1,298 research outputs found

    Tidal stripping as a mechanism for placing globular clusters on wide orbits: the case of MGC1 in M31

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    The globular clusters of large spiral galaxies can be divided into two populations: one which formed in-situ and one which comprises clusters tidally stripped away from other galaxies. In this paper we investigate the contribution to the outer globular cluster population in the M31 galaxy through donation of clusters from dwarf galaxies. We test this numerically by comparing the contribution of globular clusters from simulated encounters to the observed M31 globular cluster population. To constrain our simulations, we specifically investigate the outermost globular cluster in the M31 system, MGC1. The remote location of MGC1 favours the idea of it being captured, however, the cluster is devoid of features associated with tidal interactions. Hence we separate simulations where tidal features are present and where they are hidden. We find that our simulated encounters can place clusters on MGC1-like orbits. In addition, we find that tidal stripping of clusters from dwarf galaxies leaves them on orbits having a range of separations, broadly matching those observed in M31. We find that the specific energies of globular clusters captured by M31 closely matches those of the incoming host dwarf galaxies. Furthermore, in our simulations we find an equal number of accreted clusters on co-rotating and counter-rotating orbits within M31 and use this to infer the fraction of clusters that has been accreted. We find that even close in roughly 50% of the clusters are accreted, whilst this figure increases to over 80% further out.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The galactic scale impact of feedback from individual stars

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    Feedback from stars is essential for the formation and evolution of galaxies. It is an energy source that drives gas motions and chemically enriches the galaxy by supplying metals. Without this stellar feedback, numerical galaxy simulations result in galaxies with little resemblance to those observed in our Universe. Modern galaxy simulations frequently reach a mass resolution of a few tens of solar masses. Such high-resolution warrants models incorporating individual stars. These models enable a detailed treatment of when and where stars inject feedback. In this thesis, I present such a model and provide a series of papers exploring physical mechanisms unlocked by this model.In paper I, we investigate how runaway stars affect the galactic winds driven by stellar feedback in Milky Way-like galaxies. Massive runaway stars can venture to places where these short-lived stars are otherwise not found (e.g., between spiral arms). In these regions of diffuse gas, supernovae can efficiently incorporate energy into large volumes of gas, thereby boosting the gas outflow rate of the galaxy. Furthermore, the star formation rate is not significantly affected since parts of the feedback budget move away from star-forming gas. The result is a ten-fold boost in the mass loading factor.Paper II is a follow-up investigation of a surprising signal of star formation in spiral galaxies with runaway stars, found in Paper I. The signal is produced by the rapid migration of runaway stars to the galaxy's outskirts. Via direct comparison to observational data, we find that this explains faint far-ultraviolet radiation detected outside the optical radius of nearby spiral galaxies. This radiation manifests as a trend in the star formation relation with a slope similar to one produced by runaway stars escaping to these regions.In paper III, the star-by-star model is upgraded with a more advanced model for feedback and runaway stars. We showcase this model with a suit of simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies, testing a range of parameters for the natal velocity model of individual stars responsible for incorporating runaway stars. In stark contrast to the Milky Way-like galaxy, we find runaway stars play little to no role in determining outflows in dwarf galaxies. We discuss several possible reasons for the different effects in small and large galaxies

    Probing the phase diagram of cuprates with YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−ή_{7-\delta} thin films and nanowires

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    We have grown and characterized 30 nm thick YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−ή_{7-\delta} (YBCO) films, deposited by pulsed laser deposition on both MgO (110) and SrTiO3_3 (001) substrates, which induce opposite strain to the superconducting layer. By carefully tuning the in-situ post-annealing oxygen pressure, we achieved, in a reproducible way, films at different oxygen doping, spanning from the slightly overdoped down to the strongly underdoped region of the phase diagram. The transport properties of the films, investigated through resistance versus temperature measurements, are in perfect qualitative agreement with single crystals. Starting from these films, we have also successfully fabricated nanowires with widths down to 65 nm, at different oxygen doping. The nanostructures exhibit characteristic temperatures (as the critical temperature TcT_{\mathrm{c}} and the pseudogap temperature T∗T^*) similar to those of the as-grown films and carry critical current densities JcJ_{\mathrm{c}} close to the critical depairing value, limited by vortex entry. This implies that the superconducting and the normal state properties of underdoped YBCO are preserved in our films, and they can be studied as a function of the dimensionality of the system, down to the nanoscale.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Material

