57 research outputs found

    Penetapan Harga Pokok Produksi Pakaian Seragam Akademi Kebidanan Permata Husada Samarinda Pada Penjahit Sartika Express Samarinda

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    Andik Supriyatno. The pricing of goods manufactured uniforms Midwifery Academy Husada Samarinda Jewel Express Tailors Sartika Samarinda (under the guidance of the mother and father of titin Ruliana and Imam Nazaruddin Latif). The purpose and this paper is to calculate the cost of goods manufactured uniforms Midwifery Academy Samarinda Jewel Husada full costing method in Tailor Sartika Express Samarinda. In accordance with the purpose of writing this, the principal issues raised: Is the determination of cost of goods manufactured uniforms Midwifery Academy Husada Samarinda Jewel Express Tailors Sartika higher than the base price set by the author using the full costing method in July 2011\u27\u27? Based on these fundamental issues, the proposed hypothesis as follows: "Suspected Determining the cost of production Midwifery Academy uniforms Husada Samarinda Jewel Express Tailors Sartika lower than the cost of production is determined by the authors using the full costing". The analytical tool used in this study is the determination of the cost of production using full costing method and compare the cost of production by Tailor Sartika Express Samarinda production costs according to the analysis

    Pengaruh Konsumsi Ikan dan Hasil Pertanian terhadap Kadar Hg Darah

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     Hg compounds  are toxic to human beings and may cause permanent disorder when exposing in suffcient quantities and periods. Amalgamation  is a gold mining processing techniques with Hg as gold binding. Tailing waste still contain Hg. Discarding without removal treatment may contaminate soil and groundwater. This study determined the association of fish consumption and agricultural products consumption to blood Hg level. This was a cross-sectional study with 3-in consecutive-day recall to measure fish consumption and agricultural consumption. There was association between fish consumption (p=0,0001), staple consumption (p=0,002), vegetable consumption (p=0,001), tubers consumption (p=0,002), and fruits consumption and (p=0,002) with blood Hg levels.

    Perancangan Alat Pemantau Ruangan Menggunakan Kamera Mini Cctv Berbasis Sensor Gerak

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    Kamera Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) dipakai sebagai sarana untuk alat pengontrol atau pemantau ruangan. Proses pemantauan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua sensor PIR LHI878 sebagai pendeteksi objek di suatu ruang. Kedua sensor tersebut masing-masing diletakkan terpisah atau disebut sensor kiri dan sensor kanan. Objek yang melintasi dari areal salah satu sensor, maka sensor akan memberi perintah ke mikrokontroller AT89s52 untuk meneruskan ke driver motor. Motor stepper digunakan sebagai penggarak kemera mini CCTV, dimana motor stepper akan menggerakkan kamera mini CCTV ke arah sensor yang mendeteksi objek bergerak. Kamera mini CCTV secara real time memantau objek yang dideteksi oleh sensor. Hasil pantauan secara real time dari CCTV akan ditampilkan langsung pada monitor.Kata kunci: PIR LHI878, Motor Stepper, CCTV208c, Mikrokontroler AT89s52.PENDAHULUANSelama ini pemantau ruangan tidak terlalu efektif saat ditinggalkan oleh sang pemilik setelah aktivitas berakhir. Perkembangan teknologi saat ini bisa merancang suatu alat pemantau ruangan, dimana pada saat ditinggalkan dapat dipantau melalui monitor komputer dan monitor TV oleh pihak lain yang terhubung dengan kamera.Close Circuit Television (CCTV) adalah perangkat pengaman berupa kamera dan perekam video yang sudah banyak dipakai oleh Perusahaan dan industri seperti perkantoran, toko dan kawasan Perumahan. Saat ini sistem pemantau ruangan telah menjadi hal umum sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan keamanan. Sistem pemantau ruangan yang banyak digunakan berupa kamera CCTV dimana hasil pantauannya ditampilkan pada komputer dan monitor lain yang bersifat real time. Kamera pada CCTV digunakan untuk mengambil gambar dalam suatu ruangan. Video CCTV merupakan suatu alternatif untuk melengkapi sistem keamanan yang konvesional terhadap suatu kajadian. Sensor passive infra red (PIR) merupakan sensor untuk mendeteksi gerak, namun sensor PIR LHI berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi gerak makhluk hidup. Jarak tempuh sensor PIR terhadap pergerakan manusia atau makhluk hidup lain tergantung merek dan jenis yang dipakai

