9 research outputs found

    Recycled Synthetic Polymer-Based Electrospun Membranes for Filtering Applications

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    Synthetic polymers have been widely applied in various commercial and household applications owing to their fascinating properties of low-cost, lightweight, and processability. However, increasing population and living standards and rising demand for non-biodegradable polymers have led to the accumulation of plastic pollution resulting in the current environmental crisis. Current waste management methods such as landfilling or incineration do not solve these environmental issues. On the other hand, recycling plastic waste is the most valuable strategy for dealing with waste as raw material for high-value products. One of such products is filter membranes. Polymer fiber membranes as masks in pandemics have been one of the most sought-after products in recent years. Some types of plastic waste became a material source for the development of filter materials, which could contribute to the protection of human health. Utilizing the simple, cheap, and industrially available technological solution is also needed. Given the number of advantages, electrospinning is such a beneficial solution. The electrospun polymer waste-based membranes show excellent filtration performance and can carry many other functionalities. Therefore, this review article presents a brief overview of electrospun nanofibrous membranes based on synthetic plastic waste and summarizes the filtration performance of such membranes. This review will discuss the future perspectives of electrospun membranes as well

    An N-type Naphthalene Diimide Ionene Polymer as Cathode Interlayer for Organic Solar Cells

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    Polymer solar cells (PSCs) based on non-fullerene acceptors have the advantages of synthetic versatility, strong absorption ability, and high thermal stability. These characteristics result in impressive power conversion efficiency values, but to further push both the performance and the stability of PSCs, the insertion of appropriate interlayers in the device structure remains mandatory. Herein, a naphthalene diimide-based cathode interlayer (NDI-OH) is synthesized with a facile three-step reaction and used as a cathode interlayer for fullerene and non-fullerene PSCs. This cationic polyelectrolyte exhibited good solubility in alcohol solvents, transparency in the visible range, self-doping behavior, and good film forming ability. All these characteristics allowed the increase in the devices’ power conversion efficiencies (PCE) both for fullerene and non-fullerene-based PSCs. The successful results make NDI-OH a promising cathode interlayer to apply in PSCs

    Simple and Eco-Friendly Route from Agro-Food Waste to Water Pollutants Removal

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    The current study reflects the demand to mitigate the environmental issues caused by the waste from the agriculture and food industry. The crops that do not meet the supply chain requirements and waste from their processing are overfilling landfills. The mentioned wastes contain cellulose, which is the most abundant carbon precursor. Therefore, one of the possibilities of returning such waste into the life cycle could be preparing the activated carbon through an eco-friendly and simple route. Herein, the carrot pulp from the waste was used. Techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), elemental analysis (EA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to investigate the thermal treatment effect during the carbon material preparation. The development of microstructure, phase formation, and chemical composition of prepared material was evaluated. The obtained carbon material was finally tested for water cleaning from a synthetic pollutant such as rhodamine B and phloxine B. An adsorption mechanism was proposed on the base of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) results and attributed to the responsible interactions. It was shown that a significant carbon sorbent from the organic waste for water purification was obtained

    The Drug-Loaded Electrospun Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Mats for Therapeutic Application

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    Diclofenac sodium salt (DSS)-loaded electrospun nanofiber mats on the base of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) were investigated as biocompatible nanofibrous mats for medical applications with the ability to inhibit bacterial infections. The paper presents the characteristics of fibrous mats made by electrospinning and determines the effect of medicament on the fiber morphology, chemical, mechanical and thermal properties, as well as wettability. PCL and DSS-loaded PCL nanofibrous mats were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, dynamic mechanical analysis, and contact angle measurements. Electron paramagnetic resonance measurements confirmed the lifetime of DSS before and after application of high voltage during the electrospinning process. In vitro biocompatibility was studied, and it was proved to be of good viability with ~92% of the diploid human cells culture line composed of lung fibroblast (MRC 5) after 48 h of incubation. Moreover, the significant activity of DSS-loaded nanofibers against cancer cells, Ca Ski and HeLa, was established as well. It was shown that 12.5% (m/V) is the minimal concentration for antibacterial activity when more than 99% of Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) and 99% of Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) have been exterminated

    Glycoprofiling as a novel tool in serological assays of systemic sclerosis: A comparative study with three bioanalytical methods

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease seriously affecting patient’s quality of life. The heterogeneity of the disease also means that identification and subsequent validation of biomarkers of the disease is quite challenging. A fully validated single biomarker for diagnosis, prognosis, disease activity and assessment of response to therapy is not yet available. The main aim of this study was to apply an alternative assay protocol to the immunoassay-based analysis of this disease by employment of sialic acid recognizing lectin Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) to glycoprofile serum samples. To our best knowledge this is the first study describing direct lectin-based glycoprofiling of serum SSc samples. Three different analytical methods for glycoprofiling of serum samples relying on application of lectins are compared here from a bioanalytical point of view including traditional ELISA-like lectin-based method (ELLA), novel fluorescent lectin microarrays and ultrasensitive impedimetric lectin biosensors. Results obtained by all three bioanalytical methods consistently showed differences in the level of sialic acid present on glycoproteins, when serum from healthy people was compared to the one from patients having SSc. Thus, analysis of sialic acid content in human serum could be of a diagnostic value for future detection of SSc, but further work is needed to enhance selectivity of assays for example by glycoprofiling of a fraction of human serum enriched in antibodies for individual diagnostics.Slovak Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 2/0162/14 and from the Slovak Research and Development Agency APVV 0282-11 is acknowledged. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 311532 and this work has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, Technological Development and Demonstration under grant agreement No. 317420. This publication is the result of the project implementation: Applied Research in the field of Industrial Biocatalysis, ITMS code: 26240220079 supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the ERDF. Research leading to these results was supported by BASF Slovakia