8 research outputs found

    Evolution of Information Retrieval System: Critical Review of Multimedia Information Retrieval System Based On Content, Context, and Concept

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    In recent years the explosive growth of information affects the flood of information. The amount of information must be followed by the development of the effective Information Retrieval System (IRS) so that the information will be easily accessible and useful for the user. The source of Information contains various media format, beside text there is also image, audio, and video that called multimedia. A large number of multimedia information rise the Multimedia Information Retrieval System (MIRS). Most of MIRS today is monolithic or only using one media format like Google1 for text search, tineye2 for image search, youtube3 for video search or 4shared4 for music and audio search. There is a need of information in any kind of media, not only retrieve the document in text format, but also retrieve the document in an image, audio and video format at once from any kind media format of the query. This study reviews the evolution of IRS, regress from text-based to concept- based MIRS. Unified Multimedia Indexing technique is discussed along with Concept-based MIRS. This critical review concludes that the evolution of IRS follows three paces: content-based, context-based and concept-based. Each pace takes on indexing system and retrieval techniques to optimize information retrieved. The challenge is how to come up with a retrieval technique that can process unified MIRS in order to retrieve optimally the relevant document

    Unified Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval Technique

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    The explosion of digital data in the last two decades followed by the development of various types of data, including text, images, audio and video known as multimedia data. Multimedia Information Retrieval is required to search various type of media. There is comprehensive information need that can not be handled by the monolithic search engine like Google, Google Image, Youtube, or FindSounds. The shortcoming of search engine today related to their format or media is the dominance of text format, while the expected information could be an image, audio or video. Hence it is necessary to present multimedia format at the same time. This paper tries to design Unified Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval (UCpBMIR) technique to tackle those difficulties by using unified multimedia indexing. The indexing technique transforms the various of media with their features into text representation with the concept-based algorithm and put it into the concept detector. Learning model configures the concept detector to classify the multimedia object. The result of the concept detector process is placed in unified multimedia index database and waiting for the concept-based query to be matched into the Semantic Similarities with ontology. The ontology will provide the relationship between object representation of multimedia data. Due to indexing text, image, audio, and video respectively that naturally, they are heterogeneous, but conceptually they may have the relationship among them. From the preliminary result that multimedia document retrieved can be obtained through single query any format in order to retrieve all kind of multimedia format. Unified multimedia indexing technique with ontology will unify each format of multimedia

    Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval System using Ontology Search in Cultural Heritage

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    The richness of Cultural Heritage and Natural History is abundant. Many of the cultural heritage collection in Library, National Archive, and Museum in the form physical object or digital format in a different type of media (text, image, audio and video). One cultural heritage object can have the relationship with other objects in different media format and do not mention query term explicitly. Using the various media format causes problems in search. A monolithic search engine like Google, Bing, Google Image, Youtube, or Findsounds only retrieve one media format. Besides, the search result of the existing search engine is less relevant and incomplete in searching cultural heritage. Several multimedia information retrieval techniques used in building the relationship using ontology like ontology based search, content-based search with ontology and hybrid search with ontology. This paper proposes Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval System (MIRS) with ontology using Indonesia’s cultural heritage dataset to increase relevance and completeness of the system. Concept-based MIRS using manually built thesauri or by extracting latent word relationship and concept from the Ontology that provides definition and formal structure for describing the implicit and explicit concepts and its relationship in cultural heritage documentation. Ontology-based Semantic similarity measure is defined which measure the semantic relationship between document based on the likeness of their meaning. The search results indicate that the document being retrieved becomes highly relevant, more complete, enrich the keyword and in varying media formats when is compared to existing search engine results such google, bing, google image, youtube and findsounds in specific domain


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    Student Centered Learning disingkat SCL atau Pembelajaran yang berpusat pada Mahasiswa merupakan suatu metode  yang memacu mahasiswa untuk berperan lebih aktif, mandiri dan lebih terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran. Disini mahasiswa diarahkan untuk melakukan personelisasi model pembelajarannya. Dibandingkan dengan metode teacher centered learning(TCL) dimana pembelajaran berpusat pada dosen, dan  dosen menjadi pusat dari pengetahuan serta pusat referensi bagi mahasiswa pada matakuliahnya. Saat ini metode TCL pelan-pelan mulai diragukan efektifitasnya dalam proses transformasi pengetahuan dari dosen ke mahasiswa, disisi lain metode SCL mulai mendapat sambutan karena dianggap dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pembelajaran mahasiswa dalam menyerap pengetahuan yang diberikan dan dicari sendiri oleh mahasiswa tersebut..  Implementai SCL ini tidaklah semudah implementasi TCL, jika pada TCL dosen hanya memberikan ceramah dan sekali-kali melakukan diskusi hanya memerlukan pengetahuan bidang ilmu dengan dukungan tool seperti slide Power Point, sedangkan pada SCL dosen harus lebih kreatif menggunakan berbagai tool yang ada dalam rangka memfasilitasi mahasiswa agar dapat belajar secara mandiri, seperti tool e-learning, internet serta perangkat audio video. Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yang singkat TIK dalam SCL sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam melakukan proses pembelajaraan secara mandiri. Internet menyediakan referensi terlengkap yang tersedia kapan saja dan dimana saja. E-learning membantu menyediakan referensi yang lebih  fokus pada mata kuliah yang akan dipelajari. Perangkat Audio Video membantu mahasiswa dalam peningkatan pemahaman terhada suatu materi ajar. Selain itu ada beberapa lagi tool TIK yang akan sangat membantu metode SCL ini, seperti Smartboard, Video Conference, Forum Disuksi Onlline dan lain-lain.        