    True equivalent chip thickness for tools with a nose radius

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    A majority of the established systems for choice and optimization of cutting data are based on WoxĂ©n’s equivalent chip thickness, heW. In metal cutting theory and models, the equivalent chip thickness is of vital importance when the depth-of-cut ap is in the same order or smaller than the nose radius r. WoxĂ©n made considerable simplifications in his chip area model, that form the basis for calculations of the equivalent chip thickness. Basic mathematical solutions, e.g. describing the chip area on circular inserts, are lacking. This article describes the geometrical implications when machining with round inserts. The error in WoxĂ©n’s equivalent chip thickness is largest when the depth-of-cut is less than ÂŒ of the nose radius. The calculations of the equivalent chip thickness based on the WoxĂ©n model are up to 50 % wrong, for some combinations of cutting data in the finishing range. The presented results explain the difficulties in getting a good validity in the models used to calculate tool life in finishing machining. The error leads to an underrating of the tool load in many machining situations

    Control System Data and Meta Data at ESS

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    Manufacturing costs and Degree of Occupancy Based on the Principle of Characteristic Parts

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    In making capacity estimates and cost calculations in the manufacturing industry, many products and production systems are often involved, making the data in their totality difficult to grasp. Introducing the concept of the characteristic part, which is a fabricated part seen as representative of all parts produced in terms of demand, setup time, cycle time, average batch size and total number of batches involved, makes the calculations required much more manageable and much less time-consuming. The article takes up how the characteristic part is defined and how it can be used in calculating production capacity, system utilization and manufacturing costs

    Runaway stars masquerading as star formation in galactic outskirts

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    In the outskirts of nearby spiral galaxies, star formation is observed in extremely low gas surface densities. Star formation in these regions, where the interstellar medium is dominated by diffuse atomic hydrogen, is difficult to explain with classic star formation theories. In this work, we introduce runaway stars as an explanation to this observation. Runaway stars, produced by collisional dynamics in young stellar clusters, can travel kilo-parsecs during their main sequence life time. Using galactic-scale hydrodynamic simulations including a treatment of individual stars, we demonstrate that this mechanism enables the ejection of young massive stars into environments where the gas is not dense enough to trigger star formation. This results in the appearance of star formation in regions where it ought to be impossible. We conclude that runaway stars are a contributing, if not dominant, factor to the observations of star formation in the outskirts of spiral galaxies.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS Letters, comments welcom

