27 research outputs found

    Yield of soybean genotypes under infestation of the velvetbean caterpillar and stink bugs

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    Three soybean experiments, one for each maturation group (early, semi-early, and medium), were installed in the field in Assis, State of São Paulo, during the 2003/2004 growing season to evaluate damage caused by Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hubn.) and by the soybean stink bug complex, Euschistus heros (F.), Piezodorus guildinii (West.), and Nezara viridula (L.). The experiments were installed again in 2004/2005, with the exception of the early cycle group. Defoliation caused by A. gemmatalis was evaluated by the percentage estimate of leaf area cut in the first year only, due to low caterpillar infestations in 2004/2005. All three stink bug species were present in both growing seasons. In 2003/2004, E. heros was predominant over the other two; in the following year, all three species occurred in similar numbers. The productivity criterion was adopted to evaluate stink bug damage. Based on both growing seasons and mainly considering productivity, a few lines could be selected within each maturation group for new field studies or for hybridizations in breeding programs. Among the early germplasm varieties, lines IAC 98-4540, IAC 98-4576, and IAC 98-3123 can be highlighted as promising; the latter also showed little defoliation by A. gemmatalis; in the semi-early group, IAC 98-4017, IAC 98-2663, and IAC 98-4250 were prominent, with steady productivity in both years; in the medium group, IAC 98-4136, the most productive, as well as IAC 98-4140 and IAC 98-4133, all with little defoliation, can be pointed out as promising.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Damage caused by defoliators and stink bugs to cultivars and lines of soybean of two maturity groups

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    The performance of soybean cultivars and lines belonging to two maturity groups (135-140 and 145-160 days of cycle) was evaluated during the 1995/96 and 1996/97 seasons in relation to damages caused by stink bugs and caterpillars in the field, at Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two experiments, one for each maturity group, were carried out, in each growing season, using a complete randomized block design. Infestation of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hüb. occurred only in the first year. Stink bugs, Nezara viridula (L.), Euschistus heros (Fabr.) and predominantly Piezodorus guildinii (West.), occurred in both years with more severe infestation in the first year. The caterpillar defoliation was estimated by the percentage of eaten leaf area (PAFC). Three criteria were used to evaluate the damage caused by stink bugs: percentage of foliar retention (PRF), index of percent pod damage (IPDV) and yield. Based mainly in the first year, and regarding the earlier maturing genotypes, it can be considered that the line IAC 90-2971 presented resistance to caterpillars as well as to stink bugs similar to the line IAC 78-2318, the resistant control. In the experiment with the longer cycle genotypes, line IAC 93-2162 showed susceptibility to both caterpillars and stink bugs, in spite of presenting low PRF. The opposite occurred with line IAC 90-1970, with high PRF but low leaf injuries caused by ceterpillars, low IPDV and high yield. Besides the good performance of IAC 90-1970, the behavior of the cultivar IAC 9 and the line IAC 90-3052 could also be distinguished in relation to the low damages caused by stink bugs.Objetivou-se avaliar a resistência de genótipos de soja de dois grupos de maturação em relação à infestação de insetos. Instalaram-se dois experimentos, um envolvendo germoplasma de ciclo médio e outro, germoplasma de ciclo semi-tardio, na Estação Experimental de Ribeirão Preto (IAC), SP, nos anos agrícolas 1995/96 e 1996/97. Infestação de lagartas de Anticarsia gemmatalis Hüb. ocorreu apenas no primeiro ano. Os percevejos Piezodorus guildinii (West.) (predominante), Euschistus heros (Fabr.) e Edessa meditabunda (Fabr.) ocorreram nos dois anos agrícolas, com maior infestação no primeiro. Os danos de lagartas foram avaliados mediante estimativa da percentagem de área foliar cortada e, os de percevejos, através da percentagem de retenção foliar (PRF), índice percentual de dano na vagem (IPDV) e produção. Para o experimento com genótipos de ciclo médio, baseando-se principalmente no primeiro ano, pode-se considerar que a linhagem IAC 90-2971 apresentou resistência a lagartas e a percevejos, comparável à da linhagem IAC 78-2318, o controle resistente. Para o experimento de genótipos de ciclo semi-tardio, detectou-se suscetibilidade na linhagem IAC 93-2162 a lagartas e a percevejos, apesar de apresentar baixa PRF. Fato oposto ocorreu com a linhagem IAC 90-1970, com alta PRF mas com baixas injúrias foliares causadas por lagartas, baixo IPDV e boa produção. Além do bom comportamento de IAC 90-1970, devem ser destacados o desempenho da cultivar IAC 9 e da linhagem IAC 90-3052 em relação aos menores danos provocados por percevejos.15716

    Primeiro relato e colonização diferencial de espécies de Passiflora pelo biótipo B de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) no Brasil

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    This note is the first report of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B colonizing passionvine in Brazil. We examined the colonization of nine Passiflora species by a wild B type population under greenhouse conditions. P. amethystina Mikan was the most preferred species for oviposition and colonization, whereas P. suberosa L., P. coriacea Juss. and two commercially cultivated species, P. alata Curtis and P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, were mostly uncolonised. P. morifolia Mast., P. cincinnata Mast., P. foetida L. and P. caerulea L. showed intermediate levels of colonization. Such differential colonization might suggest some degree of resistance by certain Passiflora species or oviposition preference by B. tabaci.Esse trabalho descreve pela primeira vez a ocorrência do aleirodídeo Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biótipo B colonizando maracujazeiros no Brasil. Também foi examinada a colonização de nove espécies de Passiflora pelo inseto em condições de telado. P. amethystina Mikan foi a espécie de maior preferência para oviposição e colonização, enquanto P. suberosa L., P. coriacea Juss. e duas espécies cultivadas comercialmente, P. alata Curtis e P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, foram pouco colonizadas pelo aleirodídeo. P. morifolia Mast., P. cincinnata Mast., P. foetida L. e P. caerulea L. exibiram níveis intermediários de colonização. Esses resultados sugerem que certas espécies de Passiflora exibem diferentes graus de resistência à colonização ou preferência para oviposição de B. tabaci biótipo B

