36 research outputs found


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    South Sulawesi is an area that has many prehistoric painting sites. Research on the meaning of the painting is still very limited. Therefore this paper attempts to examine the meaning contained the Uhalie Cave site by LĂ©vi Strauss structuralism approach. The issues raised in this paper are how the meaning of Uhalie Cave paintings and why anoa and pigs became the object of paintings in the Uhalie Cave. The answer obtained from the issues will explain the behavior of a group of painters located in the village. The methods used in this study are collecting secondary data of Uhalie Cave Research, then doing analysis of painting classiffication, finding the pattern of painting in the cave, finding sintagmatic, paradigmatic, transformation, determining signified-signifer, and distinctive feature. The result of this study explain that the happines and grief manifestation of Uhalie Cave human in hunting.Sulawesi Selatan merupakan wilayah yang memiliki banyak situs lukisan prasejarah. Penelitian terhadap makna lukisan tersebut masih sangat terbatas, oleh karena itu karya tulis ini mencoba mengkaji makna yang terkandung pada situs Gua Uhalie dengan menggunakan pendekatan strukturalisme LĂ©vi Strauss. Masalah yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana makna lukisan Gua Uhalie dan mengapa anoa dan babi menjadi objek lukis di Gua Uhalie. Jawaban yang didapatkan dari permasalahan tersebut akan menjelaskan tingkahlaku kelompok pelukis yang terletak di daerah pedalaman. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengumpulkan data sekunder hasil penelitian Gua Uhalie kemudian melakukan analisis klasifikasi lukisan, menemukan pola keletakannya, menetukan tanda-penanda (signified-signifer), sintagmatik, paradigmatik dan transformasi, serta menentukan ciri pembedanya (distictive feature). Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa lukisan tersebut merupakan perwujudan suka duka manusia pendukung Gua Uhalie dalam melakukan perburuan


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    Mangngade or ‘performing custom’ is a common activity in Wanuawaru Village, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, which is conducted in December and January. The problem in this research is how Wanuawaru villagers doing it and how position Manggade to Wanuawaru Villagers. There are three stages during the Mangngade procession namely visiting salo, gathering in Saoraja, and gathering in Bulu Posso. In Mangngade, the community performs prayers related to agriculture to avoid natural disasters, to beg for peace, safety, and success of personal life. The methods of data collection are ethnographic method and archaeological data recording. The results of data recording are then analyzed using concept in megalithic culture. Based on those data, it is finally concluded that Mangngade is the character of a megalithic tradition that is still carried out by the Wanuawaru villagers from generation to generation for confession about their community.Mangngade atau ‘menjalankan adat’ merupakan kegiatan masyarakat di Desa Wanuawaru, Kecamatan Mallawa, Kabupaten Maros, yang dilakukan pada bulan Desember dan Januari. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini, yaitu bagaimana proses acara Mangngade dan kedudukannya dalam masyarakat Desa Wanuawaru. Terdapat tiga tahap saat prosesi Mangngade, yaitu mengunjungi salo, berkumpul di Saoraja, dan berkumpul di Bulu Posso. Dalam Mangngade, masyarakat melakukan doa-doa yang berkaitan dengan pertanian, terhindar dari bencana alam, kedamaian, keselamatan dan kesuksesan kehidupan pribadi. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu, metode etnografi dan perekaman data arkeologi. Hasil perekaman data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep dalam kebudayaan megalitik. Berdasarkan data tersebut akhirnya disimpulkan bahwa Mangngade merupakan ciri tradisi megalitik yang masih dijalankan masyarakat Desa Wanuawaru secara turun temurun dari leluhurnya dalam membangun pengakuan keberadaan kelompoknya