    Penetapan Harga Pokok Produksi Pakaian Seragam Akademi Kebidanan Permata Husada Samarinda pada Penjahit Sartika Express Samarinda

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    Andik Supriyatno. The pricing of goods manufactured uniforms Midwifery Academy Husada Samarinda Jewel Express Tailors Sartika Samarinda (under the guidance of the mother and father of titin Ruliana and Imam Nazaruddin Latif). The purpose and this paper is to calculate the cost of goods manufactured uniforms Midwifery Academy Samarinda Jewel Husada full costing method in Tailor Sartika Express Samarinda. In accordance with the purpose of writing this, the principal issues raised: Is the determination of cost of goods manufactured uniforms Midwifery Academy Husada Samarinda Jewel Express Tailors Sartika higher than the base price set by the author using the full costing method in July 2011\u27\u27? Based on these fundamental issues, the proposed hypothesis as follows: "Suspected Determining the cost of production Midwifery Academy uniforms Husada Samarinda Jewel Express Tailors Sartika lower than the cost of production is determined by the authors using the full costing". The analytical tool used in this study is the determination of the cost of production using full costing method and compare the cost of production by Tailor Sartika Express Samarinda production costs according to the analysis

    Studi Kelayakan Lokasi Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Di Kota Bontang: Analisis Pengelolaan Air Limbah RPH Eksisting Gunung Telihan Sebagai Bagian Dasar Perbaikan Pengelolaan Lingkungan RPH

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    Sebagai salah satu Kota yang berkembang cukup cepat, Kota Bontang menghadapi permasalahan keberadaan pemukiman penduduk yang mendesak lokasi Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH). RPH Eksisting yang terletak di Kelurahan Gunung Telihan pada awalnya dibangun berjauhan dengan lokasi pemukiman, tetapi kini kondisinya sudah terletak di tengah pemukiman. Hal ini menjadikan RPH seringkali diprotes oleh warga karena gangguan lingkungannya. Sebagai salah satu langkah untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bontang berencana untuk memindahkan Lokasi RPH. Dua lokasi menjadi alternatif pemindahan lokasi. Alternatif pertama berada di Jalan TPA RT 01 Kelurahan Bontang Lestari (Lokasi 1), sedangkan alternatif kedua berada di Jalan Karya Bakti RT 18 Kelurahan Bontang Lestari (Lokasi 2). Penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara deskriptif kondisi pengelolaan air limbah di RPH eksisting Kota Bontang, yang terletak di Gunung Telihan, dan memberikan alternatif perbaikan RPH apabila pemindahan RPH tidak jadi dilaksanakan

    Pemekaran Wilayah Dan Otonomi Daerah Pasca Reformasi Di Indonesia: Konsep, Fakta Empiris Dan Rekomendasi Ke Depan

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    Basically, the regional expansion is a form of regional autonomy and is one of the things that need to be considered because of the presence of regional expansion is expected to further maximize equitable regional development and regional development. In the spirit of regional autonomy was also the emerging paradigm of regional expansion to speed up the implementation of development, ease of public service to the community, as well as the acceleration of social welfare. In the reform era, the space for the area for the proposed establishment of a New Autonomous Region opened wide by the regional expansion policy based on Law no. 22, 1999. With such a policy, the policy of regional expansion is now more dominated by the political process rather than technocratic process

    Pengembangan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Berbasis Karakter Entrepreneurship Bermoral dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Global

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    This paper aims to examine the development of Islamic university-based entrepreneurship moral character, which might be an alternative to address these concerns and the crisis of education in Indonesia. Azyumardi Azra (1999) mapped the pattern of educational study of Islam in Indonesia into three categories: first, the socio-historical study of Islamic education and secondly, the study of Islamic thought and educational theory and third, methodological study of Islamic education. On a national scale, the quality of Islamic educational institutions is still very alarming, especially if you look at the social and cultural phenomenon that is actual. At this time there are still many people who are intelligent, skilled, smart, creative, productive and professional, but not coupled with the robustness of faith and conviction and depth of spiritual and moral superiority. This study is needed especially in order to anticipate the development of contemporary Islamic education to not fall into the pattern of development that is regressive and conservative. Can be concluded that the development of university-based Islamic moral character of entrepreneurship is the most urgent agenda in the midst of an increasingly intense global competition
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