    Plant strategies for ornamental shrubs and their suitability for urban planting

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    Det utbredda slentriantĂ€nkandet i vĂ„r bransch ligger till grund för mĂ„nga tveksamma, och dyra lösningar. Den generella mentaliteten verkar vara att, ”man gör de man blir tillsagd” och slutar helt fundera pĂ„ varför. Att tĂ€nka sjĂ€lv, ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta, och utveckla sin kunskap inom ett givet omrĂ„de Ă€r den enskilt viktigaste förmĂ„gan vi har. NĂ€r det kritiska tĂ€nkandet försvinner och ersĂ€tts med jakt pĂ„ större ekonomiska vinster och ointresse Ă€r branschen ute pĂ„ hal is. DĂ€rför anser jag att det extra viktigt att sjĂ€lv försöka ta reda pĂ„ varför vĂ€xter fungerar, utvecklar och etablerar sig sĂ„ olika beroende pĂ„ vĂ€xtplats och miljö. Grimes C-S-R klassificering, och ekologiska bakgrund, förklarar pĂ„ ett bra sĂ€tt sambandet mellan vĂ€xtens konkurrenssförmĂ„ga och dess vĂ€xtplats. Litterturstudien av Plant strategies, Vegetation process, and Ecosystem properties (2001) ligger till grund för resultatdelen och diskussionen. De olika strategierna avhandlades och deras anvĂ€ndningspotential i urban miljö diskuterades. Olika strategier visade sig vara lĂ€mpliga beroende pĂ„ platsen och funktionskraven. Den huvudsakliga lĂ€rdomen frĂ„n litteraturstudien var att strategierna skall matchas mot vĂ€xtplatsen, om en funktionell och skötselextensiv plantering skall kunna uppnĂ„s. För att vidare kunna förstĂ„, och applicera, den ganska teoretiska litteraturen, valdes tre exempelplanteringar i urban miljö. Den första exempelplanteringen Ă„terfinns pĂ„ RĂ„dhusrĂ€ttens bostadsomrĂ„de inne i Lund. Detta omrĂ„de Ă€gs och förvaltats av LKFÂŽs bostadsförening. Planteringarna Ă€r relativt nyligen omgjorda, och ligger pĂ„ bjĂ€lklag. Eftersom jordvolymen Ă€r begrĂ€nsad, stĂ€lls högre krav pĂ„ vĂ€xtvalet. HĂ€r har man anvĂ€nt Syringa vulgaris, Budleja davidii, Taxus x intermedia, med Vinca minor och Sedum acre som underplantering. VĂ€xternas strategi Ă€r felmatchad till vĂ€xtplatsen. Andra arter med mer konkurrensstarka strategier har kunnat etablera sig. Detta hade kunnat undvikas genom ett vĂ€xtval dĂ€r strategierna varit bĂ€ttre anpassade till stĂ„ndorten. Den andra exempelplanteringen representerar hĂ„rdgjord stadsmiljö, och Ă„terfinns utanför PilĂ€ngshallen i Lomma. Den skiljer sig dĂ€rmed frĂ„n de bĂ„da andra planteringarna genom att vara helt i hĂ„rdgjord miljö. Den ligger inte heller pĂ„ bjĂ€lklag, utan Ă€r traditionellt planterad. VĂ€xtvalet och vĂ€xternas strategi Ă€r bĂ€ttre lĂ€mpat för platsen. HĂ€r Ă„terfinns Cotoneaster divaricatus, Juiperus communis, troligen sorten ‘Meyer’ med inslag av Forsythia x intermedia ‘Spectabilis’ och Amelanchier spicata, Malus sargentii, Weigela-hybrida, Syringa vulgaris samt Prunus sargentii. StĂ„ndorten Ă€r varm och nĂ„got torr. HĂ€r Ă€r majoriteten av buskarnas strategier i bĂ€ttre samklang med vĂ€xtplatsen. En del invandrare skogsvĂ€xter i form av Ligustrum atrovirens och Corylus avellana har dock etablerat sig. Vilket tyder pĂ„ att stĂ„ndorten inte Ă€r extremt torr. Den tredje exempelplanteringen Ă€r likt den första byggd pĂ„ bjĂ€lklag, men Ă€r Ă€ldre och ligger pĂ„ en norrsida. Den bestĂ„r till stora delar av Spiraea betulifolia troligen sorten ‘Tor’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ och Potentilla fruticosa. Förutom dessa arter vĂ€xer hĂ€r Cornus sp., Budleja sp., Hedera helix ‘Hibernica’ och Hydrange petiolaris ssp. anomala. Planteringen innehĂ„ller Ă€ven perennerna Salvia nemorosa och Alchemilla mollis. StĂ„ndorten Ă€r ganska kall och mager. LjusinslĂ€ppet Ă€r dĂ„ligt och förutsĂ€ttningarna Ă€r generellt tuffa. Den tuffa miljön och oproduktiva stĂ„ndorten till trots, hade ett flertal stresstrateger kunnat anvĂ€ndas istĂ€llet för det mycket brokiga vĂ€xtmaterialet som idag finns pĂ„ platsen. VĂ€xtvalet i de tre exempelplanteringarna granskades och sattes i relation till stĂ„ndort, och strategi. DĂ€refter diskuterades förutsĂ€ttningarna och förslag gavs pĂ„ vĂ€xter vars strategi passade vĂ€xtplatsen. De olika strategierna, innebĂ€r en evolutionĂ€r specialisering till en ekologisk nisch, som kan tyckas enkel att, applicera rakt av i urbana planteringar. Men verkligheten Ă€r mer komplex. Det finns inga enkla svar. Slutsatsen blev alltsĂ„ att mer kunskap behövs om prydnadsbuskars naturstĂ„ndort, och odlingsförsök i urban miljö, men inriktningen pĂ„ biologiska strategier bör utföras för att gĂ„ till grunden med frĂ„gestĂ€llningen: ”Vilka biologiska strategier hos prydnadsbuskar Ă€r av största betydelse utifrĂ„n tre exempelplanteringar i urban miljö?
