6 research outputs found

    Organizacija rada i akreditacija laboratorija

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    Фитохемијско истраживање биљног рода Amphoricarpos

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    Phytochemistry deals with the study of secondary metabolites pro­duced by plants that synthesize these compounds for many reasons, including their own protection against attack of herbivores and plant diseases. Secondary metabolites are believed to represent plant adaptation to various environmental factors and that they enabled the survival of the species. Secondary metabolites of plants can have curative or toxic effects in humans and animals. Herbal medicine has a long tradition in folk medicine and until the early 20th century, when synthetic organic chemistry began to develop, plants were the main source of medicines. The two basic goals of our phytochemical research are: isolation and identification of new (biologically active) compounds – potential drugs, and chemotaxonomy (chemo­systematics). In the following text through one selected example, the genus Amphoricarpos Vis., our phytochemical res­earch is shown on both aspects.Фитохемија се бави изучавањем секундарних метаболита кoje биљке синтетишу из много разлога, укључујући сопствену заштиту од напада биљоједа и од биљних болести. Сматра се да секундарни метаболити представљају адаптацију биљака на различите факторе околине и да су управо они омогућили опстанак врста. Секундарни метаболити биљака могу испољити лековито или токсично дејство на људе и животиње. Лечење биљем има дугу традицију у народној медицини и све до почетка 20. века, када је почела да се развија синтетичка органска хемија, биљке су биле главни извор лекова. Основни циљеви наших фитохемијских истраживања обухватају: изоловање и идентификацију нових (биолошки активних) једињења – потенцијалних лекова, и хемотаксономију (хемосистематика). У тексту су кроз један одабран пример – род Amphoricarpos Vis. – приказана оба наведена аспекта наших фитохемијских истраживања.Part of the theme issue honoring Professor Emeritus Slobodan Milosavljevićs 80th birthday

    Fungal pathogens of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) in Serbia.

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    Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) is a species adapted to field conditions in the most important livestock production region in the all continents and constitutes a very valuable forage species. It has a high ability to utilize nutrients and has very modest demands on the conditions of its growth. The roots of birdsfoot trefoil are associated with bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen and, thusly, its populations increase the availability of nitrogen in the soil. This species often forms dense, fibrous root networks that reduce soil erosion. Isolation of the pathogen was done from the leaves and roots. Black leaf spots were observed on birdsfoot trefoil in field plots in Serbia. These spots were circular to irregular. Single lesions often coalesced to form larger lesions and became dark brown. On the roots systems of a large number of plants birdsfoot trefoil symptoms of light to dark brown necrosis and discoloration of conductive tissues were observed. There has not been a systematic research of birdsfoot trefoil mycoflora in Serbia. This research aims to present the results of preliminary research of mycopopulation of 12 different genotypes of birdsfoot trefoil. Total of 480 plant parts have been examined and 7 genera of fungi were isolated: Alternaria, Fusarium, Phythophthora, Mucor, Sclerotinia, Bipolaris and Rhizoctonia. Considering the importance of birdsfoot trefoil as a fodder crop in Serbia, the aim of this study was to identify phytopathogenic fungi as casual agents of diseases in birdsfoot trefoil for a clearer perception of problems (the extinction of plants, reducing yields, deterioration of the quality of feed and others) arising as a result of the presence of those fungi