    Unified Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval Technique

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    The explosion of digital data in the last two decades followed by the development of various types of data, including text, images, audio and video known as multimedia data. Multimedia Information Retrieval is required to search various type of media. There is comprehensive information need that can not be handled by the monolithic search engine like Google, Google Image, Youtube, or FindSounds. The shortcoming of search engine today related to their format or media is the dominance of text format, while the expected information could be an image, audio or video. Hence it is necessary to present multimedia format at the same time. This paper tries to design Unified Concept-based Multimedia Information Retrieval (UCpBMIR) technique to tackle those difficulties by using unified multimedia indexing. The indexing technique transforms the various of media with their features into text representation with the concept-based algorithm and put it into the concept detector. Learning model configures the concept detector to classify the multimedia object. The result of the concept detector process is placed in unified multimedia index database and waiting for the concept-based query to be matched into the Semantic Similarities with ontology. The ontology will provide the relationship between object representation of multimedia data. Due to indexing text, image, audio, and video respectively that naturally, they are heterogeneous, but conceptually they may have the relationship among them. From the preliminary result that multimedia document retrieved can be obtained through single query any format in order to retrieve all kind of multimedia format. Unified multimedia indexing technique with ontology will unify each format of multimedi


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    Cengkeh merupakan produk rempah yang dipergunakan sebagai salah satu bahan baku industri rokok kretek, farmasi, kosmetik, dan rempah-rempah. Cengkeh dapat dikeringkan pada musim kemarau dengan bantuan sinar matahari selama 4 hingga 5 hari. Lama proses pengeringan cengkeh bertambah menjadi 6 hingga 10 hari bahkan lebih pada musim penghujan tergantung pada intensitas hujan pada waktu proses pengeringan cengkeh. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang dan mengembangkan sistem monitoring suhu dan kelembapan pengeringan cengkeh berbasis IoT dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy Mamdani. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif akan memungkinkan peneliti untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data yang berupa angka-angka terukur secara objektif dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dan observasi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu R&D (Research and Development). Dengan menggunakan sensor suhu dan kelembapan yang tepat serta sistem kontrol otomatis berbasis Fuzzy Mamdani, monitoring suhu dan kelembapan dapat dilakukan dengan presisi, memastikan bahwa kondisi pengeringan cengkeh selalu optima


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    Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar (UIN-AM) saat ini sudah terakreditasi “A” atau “Unggul” sejak tahun 2018. Hanya saja untuk skala global yang mengacu pada peringkat Webometrics posisi UIN-AM diperingkat 13 diantara seluruh Universitas Islam Negeri di Indonesia. Mengacu pada hal tersebut UIN-AM masih harus terus melakukan pembenahan, utamanya website UIN-AM (www.uin-alauddin.ac.id). Dengan mengetahui posisi peringkat UIN-AM saat ini di Webometrics, kemudian dilakukan pemetaan website dilanjutkan dengan mengatur strategi dengan analisis ADKAR untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan website. Beberapa rekomedasi mengacu pada indikator-indikator yang digunakan oleh webometrics (Impact/Visibility, Tranparancy, dan Excellence) dan turunannya agar lebih terukur, dan terstruktur serta dapat dilakukan secara bertahap. Rekomendasi ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan peringkat yang lebih baik diantara UIN se Indonesia dan perbaikan peringkat secara global dengan target menjadi 100 besar universitas terbaik di Indonesia

    Classification for Multiformat Object of Cultural Heritage using Deep Learning

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    The growth of information in the last two decades is dominated by multimedia data such as text, image, audio, and video. Multimedia data with low-level features should be represented in a high-level concept that is easily understood by a human. Classification of the multi-format object is a technique that is used to represent a multi-source object like text, image, audio, and video at once. The object t features are extracted then categorized in several specified classes or concepts. This paper adopts Deep Learning Techniques: (1) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) techniques for classifying an image, audio, and video, (2) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) technique for classifying text. The experiment uses small data of Indonesian cultural heritage domain. As supervised learning form, the output model is grouped into five classes based on Indonesian ethnic groups (Toraja, Bali, Batak, Dayak, Betawis. The result, this classification model can be implemented in the Multimedia Information Retrieval System and Recommender System for Indonesia Cultural Heritage