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    AbstractSulawesi is an island located in the Wallacean region of Indonesia. Geologically its lying midway between the Asian (Sunda) and Greater Australian (Sahul) continents. As a part of Wallacea islands, Sulawesi is an island that shows complexity either in biology or geology perspective. Though the distinctive quaternary vertebrate faunas has been described from Sulawesi,  historical pattern of biogeography still poorly understood due to the lack of the fossil specimens. This paper describes a maxilla fragment with molar root teeth M1 from an archaic proboscidae called Stegodon that found in the conglomeratic sandstone layer, at Cangkange Area, 4 km to the east of Cabenge Archeological site of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Based on the comparation measuring data between this specimen with the Stegodon sompoensis and the Stegodon trigonocephalus it can be concluded that this Stegodon maxilla fragment is belong to the Stegodon sompoensis, a dwarf Stegodon from Sulawesi Island. The specimen is a surface collected sample. Based on the attached matrix on the maxilla fragment,  this specimen interpreted to be derived from subunit A of Beru Member, Walanae Formation. This Stegodon sompoensis is likely to be lived near the coastal-lagoon around 2,5 million years ago or Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene. This estimated specimen age is based on the vertebrate fauna biostratigraphy of South Sulawesi. ABSTRAKPulau Sulawesi di Indonesia terletak di daerah Wallacea. Secara geologi pulau ini berada di antara Asia (paparan Sunda) dan Australia (paparan Sahul). Sebagai bagian dari kepulauan Wallacea, Pulau Sulawesi merupakan pulau yang memiliki kompleksitas baik dari segi biologi maupun geologinya. Meskipun fauna-fauna vertebrata kuarter Sulawesi sudah dideskripsi, tetapi sejarah dan pola biogeografi di pulau ini masih sangat kurang dikarenakan sedikitnya fosil-fosil yang ditemukan. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan fragmen maxilla dari gajah purba jenis Stegodon dengan akar gigi molar M1 yang ditemukan di perlapisan batupasir konglomeratan, di daerah Cangkange, sekitar 4 km ke arah timur dari situs arkeologi Cabenge, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Berdasarkan  perbandingan data pengukuran spesimen ini dengan Stegodon sompoensis dan Stegodon trigonocephalus maka disimpulkan bahwa fragmen maksila Stegodon ini berasal dari Stegodon sompoensis, jenis Stegodon kerdil dari Pulau Sulawesi. Spesimen ini merupakan temuan permukaan, tetapi berdasarkan matriks sedimen yang masih menempel di maxilla, spesimen ini diinterpretasikan berasal dari Anggota Beru subunit A. Stegodon sompoensis ini diperkirakan dahulu hidup di lingkungan lagoon dekat pantai pada sekitar 2,5 juta tahun yang lalu atau Pliosen Akhir sampai Pleistosen Awal. Penentuan umur ini didasarkan pada boistratigrafi  fauna vertebrata  Sulawesi Selatan


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    Kodingare Island is located in Pulau Sembilan District, Sinjai Regency, one of nine islands. Currently, most people still rely on conventional energy from diesel power plants. The reason is that this island does not yet receive an electricity supply from the electricity grid due to the geographical limitations of the archipelago. It is known that the most potential renewable energy source on Kodingare Island is solar energy, with a potential for solar radiation reaching 5.86 kWh/m2/day. This research aims to analyze an innovation that combines PV and solar, where PV acts as the main electricity generator, while solar functions as a backup and additional energy source. The method used in this research uses simulation methods, layout modeling, and financial analysis using HOMER Pro simulation software to determine the potential and performance of hybrid power plants and SketchUp Pro software to produce three-dimensional layouts and economic and feasibility values obtained through financial analysis. Technical aspects include producing an electrical energy system of 37,029 Wh/year, consisting of PV of 32,981 Wh/year and solar of 4,048 Wh/year with energy consumption of 33,850 Wh/year. The required fuel consumption is 2,086 L/year, with excess electricity of 931 kWh/year and renewable energy penetration of 89.1%. From an economic perspective, planning this hybrid power system requires an investment of 258.290.000 IDR, O&M costs of 19.350.600 IDR, and the cost of energy value of 1,352/kWh IDR. In contrast, from the feasibility aspect of planning a hybrid electric power system, it is said to be feasible because it produces a Net Present Value of 9,870,151 IDR, is more significant than zero, the Profitability Index is 1.03 greater than one, the Internal Rate of Return is 8.90% greater than the credit interest rate of 8.43% and the Payback Period required for return of capital is nine years nine months