    Resistance of strawberries to Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    The performance of eighteen strawberry clones was evaluated in relation to resistance to the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch. In greenhouse, plants of lineage T-0104 and cultivars 'Blakemore', 'Raritan' and 'IAC Princesa Isabel' had significantly lighter damage symptoms than cultivars 'Cruz' and 'Oso Grande'; under the same conditions, the number of mites per unit area was significantly lower on 'IAC Princesa Isabel' than in 'Cruz', 'Dover' or 'Fern'. In a no-choice experiment conducted in laboratory, average daily oviposition was similar in the different cultivars, although a tendency for lower oviposition was observed on 'IAC Campinas' than on 'Floridabelle', 'Oso Grande' and 'Toyonoka'. An apparent preference of T. urticae for 'IAC Guarani' in relation to 'Floridabelle', 'IAC Campinas' and 'New Jersey 7335-5' was observed in a laboratory multiple-choice experiment involving clones with the highest and lowest oviposition rates in the previous test. Only 'IAC Guarani' of the Brazilian cultivars included in the present work was susceptible to T. urticae, whereas 'IAC Campinas' and 'IAC Princesa Isabel' seem to have levels of resistance similar to the best cultivars developed for this purpose.O comportamento de dezoito clones de morangueiro (dezessete cultivares e uma linhagem) foi avaliado em relação à atratividade, colonização e preferência para oviposição do ácaro rajado Tetranychus urticae Koch. Em casa de vegetação, conduziu-se experimento com plantas de dezessete clones na fase vegetativa e infestadas artificialmente com o ácaro rajado. Plantas da linhagem T-0104 e das cultivares Blakemore, Raritan e IAC Princesa Isabel apresentaram notas de sintomas de dano significativamente inferiores às das cultivares Cruz e Oso Grande; ainda nessas condições, o número de ácaros por unidade de área foliar também foi menor em 'IAC Princesa Isabel' em relação a 'Cruz', 'Dover' e 'Fern'. Em laboratório, em experimento sem chance de escolha conduzido durante dez dias com folhas destacadas, a oviposição média diária foi semelhante nas diversas cultivares, embora tenha-se notado tendência de menor oviposição em 'IAC Campinas' que em 'Floridabelle', 'Oso Grande' ou 'Toyonoka'. Também em laboratório, foi avaliada a atratividade e a preferência para oviposição do ácaro durante 24 horas, em experimento com chance de escolha, envolvendo clones que apresentaram os maiores e os menores níveis de oviposição do teste anterior. 'Floridabelle', 'IAC Campinas' e 'New Jersey 7335-5' foram os menos atrativos e também os que apresentaram o menor número de ovos por folhas, enquanto 'IAC Guarani' foi o mais suscetível. Das três cultivares brasileiras incluídas no presente trabalho, apenas 'IAC Guarani' exibiu comportamento de suscetibilidade, enquanto 'IAC Campinas' e 'IAC Princesa Isabel' podem ser consideradas como portadoras de resistência ao ácaro rajado comparável à das melhores cultivares desenvolvidas com esse fim.33934

    Fatores que afetam a oviposição de Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) na cultura algodoeira

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the oviposition behavior of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biotype B in relation to leaf position, plant age, and adult density on cotton plants. The genotype IAC 22 was used to do the tests. In free-choice tests, 20, 30 and 40 day-old plants were used to evaluate age efects and 40 day-old plants to study egg distribution in the plant and on the leaf surface. In a no-choice test, 20 day-old plants were used to evaluate densities of 50, 100 and 150 adults per plant. The lobe areas on the leaf surface and apical leaves were preferred for whitefly egg laying and therefore more suitable for egg sampling in cotton plants. The 20 day-old plants were preferred for oviposition, and the densities of 100 and 150 adults per plant ensured the number of eggs enough to discriminate cotton genotypes with different whitefly resistance degrees

    Simulated Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea, Injury in an Indeterminate Soybean Cultivar at Various Growth Stages under Non-Irrigated Conditions in the Southern United States

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    Soybean is considered one of the most valuable crops in the United States of America. Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) is among several insect pests which are associated with soybean, damaging leaves when infestations occur during the vegetative stages, and flowers and pods during the reproductive stages, which can directly impact yield. Artificial fruit removal is a method used to understand insect damage and to adjust action levels for control. The objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of five levels of fruit removal (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) at four stages (R2, R3, R4 and R5) on maturity and yield of soybean. These methods were used to simulate H. zea damage under controlled conditions in non-irrigated environments, during 2016 and 2017. There was a significant interaction between fruit removal timing and fruit removal level for the percentage of non-senesced main stems and abscised leaves. For soybean yield, there was no significant interaction between fruit removal timing and fruit removal level. Plots that received fruit removal treatments at R5 had significantly lower soybean yields compared to plots that received damage at other growth stages and the nontreated control. Plots with 100% fruit removal had significantly lower yields compared to plots that received any of the other fruit removal treatments. These data demonstrate that indeterminate midmaturity group IV soybeans that are commonly grown in the midsouthern region of the United States may be able to compensate for even severe levels of fruit loss early during the reproductive portion of the growing season if favorable growing conditions occur