11 research outputs found

    Characteristics of membrane feeding assay blood donors and mosquito infections

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    Model takes raw QT-NASBA data from Schneider et al. 2007 (doi:10.5061/dryad.589ft) and OuĂ©draogo et al. 2009 (doi:10.5061/dryad.hv01f) and fits a mathematical model to estimate the gametocyte density (gam.median) and 95% Bayesian Credible Intervals (gam.lower, gam.upper). These are combined with blood donor and mosquito characteristics from the membrane feeding assays. Column “Host” denotes host id, “Experiment” gives country (0=Burkina, 1=Kenya), age (0=<7 or 1=>=7 years old) and “asexual.cat” is the asexual parasite density category as measured by microscopy (0=none,1=low,2=high). The point estimate for prevalence of oocysts is given from the model outputs “prev.median” together with 95% Bayesian Credible Intervals (prev.lower, prev.upper). Full details are given in the manuscript

    Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM)<sup>*</sup> adjusted effects of Pfs48/45 antibody responses on oocyst intensity.

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    <p>Generalized linear mixed model (GLMM)<sup><a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1007034#t002fn002" target="_blank">*</a></sup> adjusted effects of Pfs48/45 antibody responses on oocyst intensity.</p

    Characteristics of membrane feeding assay blood donors and mosquito infections

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    host = id of the host. calib_no = the calibration line number used to convert TTP (time to positivity readouts) from QT-NASBA into gametocyte density. ttp = time to positivity readout from QT-NASBA used to generate gametocyte density estimate. age = age of blood donor. asexual = asexual parasite density of blood donor (estimated using microscopy). no_dissected = number of mosquitoes dissected to determine mosquito infection. no_infected = number of mosquitoes dissected with observable oocyst

    The relationship between <i>Pfs</i>25 QT-NASBA gametocyte density and the proportion of infected mosquitoes in membrane feeding experiments.

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    <p>The solid line indicates the best fitted line (Y  =  0.0176Ln(X) + 0.0187; R<sup>2</sup> = 0.153). The dashed line indicates the estimated microscopic threshold for gametocyte detection, 8 gametocytes/”L, when screening 100 high power fields (i.e. ∌1000 white blood cells).</p

    Baseline characteristics.

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    *<p>Fever = temperature ≄37.5°C;</p>„<p>for carriers only;</p>¶<p>defined as fever with a parasite density ≄500 parasites/”L;</p>†<p>only gametocyte densities ≄20 gametocytes/mL were considered <i>Pfs</i>25 QT-NASBA positive.</p

    Membrane feeding results.

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    *<p>by Pfs25 QT-NASBA;</p>¶<p>p-value for a test for trend;</p>„<p>only the total number of oocysts per batch of fed mosquitoes was recorded, not the number of oocysts of individual mosquitoes. Therefore only a summary measure can be presented and no analyses could be done on individual oocyst densities.</p><p>The total number of samples is lower than 80 because QT-NASBA results were not available for 9 individuals. Two individuals without QT-NASBA results that were gametocyte positive by microscopy were included. The relative contribution to transmission was based on the product of the proportion of infected mosquitoes (4<sup>th</sup> row) and the prevalence of this subgroup in the population (1<sup>st</sup> row).</p