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    Bone merupakan salah satu situs pusat kerajaan Bugis yang menarik diungkap biografi lanskapnya, dari unit-unit kampung kecil tradisional (abad ke-14 M) hingga mencapai bentuk kota kolonial pada awal abad ke-20. Penelitian ini secara spasial berfokus pada situs dalam wilayah keruangan Kota Watampone dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan biografi lanskap. Metode penelitian melalui tahapan: (1) rekonstruksi sejarah dan arkeologi; (2) dokumentasi ingatan kolektif; dan (3) narasi biografi lanskap. Hasil penelitian menemukan 9 lapisan biografis secara vertikal. Dari jumlah lapisan biografis tersebut, memori kolektif warga kota hanya terkait Bola Soba sebagai ikon arsitektur serta 4 lapisan biografi peradaban terkait legacy tokoh, yaitu Kawerang (situs Manurunge), Macege, serta   Tanah Bangkala dan Taman Arung Palakka (periode lanskap tanpa istana). Perubahan lanskap sangat dipengaruhi perubahan lokasi istana, mengikuti ruang hunian penguasa terpilih. Lanskap tidak saja menunjukkan biografi periodic ruang, tetapi juga identitas dan ‘legacy’  tokoh pada setiap lapisan peradaban.Watampone merupakan situs pusat Kerajaan Bone yang memiliki biografi lanskap dinamis, dari unit unit kampung kecil tradisional (abad ke-14 M) hingga mencapai bentuk kota kolonial pada awal abad ke-20. Dalam periode yang panjang dan dinamis, narasi perkembangan kota Watampone sudah sepantasnya dikaji tidak saja dalam bingkai simpul-simpul peristiwa besar atau historiografi arusutama, tetapi juga menyertakan narasi memori warga kota. Masalah penelitian ini berfokus bagaimana biografi lanskap Kota Watampone? Tujuannya ialah merekonstruksi perkembangan lanskap kota Watampone secara diakronis berdasarkan ketersediaan data (penanda) arkeologis dan historis serta memori kolektif warga. Untuk itu, pendekatan biografi lanskap digunakan dengan metode melalui tahapan: (1) survei untuk rekonstruksi sejarah dan arkeologi; (2) dokumentasi ingatan kolektif dengan wawancara dan FGD; dan (3) Interpretasi narasi biografi lanskap. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi sembilan lapisan biografis sepanjang lima abad kisah Kota Watampone. Dari jumlah lapisan biografis tersebut, memori kolektif warga kota hanya terkait Bola Soba sebagai ikon arsitektur serta 4 lapisan biografi peradaban terkait legacy tokoh, yaitu Kawerang (situs Manurunge), Macege, serta Tanah Bangkala dan Taman Arung Palakka (periode lanskap tanpa istana). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ternyata tidak semua era pemerintahan menyimpan jejak fitur pada lanskap sebagai ‘legacy’, sekaligus atribut kuat identitas eksistensi lapisan biografi kota.     From its smallest traditional units in 14th AD to its colonial morphology in 20th AD, Bone is one of the Buginese kingdom cities with interesting landscape biography. In a long and dynamic period, the narrative of the development of the city of Watampone should be examined, not only in the frame of major historiography, but also to include the residents' collective memory. This research is focused to study the landscape biography of Watampone City? The purpose is to reconstruct the urban landscape development of Watampone diachronically based on the archaeological and historical data and the collective memory of the residents. This study used landscape biographical approach, with these following stages: (1) surveys for historical and archaeological reconstruction; (2) documentation of collective memory by interview and focus group discussion; and (3) Interpretation of landscape biographical narratives. The results of the study identified nine biographical layers along the five centuries of Watampone City. Of those biographic layers, its citizen’s collective memory only recollects one architectural icon (Bola Soba), and four other sites that related to a historic figure (Kawerang, Macege, Tanah Bangkala, and Arung Palakka’s City Park). This research shows that not all of the government eras have traces of features in the landscape as 'legacy', as well as strong attributes of the existence of urban biographical layers

    Prehistoric Occupation at Sakkarra Site as Early Metal Phase Tradition and Neolithic Culture Along the Karama Drainage, West Sulawesi

