages, several PD monitoring approaches have been developed. One of the most promising is the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique, which captures the acoustic signals generated by PDs using piezoelectric sensors. Although many studies have proved the effectiveness of AE, most signal processing approaches are strictly related to the frequency analysis of PD signals, which can hide important information such as the repetition rate of the failure. This article presents a comparison between two types of piezoelectric transducers: the microfiber composite (MFC) and the lead zirconate titanate (PZT). To ensure the detection of multiple PDs, time–frequency analysis was carried out by short-time Fourier transform (STFT). Intending to compare the sensibility of the transducers, the AE signals were windowed, and the root mean square (RMS) value was extracted for each part of the signal. The results indicate that spectrogram and RMS analysis have great potential to detect multiple PD activity. Although MFC was two times more sensitive to PD detection than the PZT sensor, PZT presents a higher frequency response band (0–100 kHz) than MFC (80 kHz)