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    Situs Lembah Karama adalah kawasan hunian prasejarah, yang mengandung banyak data arkeologis untuk mengungkap sejarah kedatangan dan perkembangan budaya penutur Austronesia di Sulawesi. Mereka bermukim di sepanjang Lembah Karama sejak 3.800 tahun yang lalu, terus bertahan dan menyebar untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan logam ke daerah lain, baik hilir dan pedalaman Sulawesi. Lapisan budaya in situ ditemukan pada penggalian tahun 2014 dengan penanggalan sekitar 172 cal BCE hingga 55 CE. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan budaya fase logam awal di Situs Sakkarra berdasarkan data penelitian terkini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis lapisan budaya berdasarkan pengamatan stratigrafi, konteks, dan temuan artefak dari beberapa data ekskavasi yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014, 2016 dan 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada indikasi hunian yang lebih tua, yaitu fase Neolitik, hingga berlanjut ke fase logam awal di Sakkarra. Namun, periode ini tidak berlangsung lama, sebelum akhirnya memasuki tahap hunian intensif 2.000 tahun yang lalu. Tradisi budaya neolitik belum menghilang dan masih melekat dalam tatanan budaya mereka ketika pengetahuan logam mulai hadir di kawasan Lembah Karama. Kesinambungan budaya tercermin dalam pemeliharaan tradisi teknologi Neolitik seperti pembuatan tembikar dan alat-alat batu yang diupam. Lapisan budaya di Situs Sakkara menunjukkan adanya hunian penutur Austronesia yang berlanjut dari fase Neolitik ke fase logam awal di Lembah Karama. Bahkan mereka secara aktif terlibat dalam interaksi perdagangan yang telah terjalin di antara pulau-pulau di Asia Tenggara pada waktu itu. The Karama drainage region is a prehistoric occupation site, which contains many archaeological data to uncover the history of the arrival and development of the Austronesian-speakers culture in Sulawesi. They have occupied along the Karama drainage since 3,800 years ago, continue to persist and spread to develop of metal knowledge to other areas, both downstream and inland Sulawesi. The in situ cultural layers found on excavations of 2014 with dating around 172 cal BCE to 55 CE. The aim of the study is described of early metal phase culture in Sakkarra Site based on the latest research data. This study used qualitative methods to analyses of cultural layers based on stratigraphic observations, contexts, and artifact findings from several data of excavation conducted in 2014, 2016 and 2017. The research result shows there is an indication of older occupation, which is the Neolithic phase, continued unabated into the Early Metal Phase at Sakkarra. However, this period does not last long, before finally entering the stage of intensive occupancy by 2,000 years ago. Neolithic cultural traditions have not disappeared and still inherent in their cultural order when metal knowledge begins to present in Karama Drainage. Cultural continuity is reflected in the maintenance of Neolithic technological traditions such as the manufacture of earthenware pottery and polished stone tools. The cultural layer in Sakkara Site indicates the existence of Austronesian speakers' occupation that continues from the Neolithic phase to the initial metal phase in Karama Drainage. Even they are actively involved in the shipping and trade that had intertwined among the islands in Southeast Asia at that time


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    Leang-Leang Archaeological Park is one of the popular tourist attractions and is visited by many tourists both from within the country and from abroad. Although it has many visitors, based on observations in Leang-Leang prehistoric park during our visit, it is known that this attraction only relies on the main attractions, namely ancient images and karst landscaping. In addition, the local carrying capacity has yet to be fully utilized. This is evidenced by the absence of other tourist attractions and the incompleteness of the tourism development component, namely amenities. Although youth groups have been involved in the creative business field, there still needs to be more in exploring existing cultural resources to be used as typical souvenirs of Leang-Leang. Based on these problems, this mentoring aims to provide partners with an understanding of the cultural resources in Leang-Leang Maros and improve their skills in producing Leang-Leang souvenir products. The results of this activity increased knowledge of the community and advanced skills in manufacturing and packaging leang-leang Maros souvenirs.  ---  Taman Arkeologi Leang-Leang merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang populer dan banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan baik dari dalam negeri maupun dari mancanegara. Meskipun memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang terhitung tinggi, namun berdasarkan pengamatan di Taman Prasejarah Leang-Leang selama kami melakukan kunjungan, diketahui bahwa objek wisata ini hanya mengandalkan atraksi utama, yaitu gambar purba dan lansekap karst. Selain itu, daya dukung lokal belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan tidak adanya atraksi wisata lain dan tidak lengkapnya dalam komponen pengembangan pariwisata, yaitu amenitas. Meskipun telah ada kelompok pemuda yang berkecimpung dibidang usaha kreatif namun masih minim dalam mengksplorasi sumber daya budaya yang ada untuk dijadikan sebagai cinderamata khas dari Leang-Leang. Berdasarkan pada permasalah tersebut, pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada mitra terkait sumber daya budaya yang ada di Leang-Leang Maros dan meningkatkan keterampilan dalam menghasilkan produk cinderamata khas Leang-Leang. Hasil kegiatan ini menghasilkan peningkatan pemahaman kepada masyarakat, peningkatan keterampilan dalam pembuatan dan pengemasan cinderamata khas Leang-Leang Maros

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into ‘Wallacea’, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011–13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35–24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter–remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35–23 ka cal BP–and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other ‘megafauna’ in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi

    Artefak Batu Preneolitik Situs Leang Jarie: bukti teknologi Maros point tertua di kawasan budaya Toalean, Sulawesi Selatan

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    The Preneolithic Stone Artefact of Leang Jarie Site: The Oldest Evidence of Maros Point  Technology in the Toalean Culture Region, South Sulawesi. Maros Point is one type of flake tool that shows characteristics of the techno-complex Toalean from South Sulawesi. Early emergence of the Toalean Culture phase is still debated, but most experts agree that this tool only appeared no more than 4000 years ago and is positioned include with pottery or Neolithic period. The Maros Point is considered to be made by the early occupants of Sulawesi after the arrival and contact with Austronesian speakers migration in South Sulawesi. The problem is that the results of the latest research are contrary to previous opinions. This paper aims to show new evidence of excavation at the Leang Jarie Site, as the oldest Maros Point technology ca. 8,000 years ago in the Toalean Cultural Region. Maros Point is made simpler with the support flake without using reduction pattern of flake-blade technology. Flakes with an asymmetrical shape can also be utilized as long as it have a pointed and thin tip. The "backed" retouched technique is also used to maximize flakes with steep sharp edges. Thus, the phase of Toalean Culture compiled by previous studies needs to be reviewed and the presence of Maros Points can no longer be used as a marker of the youngest phase. Maros Point is produced from the early holocene or Preneolithic Period and has possibility its continuation until Neolithic period.Maros Point adalah salah satu tipe alat serpih yang menunjukkan karakteristik teknokompleks budaya Toalean dari Sulawesi Selatan. Awal munculnya masih diperdebatkan. Namun, sebagian besar ahli sepakat bahwa alat ini baru muncul tidak lebih dari 4.000 tahun yang lalu dan diposisikan sekonteks dengan tembikar atau masa neolitik. Maros Point dianggap dibuat oleh penghuni awal Sulawesi setelah kedatangan dan kontak dengan migrasi penutur Austronesia di Sulawesi Selatan. Permasalahannya adalah hasil penelitian terbaru justru bertentangan dengan pendapat sebelumnya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bukti baru dari penggalian di situs  Leang Jarie, sebagai teknologi Maros Point paling tua berumur ca. 8.000 tahun lalu di kawasan budaya Toalean. Maros Point dari masa preneolitik dibuat lebih sederhana dengan dukungan serpih tanpa harus menggunakan pola penyerpihan teknologi serpih bilah. Serpih dengan bentuk yang tidak simetris pun dapat dimanfaatkan selama memiliki ujung runcing dan tipis. Teknik peretusan “dipunggungkan” juga digunakan untuk memaksimal serpih dengan tepian tajaman yang terjal. Dengan demikian, fase budaya Toalean yang disusun oleh penelitian sebelumnya perlu ditinjau ulang dan kehadiran Maros Point tidak bisa lagi dijadikan sebagai penanda fase paling muda. Maros Point diproduksi dari awal holosen atau preneolitik dan mungkin terus berlanjut hingga masa neolitik

    A reassessment of the early archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a Late Pleistocene rock-shelter site on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi

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    This paper presents a reassessment of the archaeological record at Leang Burung 2, a key early human occupation site in the Late Pleistocene of Southeast Asia. Excavated originally by Ian Glover in 1975, this limestone rock-shelter in the Maros karsts of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long held significance in our understanding of early human dispersals into \u27Wallacea\u27, the vast zone of oceanic islands between continental Asia and Australia. We present new stratigraphic information and dating evidence from Leang Burung 2 collected during the course of our excavations at this site in 2007 and 2011-13. Our findings suggest that the classic Late Pleistocene modern human occupation sequence identified previously at Leang Burung 2, and proposed to span around 31,000 to 19,000 conventional 14C years BP (~35-24 ka cal BP), may actually represent an amalgam of reworked archaeological materials. Sources for cultural materials of mixed ages comprise breccias from the rear wall of the rock-shelter-remnants of older, eroded deposits dated to 35-23 ka cal BP-and cultural remains of early Holocene antiquity. Below the upper levels affected by the mass loss of Late Pleistocene deposits, our deep-trench excavations uncovered evidence for an earlier hominin presence at the site. These findings include fossils of now-extinct proboscideans and other \u27megafauna\u27 in stratified context, as well as a cobble-based stone artifact technology comparable to that produced by late Middle Pleistocene hominins elsewhere on Sulawesi